Career Goals
So you don't want to be the President of The United States. We were told as kids that one of the great things about this country is that we can become President if we want to. The next question is, do I want to? Deciding your career path is essential to living a happy life and succeeding in your chosen way.
Most of us have pushed for advancement from our first jobs, one because it was our first job, and we didn't want to dig ditches for our whole life, but two, we had bigger dreams and plans. At that point, those plans were only bigger but not necessarily focused on a specific path; it just wasn't in that ditch. Over the years, we have all reached management positions where we find ourselves today. Do you still want to be the President of the United States? Or do you want to be the best (insert title) that you can be? Answering this question will help you set your goal, achieve a focus, and become a more confident person at what you do.
If you are still on the promotion path, set your sights and formulate a game plan for getting there. If that opportunity does not exist with your current employer, you have more significant decisions to make, but that is another issue. If you decide that a professional (PM or Super) is your role in life, then you can focus on that.
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Promotion: If you are looking for that next promotion, the biggest key is to let people know you are seeking advancement opportunities. Many opportunities are lost because names are not on the list. From there, do the best possible job, train a replacement for your job, and find out everything you can about the next job you want. It is another job because it usually requires a new skill set that you may not have been able to practice yet.
Professional: Being a professional manager is a complex and challenging role and an outstanding achievement. If you are satisfied with where you are, your new goal is to be the best at what you do. There is always room for improvement, even if you are not looking for advancement. So, push yourself to set personal goals for achievement to be the best.
Management tip: Deciding your career path is a quality-of-life decision. Either way, it will help you decide your next course of action.