Capture, neutralization and utilization of industrial gas emissions. "Greenhouse effect"
An attack on the life and health of people, on the flora and fauna of the Earth - it is difficult to find words to denote the disgrace that is going on before our eyes - these are the emissions of all kinds of gases into the atmosphere. There is no enterprise that does not contribute to this process. The greatest harm is brought by the enterprises of the metallurgical industry, which use sulfides of various elements as raw materials, thermal power plants , heated by coal or fuel oil containing a large amount of sulfur, a significant proportion of which goes into the atmosphere. The mass of chemical plants that emit poison gases containing all elements of Mendeleev's table, including arsenic, chlorine, bismuth, vanadium, etc. And, finally, the huge emissions of carbon dioxide, which initiate the "greenhouse effect". Already the UN recognized the human contribution to the climate change and deterioration of the Earth. Until recently, it was believed that practically all emissions of CO, into the atmosphere are the work of thermal power stations, hydroelectric power stations, metallurgical plants, car exhausts and relatively little - the industry that produces alcoholic beverages. But it turned out that a huge contribution to the emission of CO2 comes from the combustion of fuel by consumers. This can be firewood, coal, peat, gas or oil products. The problem is, of finding ways to reduce the formation and release in this sector. You can close an enterprise. But how to close gas stoves in millions of apartments and homes, especially in winter.
Currently, the fight against gas emissions goes without much succeed. First, there are a lot of gases by volume, and secondly, they can be caught only in special reactors, with very active reagents and with very good mixing. This all requires very large costs. In addition, the equipment is energy intensive. It can be stated with certainty that traditional technologies in principle can not reliably capture gas emissions on a large scale, not to mention to capture CO2.
Capturing gaseous S02
The choice of S02 among of all different emissions is not accidental. Water vapor from the atmosphere, mixing with S02, forms, as you know, sulfuric acid, which greatly affect the agricultural areas where "acid" rains destroy crops and cause residents in the cities suffering from suffocation and other diseases..
For example, in Yerevan there are two copper smelting plants, whose gas emissions contain a lot of sulfur (Table 59).
Table 59 Characteristics of gas emissions before and after purification
Table 59 indicates that the cleaning of flue gases from sulfur is unsatisfactory. It is clear: that the system does not cope with cleaning.
The solution of the problem is the use of the AVS of the corresponding performance
There are two solutions to increase the efficiency of purification
1. Complete replacement of the existing catching line.
2. To complete the existing system with the AVS for post-cleaning, without any major modifications. Also this line can be supplemented with a system for the utilization of dust from furnaces and separation of copper from waste heaps (Figure 157).
It is advisable to convert the sulfur from the flue gases into dilute sulfuric acid, which should be sent to the processing of melting dust from furnaces and heaps, extracting copper from them in the form of CuSO4 solution. This solution can serve as raw material for the production of copper powder. The technologies are well known. Also the new technologies allow obtaining copper in the form of metal.
The proposed technological scheme (Fig. 157), despite the seeming complexity, is very simple. It consists of 4 blocks that can operate independently, provided that the flue gas cleaning unit will work continuously, supplying sulfuric acid.
The technological line works as follows. The flue gases coming from the furnaces are removed from dust and cooled to 50-80 ° C by already existing equipment 2, 3, 4. Dedusted gas is mixed with water from the tank enters the AVS 6. Further, the already formed sulfuric acid of a given concentration is directed to the tank 7, where it is purified from the solid phase that accumulates in the collection 27. The gas-acid mixture is separated in the separators 8, 9 operating alternately, to the liquid and gas phases. It is possible that the separation can be limited to one separator. Depending on the quality of the separation, it is necessary to establish whether a fine filter is necessary. The solution of sulfuric acid is accumulated in the collection 10. This completes the operation of the unit for trapping the components of flue gases. Experiments have proven 98-99% capture of S0, from flue gases .
