Change Change Change
Advent of Global Boiling
July was declared as the hottest month ever in thousands of years, and the transition from global warming to global boiling by the United Nations.
The worst of what was being predicted by the scientists for decades is starting to take a real shape - it is right in front of us. This prompted me to delve a bit deeper into the change, the reasons & background, the consequences, and the future. I will try to cover all these aspects, especially from a #climatechange and ecological perspective.
What really caused the change?
It is very well known that the climate change crisis that we are facing is a human induced phenomena. The below illustration gives a very good illustration of the human and natural influences on global temperatures.
The impact of human drivers on the increase in the global temperatures far outstrips that due to natural drivers. There is a clear concensus about this across scientists and industry, sans a few climate change deniers. I will try to explore a few causes of this from a first principles perspective; and try to share as original views as possible. I present four main set of hypothesis to the reason for change,
The so-called "Industrial Revolution"
For about close to a century from the mid-18th century to mid-19th century, the famous industrial revolution took place. A range of step-change in development happened across various industries, from more efficient steam turbines to scalable iron-making; textiles to argiculture; and mainly the advent of mechanised tools occurred. Before this, we were still in a predominantly colonial era with established social structures and stable levels of well-being. Of course there were a number wars, invasions, colonizations happening throughout, none of them really led to any sizeable increase in the greenhouse gases emissions required for increasing the global temperatures. The "industrial revolution" bought along a strange concept of "development" and fire across several pockets of the world, where improvement became a mantra overnight, which was hardly relevant for the preceding 300,000 years.
As the illustration's y-axis rightly points out - the so called quality of life is defined in meaningless units. All of a sudden, the slave-masters of the big industries started to demand very vague and foreign things like "performance", "improvements", "growth" etc. I doubt if these words were even there in the English language prior to that. This was the first step to the "big change".
The "Big Dirty Oil"
Towards the end of first industrial revolution, around 2nd half of the 19th century, one of the most defining moments of the planet earth and homo sapiens as a species happend - the discovery of the 300-400 million year old dead marine plants and animals converted into thick, black, dirty oil thanks to a combination of heat and pressure. In US, the crude oil production rose from 2000 barrels /year in 1850s to over 125 million barrels /year just 60 years later by 1910. This was the game changer. The 20th century was a golden year, with exponential growth of oil especially from the 1940s to the 1990s.
The explosive growth of almost everything in the 20th century was linked to oil,
Oil, Oil, and more Oil - was the mantra overall - everything from so called "economic growth" to wars for energy dominance was based on oil.
The concept of money and advent of "Capitalism"
The following illustration shows the GDP per capita for the past 2000 years. We could very well extend this graph to 300,000 years, and the straight line before 1800s wouldn't change significantly. So for almost 300,000 years, we were happily existing as a species with our tribes and rituals, in reasonable harmony with nature (homo sapiens were a disaster in many ways even in these years, but that is not in the scope of this article).
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Although money does exist in some form or the other for more than 15000 years now, for a majority of history it was not used for commercial purposes as we know it today. It was just used as a means to manage interpersonal relationships. With the advent of the first industrial revolution in the 18th/19th century, and the discovery of big oil in the late 19th century; the concept of capitalism as we know it today started to emerge. The exponential growth went hand in hand in the 20th century.
If someone was to evaluate the above graph without reference to the subject or any information about the x- and y-axis, it will look like a drawing from an average pre-schooler. Nobody wanted it, nobody cared, it was just forced down our throats; and the entire modern day society is based on this concept that a few men who wanted to get more rich dreamt of in the 18th and 19th centuries. It was just not needed, period!
The "Growth" Myth
With the first industrial revolution, big oil, and the advent of capitalism - the next most defining thing happened that eventually was nothing but beginning of downward spiral - human population growth.
For over 10000 years, the human population was fairly stable. In spite of our nature ruining spree when agriculture started, the overall impact was fairly contained. This is when we started to reproduce as if there was a massive emergency, and aliens were going to take over the planet. This disturbed and eventually destroyed the nature and ecology as we know it - literally in every single dimension possible.
The entire concept of "growth" is so flawed in its core level, that it never fails to amaze me that even after all this destruction and damage, most of the world is chasing growth. It is all about growth - GDP per capita, overall GDP, net worth, turnover, development growth, intelligence, money, houses, cars, you name it.
Where are we now?
The deadly combination of the above stated causes of change has resulted in the situation of where we are. The following two illustrations give a very grim view of the reality as it is.
Climate change, biodiversity loss, habitat destruction, air, water, soil pollution - the list just doesn't end. We, the famous "homo sapiens" are the cause of all of this, the blood is on our hands. In spite of these facts being crystal clear, we as species continue "Playing God", and treat this beautiful planet as a dumpyard, which we can exploit as much as we want.
The best part is that, the very same set of principles are being used to solve the problem. There is no self-realization, no change in mindset, no shifting away from the "growth" myth - ZILCH! We continue being in a status-quo state of mind that caused all this havoc and have no sense of urgency or emergency whatsoever to solve this. We continue talking about economics and shareholder returns; equity growth and GDP per capita.
Where are we going - The GRIM Future?
Assuming we continue like this, the following is what is in cards for us,
Doomsday as they call it is just around the corner, we as species are pushing ourselves to reach their faster every day.
Concluding Remarks
I started this article with reference to the advent of global boiling, with July 2023 being the hottest month in thousands of years. The planet earth, along with its nature, climate, biodiversity, and us, has been suffering over the past 200-300 years. A string of changes, completely uncalled for, without any rhime or reason, purely to serve the greed of the homo sapiens has led to the current grim reality.
We have to change, DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY. The change has to start from oneself, the core central mindset has to shift. It starts with awareness of the gravity of the situation. Climate change and biodiversity loss are not a "nice problem to solve" or the "new green oil" to make more money - it is an existential crisis for us as a species and the planet as we know it.
Let us change first, fast, and now!
President at Fishermen's Island, Inc.
1yUndoubtedly, while some summer months are hotter than ever recorded in certain areas of the planet, while some winter months proved to be colder than ever recorded in other areas, Planet Earth will always be part of the sun system and other star systems that rotate around the sun. The heat from the sun is the main source of light and heat on our planet, and it is known to vary during the decades and centuries. The carbon taxes that started with the President Clinton administration in the 1990s, with Al Gore making millions of dollars out of it, did not fix or affect the high or low temperatures in every area on the planet. Scientists even claimed that there is warming in other stars, such as the moon, where the is no CO2 whatsoever. