Happy Thursday Voluntary Benefit Champions! In my LinkedIn poll on 08/07/2024, I asked everyone if they had a detailed vision for their life and a vision board that illustrates it displayed in your office and one at home. Everyone who responded said no and quite frankly I find that alarming. Today I am hoping to remedy that.
I started in the insurance business as an agent in 1984 (yeah I'm a geezer) and I'm not going to sugar coat it.... for 7 years I was terrible! In fact I probably would have had to climb up a few rungs on the ladder of life to qualify as terrible. I owe my turn around to the NALU (now NAIFA), Chuck Noble and Tony Scannell (my agency and staff manager). It was an edition of the NALU magazine that I received in the mail that began my journey to becoming a top flight prospector and those two gentleman who had to beat it into my thick skull (figuratively), that without a 1, 5 and 10 year vision for my life that was in my face daily, SMART goals and a thorough business plan I was a rudderless ship which makes success hard to attain. It took me a while to buy in, but when I did I became a perennial qualifier for the annual company trips, agency trips and a perennial qualifier for MDRT (The Million Dollar Roundtable). MDRT is THE most prestigious honor in the life insurance field and represents the top 3% of agents in the industry in that particular year. Before we go further, I want you to google MDRT and view the qualifications. For 2024 if you earn $74,000 in first year commision in life, disability, annuity, critical illness, accident and cancer plans, by writing $148,000 in premium and earn $128,0000 in overall insurance earnings you may qualify.
So developing your vision will be a time consuming process. When I do this with a coaching client it typically takes 30-45 days. This is because it requires a great deal of thought and a lot of research. This vision is your WHY! Setting goals or developing a plan without a vision is half assed and will lead to inconsistency. Now some of you are thinking.... "My vision, goals and plan are in my head so I'm good".... WRONG! I am a huge fan of John Maxwell and Brian Tracy and in their words..... A vision, goals and plan that are not written down are a dream and 95% of dreams never come true and flitter off to oblivion!
Before we get into the nitty gritty of how you and/or your team can create their vision, I'm going to be like Don Corleone and make you an offer you can't refuse (just kidding). If you have a team you should take me up on this because it's a no cost way to get your team moving in a positive direction. I will conduct a complimentary workshop with your team on vision planning. Now this is not a panacea and you as well as your team will have work to do after this complimentary, no cost 90 minute event. During this 90 minutes you, your team and I will immerse ourselves in the vision development process and begin building their vision boards. Every organization I have conducted one of these workshops for has seen a significant rise in new groups and production (an average of 29.3%) over the following 12 months. Why? You, your management team and your agents will receive all the tools they need to develop their vision, make their vision board thus charting their future. Now every one of your team members will get pre workshop marching orders and a list of things to procure. Then when we meet for this 90 minute interactive workshop on zoom, your team will learn how to build that vision which then leads into them setting SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound) and after build a plan that guides them as to what they must do annually, monthly, weekly and yes daily to hit their goals and live their vision thus making their particular WHY's a reality. If you want to set this up you can either email me at or click on my Calendly Link below to book a 30 minute time to discuss it with me:
Please take me up on this. I spent a number of years a successful agent, manager and agency owner in the voluntary benefits industry and I know how to help you and your team. Now without further adieu, below is my Champion Coaching And Training Vision Coaching Module. I hope you like it, use it and your team thrives like mine did!
Creating Your Vision
Discussion Questions
Key Concepts
Items You Need
20 Questions to Find Your Why
Reflection and Introspection
Take the time and effort to create your vision through thoughtful reflection on who you are and where you are going. Each reflection should be a minimum of one page.
Recommended by LinkedIn
Create Your Vision Board
Once you have a crystal-clear vision for your life, there is a connection between the sacrifices you must make today to have your vision become a reality. Your vision creates the fuel to motivate you, make you take action, and exude discipline. Your vision board is a powerful reminder of the vision that you have for yourself.
Items You Need
Steps to Create Your Vision Board
Action Items
Recommended Reading
What’s Next?
Developing SMART Goals as well as your plan to attain them!
I hope you have an open mind and will give this a try. This is not my idea, but a compilation of ideas I learned in 33 years in the insurance industry. I spent 26 successful years in the voluntary benefits arena and folks I can't stress enough how much the ideas I communicate with you work. Now one of the last agency managers I conducted a Vision Board Workshop for was upset because while his team was doing this team production dipped 8% for the month. Then 3 months later he called me and apologized for being a "Doubting Thomas" because in the ensuing 3 months production increased 53%. I can't promise you those results but folks if you follow my blueprint that I lay out in the workshop and as a leadership team buy into this and hold your agents accountable to do this you WILL see results. If you have any comments or insight please share them with the group in the comment section below. Have a strong finish to this week and remember: Be A Champion In Everything You Do!