Fig. 157. Technological scheme of neutralization and utilization of gas emissions of a copper smelting plants :
1 - Ovens (BOP stack; 2 - Utilization boiler; 3-Smoke exhauster, 4 - System for dust removal and cooling;
5 - Water supply; 6, 14, 20, 25 - AVS; 7, 15, 21 - Intermediate tanks; 8.9 - Separators;
10 - Collection of acid; 11 - Collection of dust; 12, 19, 32 - Screw transporters; 13, 31 - Pumps; 16, 17, 22, 23 - Sedimentation tanks; 27, 28, 29 - Sludge collector; 33 - Collection of copper powder; 34, 35 - Additive tank
A few more details about dust, cinder and heaps.
Dust is usually returned back to the furnace, as it contains 8% of copper content. However, without preparation, dust is usually removed from the furnace almost completely, especially in BOP stacks. Considering that the dust dissolves well in sulphuric acid, it is fed from the collector 11 with a screw transporter 12 into the working zone of the AVS 14, where complete dissolution of copper compounds occurs to form CuSO4. The resulting pulp enters the sedimentation tanks 16, 17.
The reagents from the additives tank 34 are added to neutralize sulfuric acid, resulting in copper precipitation. But it does not precipitate completely. The sludge and insoluble dust compounds accumulate in the collection 24. Sulfuric acid comes from the collector 10. Also the acid is used for the disposal of other waste (cinder, slag, poor ores, heaps, etc.) that enter the hopper 18 and with the screw transporter 19 is loaded into the processing chamber of the AVS 20. In the AVS 20, copper and other metals are rapidly leached, and enter the settling tanks 22, 23 operating alternately. Slime accumulates in the collection tank 29, and after self-compacting goes to the waste heap. A solution of copper and other metals is sent to the collection tank 24, from where it is pumped by the pump 31 and supplied to the working zone of the AVS 25 for copper hardening with iron particles. This operation is used in copper smelting. However, with the AVS it passes very quickly and completely
The AVS 25 is filled with iron shavings by the screw conveyor 32 The shavings in the electromagnetic field of the processing chamber make intensive disorderly motion. The copper powder is washed out by the solution flow, settles in the settling tank 26 and accumulates in the collection tank 33. The solution from the settling tank 26 by the pump 13 is sent for isolation of valuable components that are always present in the copper ores and their processing products, for example molybdenum.
The proposed technological scheme is not final, as it is composed not accounting for specific enterprise. There may be changes and readjustments. The scheme does not present a wastewater treatment. We inform that wastewater treatment of any composition can use schemes for dust or solid wastes processing without bunkers and screw conveyors. Instead of them, the wastewater system installs the collection tanks of initial sewage and tanks for purified water.
"Greenhouse effect"
It is well known that the natural balance of carbon dioxide (CO2) is seriously disturbed, that is noticeable on the magnitude of "Albedo". A terrible danger is approaching - the coastal lowlands will go underwater and this disaster can not be prevented with dams.
A number of states, concerned about the created situation, decided to look for ways to reduce CO emissions, to the atmosphere.
The decisions are being made on limiting the emission of "greenhouse gases": carbon dioxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbons and nitrous oxide, of which C02 makes the main contribution .
The government of Germany held a meeting looking for technologies and equipment that can efficiently solve this problem on an industrial scale
However, a solution has been found. We offer to consider a technological line that is already capable of extracting C02 and other harmful components, for example, sulfur, heavy metals, etc from gas emissions.
The main part of the proposed technologies is the AVS machines.
AVS are designed, manufactured and tested, for example, in wastewater treatment from any production and gave quite satisfactory results
The flow diagrams are shown in Fig. 158. Combustion lines are considered fuel oil, coal and natural gas combustion and emissions from fermentation .
CO capturing in emissions of A and B processes are practically the same, since it is assumed that the main components of the gas mixture are CO2, N, H2O and O2.
The gases containing CO2 are processed in the processing chamber of the AVS by a suspension of water and lime. In this case, CO2 dissolves in water and then reacts with Ca (OH) 2 to form calcium carbonate CaCO3 (limestone) and, therefore, instead of milk of lime, the product of the process is limestone milk. Due to very fast and almost perfect mixing with simultaneous activation of components, all processes pass with very high speed. In addition, despite the small size (less than 1 micron), the solid particles precipitate very rapidly, forming distinct solid-liquid interfaces,
When burning fuel oil (coal) - type B line - a flue gas contains a lot of sulfur (Table 60) and other harmful components. Sulfur is transferred to H2SO3, (H2S04), and then, if necessary ithe sulfur (acid) is neutralized with milk of lime to CaS04. When calculating 1 ton of fuel oil to produce milk,of lime it will require 1,725 kg of water.
