CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR...The dangers of mitigaton systems, A COVID response to elevator air quality
With the entire country (and the world) in the frantic panic of "how to beat Covid, and stop the spread once and for all", the elevator has become a virtual focus point when it comes to any building be it residential, medical, commercial, industrial, retail, public access, etc, etc. With the resurgence of Covid cases now, the urgency has set pace for the industry to speed up to develop every which way they can to treat the elevator interiors for pathogens. With this mad rush, many new types of systems, with many different types of germicidal treatment have been thrown up on the bidding table. All systems in play though, the differences (and risks) of each vary. And, in some cases, may in turn be just as hazardous to your health.
As the battle of Covid races on, the elevator industry has adopted several means and methods of germicidal elevator treatment in response to CDC and WHO warnings of the risks involved with an elevator. Systems like Hydrogen Peroxide molecule misting, negative ion generation, plasma cluster ion generation, UV-C irradiation, PECO, HEPA filter and others have been rapidly tossed out for purchase. The speed of making available to the market though, may be a detrimental mistake in the waiting. Additionally, of all systems being advertised, a large number of them either are unavailable (as they are foreign made and not available in the US market), not in stock as the concept was offered before the system was actually made and tested or, simply the source of purchase for resale is no longer a source. Some contemplation on the buyer's part needs to be made as with Nancy Pelosi's famous statement "never let a good crisis go to waste", the buyer needs to make sure that they are simply going to get what they pay for.
Let's take a few systems in to close review....generally speaking, find out what you are buying and where it comes from. To put it bluntly, as a very large amount of systems that popped up overnight are from China, with your health in question, your answer needs to be made in the USA or at the very least, with reputable and recognized validation that it will do anything else but lighten your wallet. Bottom line, if China had the answer, you probably wouldn't be reading this right now. This aside, make sure to ask some valid questions when considering your select system methods. Some important talking points, and concerns, should be:
1 - Has the system been tested by a NRTL (Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory)?
2 - Does the system emit any charged particles, chemicals, ozone or moisture? (All of which are irritants to human beings, can create difficulties in persons with respiratory complications and, can be very damaging to the elevator equipment).
3 - Does the system actually remove the pathogens from the car enclosure and treat with germicidal process? (If not, just like the Vegas slogan, whatever pathogens are in the cab, stays in the cab)
4 - Does the system utilize shaftway air and force into the car? (If it does...have your lawyer take a quick note on the names and addresses to contact when there is a smoke condition in the building)
5 - Does the system create increased circulation of the air (removing the bad and putting in the good)? (This is an important one as CDC recommendations HIGHLY suggest that all public areas have vastly improved ventilation and circulation of fresh air)
The disturbing fact is that there unfortunately are a lot of great systems for germicidal treatment for many applications however, the specifics of an elevator exponentially decreases the possibilities of using many types. In addition, no matter how cost effective it may be in comparison to other systems...if it doesn't significantly mitigate risk, or if it creates a possible dangerous is very much not worth it. Systems that rely on ion generation, or injection of any chemicals, will ultimately create dangerous situations.
1 - The adding of anything to the air generally entails blowing shaft air into the cab. Not only the shaftway VOCs, mold, mildew, odor, etc has to be considered but, in the event there is a smoke condition in the building, the fan would draw in smoke and fill the cab with deadly results. In addition, the adding of chemicals or ions do not address the removal of the Corona viral content (or any infectious content) from the cab. You will be left with a mere hope that the whatever is still lingering, is treated and inactive. This coupled by issue of what is being added and building up inside the cab, such as unavoidable ozone created by ion generation that by EPA standards is toxic in concentrated levels.
