Capricorn Full moon in Dhanishta - Mark of Joy & Cheer
The full moon in Capricorn, Dhanishta nakshatra on 12th August at 25.11° -….
The full moon represents abundance, and transformation from here onwards…it indicates completion of what was started with the last new moon of 28th July in Cancer…Pushya nakshatra…
This full moon is happening in the natural 4–10 axis which is movable in nature… expect some clarity in the matter related to the Cancer-Capricorn axis in your chart….
With Capricorn moon, the feeling will be structured… kind of little on a serious mood… the mind is cautious and alert in all manner, not letting you enjoy the moment…
We also have this moon close to Saturn and will first encounter Saturn in its transit…
Saturn may create unknown fear, which in turn can make us practical, responsible & grounding…The approach can be wiser and more mature, using all our past experiences…
The atmosphere will be like putting hard work into nearly everything…overall a grown-up energy…
Even with a full moon, the feelings can be suppressed or controlled…there won't be any emotional drama…
& Saturn is in its own sign so; the general feeling will be very sensible and determined…we can be methodical to reach our goals…
& This will be the best way we shall deal with nearly everything for the next 15 days…from this full moon till the next new moon on 27th August in Leo sign - Magha nakshatra at 9°
I would rather say - It can be very beneficial for us to use the Capricorn energy for the next 15 days while dealing with any tough task…
There won't be much happiness or joy but to balance this cold behavior of Saturn… we have the energy of Dhanishta…
Dhanishta is all about wealth, abundance, celebration…music & drum …there is strong power and influence with this nakshatra…
Dhanishta creates an opportunity to bring the resources of different people together…. It gives abundance but in a hard way…Capricorn Dhanishta will make you work hard for everything…
& You may see the success in your task, as the moon crosses Capricorn, Aquarius, and touches Jupiter in Pisces…on 15th Aug…
With Jupiter-moon conjunction and Moon crossing gandanta on 17th Aug …you may have a new start with some happy event at some level in your life…
However small this happiness may be… with some actual event or in the form of some good news or something can be there…. to give you that feeling to celebrate…& cherish your time ahead….
We also have very active planetary transit during this time…
Just before a day …on 10th Aug, the lord of Dhanishta, Mars is entering Taurus…This may change the way Moon ..& our mood will behave…
Then Saturn Opposite Sun, Sun in Leo crossing gandanta & Rahu/Ketu in Libra/Aries Navamsa…
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Also, on the 19th Aug Moon will conjunct Rahu & Uranus which may bring sudden & unexpected changes…
& When Moon will conjunct Mars, the nakshatra lord of Dhanishta where this full moon is happening…we can expect some prominent change or start, as the moon is making a connection with the nakshatra lord of this full moon…
Let us see for each ascendent…Check the Cancer-Capricorn sign in your chat…that area has all the focus…the light of luminaries is on these 2 signs…You can expect some working or happenings in this area of your chart … Start with Aires:
Aries: may have some success in their work zone with elevation in your responsibilities even on the home front…Your image will be strong with an overall change in personality…& you may do things differently now…It's the time for you to do what is most needed to bring changes wherever it is required irrespective of your liking or choice…
Taurus: best time for you to update your skills, and opinions…increase your knowledge to have growth…From here you may deal differently in your relations, with elders in your life & work on strengthening relations by letting go…also have some adventure… have a good time, communicate or travel with friends and siblings …
Gemini: You may feel a little downside than usual… it's the best time to reflect on what needs to change or different approaches to have better mental and physical health… the best time for you to share more and bring everyone together…. to build up strong bonding within family….travel to distant places with your circle. Also, try to see the better side of your life…
Cancer: A great start for you as Mars has all the rewards to share with you…you may focus on creating a strong bond in your relations…share & give your confidence, creativity, and strength to others and receive name …fame, success… it's the best time to come out of your comfort zone and be with others…
Leo: The full moon activates your work- routines - day-to-day life, and health. There is an opportunity to reflect on how far you've come, and what you have left to do when it comes to achieving your goals. You may feel energetic and passionate to work…Best time to introspect on these areas to set boundaries, relax & enjoy good health…Do have a balance between self-care and work…
Virgo: The full moon encourages you to take risks, make a few changes for your personal growth & do something new… express your creative …artistic side in front of your network…you may come across new beneficial connections & get fame…your work may have some lasting impact on others…
Libra: It's the best time for you to strengthen your foundation, and have stability and peace of mind… Stay rooted in any odds… celebrate your time with family…for a change you may become a little private in your approach but certainly will enjoy this comfort zone…& regain your confidence…
Scorpio: This full moon highlights your communication skills and teaches you to emphasize yourself through logic and reasoning …not through intense passion or emotions …You will be happy making new connections, and relations…be fearless in taking initiative… & having frequent travel or a path to a new, fresh adventure…
Sagittarius: your finances and family are in the focus…you may have some long-wished breakthrough or change… Your talents and skills may have some outlet. Or you may invest your time and energy in learning or developing a hobby for your own personal growth…
Capricorn: This full moon impacts you the most ..with power, strong personality … intense emotions…& easy expression of your emotions. You may shine with rewards of your hard work, have good health…your relations with the rest of the world would change …there can be new development related to your earnings & home…
Aquarius: This full moon gives you an opportunity to be alone, relax and release yourself from accumulated hurts of life …recycle your dead emotions or any sadness…set yourself free from any bondage, and prepare to make a fresh start…. Best time to bring order and discipline to your work & routine life for your growth…
Pisces: May focus on achieving success in your work, increase your earnings, make new connections & entertain yourself by putting energies into the welfare of your friend, network…and bosses, elders in the family…It's the best time to polish your skills and make it public….
That's all for all 12 ascendents…
To summarize…the new moons and full moons give us awareness of how best we can deal with our day-to-day life in those 15 days…
Since this full moon is happening in Capricorn, we can best use these next 15 days to work on our career, and work zone…apply for new jobs, ask for a promotion on your work done in the past, or even start working hard from now, learn some new skills…basically work on everything…
Use the energy of this full moon to reflect on the way you work or deal with everything and apply those learnings in your life…& at your work …With that, you may restore your sense of determination and clarity.
Also, you can make the most of this full moon in Capricorn by being practical & having discipline in nearly everything…Walk your talk & …do everything in rhythm…step by step…
That's how you can best use this energy of the Capricorn full moon in Dhanishta…