Fig. 158. Technological sheet for capture and utilization of С02 and S02:
A. Fermentation production; B. Combustion of natural gas; C. Burning of fuel oil (coal);
1 - Hopper, thermal power station; 2 - Pumps; 3 - Tanks for milk of lime and additives; 4 - AVS for activating processes; 5 - Separator (condenser); 6 - Collection of limestone milk; 7 - Pipe; 8 - Damper; 10 - Collection of sulfuric acid solution
Table 60
The composition of flue gases in the combustion of fuel oil modified with water
(S - 3%, H20 - 15%). Calculation of 1 ton of fuel oil
Table 61
CaO and H2O consumption; number of products received when neutralizing flue gases from burning 1 ton of fuel oil
When cleaning flue gases from the combustion of heavy fuel oil with high sulfur content, very appreciable amounts of sulfuric acid are formed (Tables 61, 62).
Smoke gases are cleared of the compounds of all associated elements - for fuel oil - this is mainly vanadium, for coals - germanium and other elements. The water produced by burning fuel is used to absorb CO2.
It turned out that a very tangible contribution to the accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere is made by all kinds of fermentation, mostly of wine and vodka nature, the amount of which is estimated at hundreds of millions of cubic meters per year .
Table 62
Fuel oil consumption and smoke production per 1 boiler (data averaged)
It remains to resolve the issue of the utilization of CO2 and the accompanying components of smoke. Sulfur capture (S02) has been known for a long time. Traditionally is it a cost intensive process. The application of the AVS removes these difficulties and can be built into existing system without changing the designs and buildings. According to Table 62, only 40 tons of H2SO3 (H2SO4) can be obtained per day from a single boiler, and 2200 tons per year from the entire power plant. At the same time CO2 is discarded, - 5000 tons / year.
Trapping sulfur dioxide gas is done by passing gas through a layer of liquid in a wash column, when sprayed with water, and the like.
In ammonia methods, S02 is absorbed at a temperature of 35-55 ° C with an aqueous solution of ammonium sulfite-hydrogen sulphate (NH4)SO3 "NH4HSO3 with the formation of NH4HSO3. For example, in the ammonia-hydrogen sulfate method, during the interaction of the so-called spent solution (obtained by absorbing S02 with an aqueous solution of NH3) with recycled NH4HSO4, S02 and (NH4) 2SO4 are separated, which at 350-400 ° C decomposes into NH4HSO4 and NH3, recycled ; the sulfate formed upon absorption is regenerated by the addition of sulfur .
A common drawback of these methods is the very large material and energy intensity and large gas losses. There is no data on utilization of the resulting solutions, for example, of sulfuric acid with a very low concentration.
Carbon dioxide is bound through various absorption and adsorption methods, as well as, freezing, consisting in cooling in special refrigerators with liquid refrigerant, while water vapor and CO2 cools or condenses forming frost. For very fine purification (up to 0.001% CO2) is used an alkaline method, in which the absorbent is an aqueous solution of NaOH, resulting in sodium carbonate Na2CO3 that is regenerated by treatment with lime .
Another known process is absorption of carbon dioxide with an aqueous solution of ethanolamine. It absorbs it when cold and gives it back when heated . Potassium carbonate (potash) and sodium can absorb carbon dioxide and give off .
These processes have a number of significant drawbacks.
1. Reagents are expensive and require reactivation, which is associated with establishment of reactivating facilities
2. Components require both heating and cooling
3. Absorption is slow and require a large number of reactors with agitators.
4. Utilization requires special production facilities equipped with sophisticated equipment.
The data on binding gaseous CO2 on a large scale is scarce. The binding processes require expensive reagents, such as, soda, ethanolamine and others, which, of course, is unacceptable .
An introduction of flue gases into the water and their subsequent processing in the chamber of the AVS almost completely transfers CO2 into the solution. But, it can only be used with addition of CaO. In chemistry, this process is well known, but it takes time to complete the reaction. It also needs considerable amounts of lime.