One germicidal process seems to stand tall in the elevator, significantly more than others. 99.999% efficacy, no ozone, no chemicals, no moisture, no anything to be subject to the passengers and, has been used for the purpose of sterilization since the late 1800s...UV-C. Ultra violet radiation (specifically at the electromagnetic wavelength of 254 nanometers) has extremely profound results in the molecular inactivation of germs, bacteria, virus and pretty much any organic body it irradiates. Given this, UV-C stands out as a simply produced, very safe (as long as it NEVER is in danger of exposure to humans), very effective and very fast at its process. How fast? Well, the process that it creates (photocatalytic oxidation) creates what are called dimers (or lesions) in the organism's DNA structure. These thysine or cytosine dimers cause an immediate result of stopping the cells ability to reproduce, rendering it "inactive" or effectively, dead. The process happens at a rate of approximately 50 to 100 times per second. fast. This process, when the length of exposure (time the body of air is exposed directly to the UV-C source) and the strength is optimal (derived by strength of output and distance from the source) can increase the efficiency very easily. The only chance a pathogen has against the destructive nature of UV-C is a rare occurrence of a process called photolyase nucleotide excision repair, or simply put, the DNA "repairs" the damage caused by photocatalytic oxidation. Too technical? Well, if we want to be informative, we have to do our homework!
Another very important area unfortunately being overlooked by many developers of systems in elevators. Elevators, as they stand now, have little to know actual circulation of air. Yes, yes, there is an exhaust fan...sometimes...but let's really take a look at what it does. On a standard elevator, believe it or not, actual forced ventilation by an exhaust fan is not required by code. ASME ANSI A17.1 Safety Code for Elevators only requires an exhaust fan if the elevator specifically is an observation type car, with glass walls that is directly exposed to sunlight. Of course, we agree with the requirement but, why not in ALL cars? As we are learning some very hard lessons right now during the Covid pandemic. Proper ventilation and increased circulation is absolute key to helping reduce spread of infectious pathogens. This is required elsewhere in building and public areas, why not for the most frequently used mode of transportation and, the most confined space that groups of people become captive in for a period of time? The hard fact is that, even if an elevator has an exhaust fan, the actual strength of industry standard fans does not provide sufficient circulation of air, nor is there a fresh air source available to draw from. In addition, when the elevator is in motion, the added pressures of both stack effect and piston effect in the shaftway either cancels out, or even reverses, the flow of air as the pressures can often far exceed that of the dynamic pressures of the fan. All in account, the standard provided means of ventilation, circulation and risk mitigating provisions of a typical elevator (pending it actually has a fan that is actually on), is a little fresh air dribbling in to the car, when the elevator is at rest, the car and shaft doors are open and, when stack effect isn't pushing air out the shaft as opposed to drawing in. Also, some food for thought, with stack effect, even if the air (and possibly pathogens in the air) happens to catch the stack effect flow of air in the out direction, the mitigation technique here would be to reduce risk in the car by adding the risk to an occupied floor. Not exactly what we would all consider a great solution for Covid prevention.
In following CDC recommendations, researching several HVAC type design standards and applying specific elevator related conditions knowledge, proper floor to ceiling, continual flow, properly removed air volume and proper air supply volume of fresh treated air can be accomplished. Any system not providing a defined circulation of air, will not remove dangerous pathogens and would potentially leave untreated pathogens in the elevator. In addition, the accumulated air would be the compounded air environment left subject to inhalation and spread by the the elevator's normal operation and the use by unsuspecting passengers. Just today, we learned of a research study by Dr. Richard Corsi, Dean at Portland State University, in where it was shown that particles of PM10 and smaller continually recirculate and populate the air in which the students and teachers are within during their entrance and exiting throughout the day, showing that the particles appear to settle but then become airborne once again. This is further emphasized by the late night resurgence of airborne contaminants which is though to be the custodial cleaning phases overnight. With this said, it is very apparent that not only do the particles need to be treated but also filtered and removed from the air as the possibility of untreated, active virus or bacteria attached to particles are subject to reinfection of the air. Surely if an issue in a school classroom, the compounded issue of an elevator (as the space is far smaller to collect higher concentrations of contaminants, more frequently subject to air movement by moving passengers and, without proper circulation, left to fill the day with contaminants) should be seriously contemplated, acknowledged and addressed.
