Celeste Crocker, Provider Relations Dir.
What is your favorite part about being a Provider Relations Director at Modivcare, and why?
I truly enjoy helping to improve the lives of others and helping my team or agents get to their next level.
What top 3 traits make you a great Provider Relations Director?
My ability to listen to the needs of others, my patience, and that I take the time, whether it’s the provider, my employees, or the facilities, to understand what I am speaking about.
Please tell us a story about one of your most meaningful days as a Provider Relations Director and why it was impactful.
I had one of my largest providers in the state and one of my direct reports quit on the same day. I remember having a conversation with both of them and convincing them to stay with the company. I was able to give each of them items to help them become more successful in reaching their individual goals.
Tell us something most people would be surprised to learn about you.
I have my own non-profit, www.nothingsimpossiblecc.org.