As a result, processing of flue gases from the combustion of fuel oil will receive about 700 tons of fine limestone. This suspension is very effective for liming of acidic and podzolic soils.
C02 can be used quite efficiently to produce ammonium fertilizers.
Now the production of urea is a sintesys of C02 and an aqueous solution of ammonia at 130-140 ° C and a pressure of 100 atm:
2NН3 + СО2 = [NН4] [СО2• NН2].
The resulting ammonium carbamate - (intermediate product) passes into urea:
[NH4 [СО 2 • NН2] = СО(NH2) 2 + Н 20
Gaseous NH3 and CO2 (dried) can also react and form the same carbamate.
Consequently, the resulting compound can become a starting material for a large group of products that have high commercial value, for example, herbicides, feed additives, shellac substitutes, resins, hydrazine and fertilizers .
Obviously, the production of this group of materials requires C02, which has a considerable price. But using C02 as a by-product can significantly reduce costs.
To reduce the consumption of fuel oil, it is advisable to first activate it before serving in the furnace of the boiler. Activation saves 10-15% of the fuel. After burning the fuel, the S02 is separated by binding with water. The temperature of the flue gases is high and this determines the course of reactions. C02 at this temperature almost does not react with water and escapes, whereas S02 binds with water to form sulfurous acid, and in the presence of a catalyst - to form sulfuric acid (not necessarily).
The steam-gas mixture is sent to the separator to separate solid particles, and the liquid phase from the gas phase. After the separator, the gas mixture consists predominantly of C02, N2 and a small amount of water vapor. C02 binding is carried out in the second AVS. The product is obtained according to the demand (CaCO3, urea derivatives, etc.).
After processing in the AVS the solid particles separate in a matter of minutes regardless of the size, and form a clear interface. .
Accordingly, binding of greenhouse gases- removes "acid rains" from this region.
Calculations showed that if we assume that the cost price of 1 ton of sulfuric acid, obtained from technological vapors, is taken as unity, then the cost of acid from pyrite is 1.4 times greater, and that of sulfur is greater by 1.6 times .
The main difficulties of all dust-collecting devices are the retention of very small particles smaller than a micron . In the processing chamber of the AVS under conditions of ideal mixing in water, the sleeping away of particles is practically prevented. The question arises, how real is the technology described?
We used the AVS machines as attachments for boilers, in a thermal power plant. The AVS -8 (10) has a water productivity of at least 100 m3 / h or gas 170000 m3 / h. It will take 3-4 machines. Comparing the dimensions of the AVS and the boiler, the first will be hardly noticeable. The AVS-1000 has a gas capacity of about 1500000 m3 / h. Since the machine is modular, approximately 6 modules can be used, where 2-3 modules can be considered as spares.
The arrival in the Earth's atmosphere of almost a billion tons of CO, every year, polluted with sulfur and other harmful substances poses, difficult tasks for their capture and utilization.
The use of an AVS with appropriate staff and logistics necessary for achieving the scope of functions to be performed requires serious experimental verification.
To this end, a pilot plant was designed and tested in the laboratory to determine the conditions for the utilization of flue gases and the main accompanying component, sulfur.
The reactions of interaction of CO2 and S0 with water have long been known and are widely used in industry and in everyday life. But the kinetics of these reactions in the processing chamber of the AVS has not yet been described.
The absorption kinetics of CO, and 802, the change in their content over the length of the working zone, and the joint behavior at different temperatures were studied.
The following reactions were considered:
- CO2 + H2O H2CO3; (1)
- CO2 + H2O + Ca(OH)2 CaCO3 + H2O; (2)
- SO2 + H2O H2SO3; (3)
- SO2 + H2O + Ca(OH)2 CaSO4 + H2O; (4)
- S02 + CO2 + Ca (OH) + H20 Ca S04 + CaCO3 + H2O. (5)
The CaO was fed into the processing chamber in the form of a suspension of H2 O + Ca (OH)2
To ensure the completeness of the reactions, the H20 + CaO was supplied to the processing chamber by 5-10% more than required stoichiometry.
All these reactions are well researched, but not in the AVS. Therefore, many questions arose in the joint treatment of C02, S02 with water and in the presence of lime.