Let's bring it down to a as we knew it has changed. How much, we are learning as we go. The questions of how do we get back to work? How do we repopulate our great cities, our high rise commercial, residential and hospitality landmark buildings that defined America's power and wealth? Most importantly, how do we do this SAFELY and HEALTHY? As we slowly re-open our cities and America in general, we see that the threat is still here. Lingering, just waiting for a resurgence once again, and threatening us all to stop and shutdown. How do we expect our citizens, our customers, our tenants, our workers to come back? To risk their health for the economy? Well...we have to, right? If everyone stays home, how would it work? The greater question is, if we are subject to only working from home, how will the economy survive? We saw most recently how literally everything and everyone is connected in some way. Let's say the big, super fancy and exclusive hotel skyscraper shuts biggie, right? This doesn't effect us commoners...does it? Well...let's look at that. The hotel is held by someone or some entity, right? If their stock or investment goes belly up, the markets are effected are the not? This brings down valuations which then rattles through the markets to all other areas. So what right? So the rich don't get hoo! Wait, not done...we can't forget the hotel needs to be maintained, cleaned and cared for right? All those people are now unemployed. All those that do services, clean, laundry services, cooking, restaurants, hotel staff, maintenance crews, etc. Still not done though...the businesses that rely on the hotel for outsourced services. Elevator technicians, plumbers, electrical, security services, communication providers, cable providers, etc, etc....STILL NOT DONE! Livery and taxi services, food delivery services, the local coffee cart outside, food purveyors, local retail businesses frequently visited by patrons of the hotel workers, theaters and other entertainment venues around the hotel, transit systems that bring workers and patrons, tourist reliant businesses, etc, etc, etc.....bottom line, like we said...EVERYONE somewhere within the line gets effected by the collapse of any business one way or another.
So, how do we do it? How do we get back and stay healthy? Simple actually, we prepare. We prepare and set preventative measures. We set preventative measures for two main reasons. One, is get rid of contaminants harmful to us all. The second, maybe just as important, to provide the perception to those you wish to attract, service, employ or have frequent your establishment that we've done what we can to KEEP THEM SAFE. The overall concept is actually very simple....If we change nothing, nothing changes. Though apparently very stubborn, Covid is not the first, nor will it be the last public health issue we will have. We are all scared, hesitant and sheltering as best as possible right now to help stop the spread but, eventually, we need to hold our nose, close our yes and jump back in. The question that we all need to ask ourselves now is, when the masses are looking to jump, will they be accepting to jump back in the same pool knowing that they may be at risk once again or, will they look for a cleaner pool? The areas of air treatment, sanitization and health risk mitigation is by far not new but, in light of today's events and risks, will grow extremely rapidly once the business world, the hospitality industry, retail industries and even the residential real estate industries realize that their once large masses of customers are quite simply...looking for the clean pool. The advantage of having proper and elaborate risk mitigation and preventative systems in place, will very rapidly become a necessity to attract new clients, or to simply hold on to the ones they have. The general public will be demanding that systems are put in place for their patronage and will be far more directed to patron those that already have prepared to keep them healthy. This will go for workers, staff and paying customers alike in every shape and form.
Just ask yourself..would you want to house your family in a building with less risk or the same as now? Would you alter your vacation plans to go stay abroad in a hotel or resort properly sterilized or one that you are unsure of? Will you spend each day in an office building that has set in place risk mitigation systems to keep you healthy and working or, close your eyes, hold your nose and jump no matter the risk? As we said, we live in different times now. We have to adjust and look for the "new normal" as we hear it being said over and over. In what is sometimes referred to as an "insane world", we need to stop and think of why is this phrase so relevent? The definition of insanity is sometimes said to be "doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different outcome". We stress that this is not only true but, should be of all our concern. We do not have to do the same thing over and over. The solutions are there to change. We merely have to change.