It is very important because the flue gases emerge at high temperatures 200 ° C - 600 ° C.
Under such conditions, the solubility of gases in water changes significantly.
The experiments were carried out in a pilot plant equipped with a AVS-3 machine and with supply systems of water and additive (Fig. 161). The AVS -3 has a capacity in terms of gas 10-12 thousand m3 / h. The diameter of the processing chamber is 92 mm, the length is 600 mm; weight of needles 350 - 400 g; SCH~ 12-14; diameter - 1.2 mm.
The source of gas is CO2 from the cylinder (100 atm).
A suspension of water-Ca (OH) 2 - (5% CaO).
Heating of gas was carried out in a tubular furnace with a nozzle of broken quartz (or chamotte), the temperature of the gas varied from 20 ° C to 330 ° C.
The processing chamber received gas from 800 to 1200 m3 / h. Sampling was carried out using gas sampling probes.
The results of the experiments are presented in Tables 61, 62 and in Fig. 160.
Fig. 159. Flow sheet for determining the kinetics of flue gas cleaning:
1 - Cylinder with CO2; 2 - Oven for gas heating; 3 - Fan; 4 - Tank for a suspension of water - Сa (ОН) 2;
5 - Tank for solution HN 6, 7 - Blocks for measuring temperatures in the furnace and gas; 8 - AVS;
9 - Separator; 10 - Sludge collection tank; 11 - Air pump;
12 - Furnace for burning sulfur (fuel oil); 13-15 - Gas sampling probes
A quartz pipe was installed along the axis of the working zone and used for sampling. The tube had to be replaced after 2-3 experiments, as it was destroyed by the impact of needles. When heated gases were treated the fan was connected to cool the gases with cold air.
An important part of AVS treatment was a short time of interaction. Rotation of the medium, created by needles, their energy impact dramatically changed the result. Already at the very beginning of the zone, the content of СО and S02 decreased 5-20 times.
It is known that CO2 dissolves in water, but dissolution slows down with increasing temperature. At 0 ° 0.335% dissolves, at 0.1 ° C 0.165%, at 0.058% at 60 ° C. These data refer to stable conditions, but there is no data on how the CO behaves and water in the AVS
Table 63 presents the results of a study of the temperature for the interaction of CO2, S02 and their mixtures with water.
Table 63
Fig. 160. Effect of temperature on the content of C02 and S02 in smoke during processing in the AVS
As the temperature rises, the absorption of CO2 by water deteriorates noticeably, while the absorption of S02 grows.
When CO2 interacts with water, carbonic acid is formed (as it should be). But in the AVS instead of sulfuric acid Н2S03 sulfurous acid Н2S04 is formed. This fact indicates that the AVS chamber has the properties of a catalyst, which can be a reason for rapid physicochemical reactions.
The binding of CO2 into carbonic acid is not promising for many reasons: this acid is very weak and the demand for it is insignificant. While there is a mass use of S02 for burning amorphous sulfur in a tubular furnace at a temperature of about 500 ° C in a quartz boat. The air is fed into the furnace by a pump for bubble lift as in aquarium.
Table 64 shows the variation of the gas composition along the length of the working area without additives of lime at room temperature. Gases and water were supplied simultaneously (according to the reactions (1) and (3)).
Fig. 161. Installation to capture C02 and 802:
1 - AVS;
2 - Gas cylinder;
3 - Fan;
4 - Gas heating furnace;
5 - Tanks for additives;
6 - Separator;
7 - Control panel;
8 - Potentiometer
Experiments have shown that when you introduce C02 in the AVS, diluted to 10-20% vol. air, and milk of lime (5% by weight of CaO) in all cases led to the formation of CaCO3 (reaction No. 2). The formed sludge was collected in the separator and accumulated in the sampling vessel.
When S0 interacts with milk of lime of the same concentration, it forms gypsum which also accumulates in the slurry tank (reaction 4).
When a mixture of CO2 and S02 interacts with milk of lime they form a homogeneous mixture of gypsum with limestone (reaction 5).
However, the composition of the mixture can vary considerably depending on the temperature of the gas.
The resulting homogeneous mixture will be of little or no interest commercially. It is much more expedient to get sulfuric acid and compounds based on it, and for this it are necessary to divide the gas mixture (smoke) into parts, one containing only S02, and the other - C02.
Then C02, interacting, for example, with ammonia gives urea (reaction 6):
C02 + 2NH3 CO (NH2) 3 + H20
As is known, urea is the most important starting product for the production of a large number of substances - it is a raw material for organic synthesis. In this case, by obtaining free raw materials, it is possible to create a multi-purpose production.
Consequently, it was possible to confirm that the technological line with the AVS, is able to completely catch, CO2 and S02 in the flue gases (as well as other products - solid, liquid or gaseous). And it is possible to neutralize smoke in a heterogeneous system, without a large excess of fluid that absorbs various gases.
An important fact is capturing C02, S02 separately without their preliminary separation.
One technological line produces two products (in continuous mode) simultaneously. In this case, it is sulfuric acid and products of organic synthesis based on C02. If the task is to produce acid, than sulfurous acid is transferred to sulfuric acid with AVS acting as catalysts. This is evidenced in experiments described above.
The results of operation of the pilot plant give grounded for industrial capture and utilization of CO2, S02 from flue gases.
Thus, solving a global problem - for gradual weakening of the "greenhouse" effect on the Earth's climate, becomes real.
Simultaneously the financial problem is solved too - the technology is profitable.
We will show the profitability in examples below.
By the way, by adding the AVS to any chemical or metallurgical production - will greatly weaken the harmful influence of gaseous or dusty toxic products they throw into the atmosphere.
The ecological progress will show itself if this work starts universally. Then, the gradual decrease of CO in the atmosphere will shift the content of greenhouse gases.
At the same time, it is necessary to take measures to activate fuel in order to reduce its consumption.
The obtained data provides the basis for presenting quite realistic proposals for reducing the influence of the "greenhouse effect" on the Earth's climate. They are expressed in the form of a concept.
The proposed concept is based on a real opportunity of direct and indirect influence on the composition of greenhouse gases emissions and - on the composition of the atmosphere that can prevent the further development of the "greenhouse" effect.
The implementation of the concept, in our opinion, should consist of a number of conditions. Their implementation was hampered not only by underestimation of the environmental situation, but also by the absence of effective technologies.
1. Change the atmosphere composition with highly efficient and available technology, which allows to bond the greenhouse gases from fuel combustion from power plants and other facilities in sufficiently stable compounds or destroy some of the components to harmless elementary molecules.
2. Bound carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases should be translated into compounds that are useful for practical activities of man.
3. Simultaneously must be bound and utilized harmful impurities contained in fuel, which pass into flue gases, such as sulfur, heavy metals and others.
4. Prepare for nationwide operation the systems for capture and utilization of greenhouse gases and other harmful components:
- create standard blocks with a certain range of performance and type of fuel, for example, for different boilers of thermal power station;
- each unit for binding greenhouse gases should have (if necessary) an attachment for binding and utilization of other harmful impurities, which should also be standardized;
- technological line in its installation and operation should not require expensive redesigning;
- to equip all fuel burning devices with modification attachments, which ensure the completeness of combustion and, accordingly, fuel economy.
5. Internal combustion engines (ICE) of all types should be provided with modified, purified fuel, which increases the coefficient of efficiency of engine and creates fuel economy. At the same time, exhaust gases must become environmentally friendly. It is advisable to carry out mass modification of fuel by installing equipment at refineries and filling stations.
6. Optimization of ICE designs, traffic flow, rationalization of the use of transport fleet, etc., which contributes to fuel economy.
7. The information and coordination centers should identify the most effective technologies, and unite the efforts of organizations; societies of individual people in the mentioned direction, monitor the progress, whenever possible, helping them.
The centers should prepare and lobby the adoption of State laws for mandatory cleaning harmful components from smoke emissions and greenhouse gases.
8. Centers should conduct regular, focused and qualified propaganda
The main thing is not to lose time in solving in the problem of the greenhouse effect, as the situation with each passing year becomes more and worse: as we crossed the threshold when nature could recover itself. Only joint efforts of all mankind can save our world from global destruction. Every inhabitant of the Earth must make his contribution to the fight against the impending danger, and every resident, must know about this.
Thank you for your interest and your attention!
Will be happy to answer your questions -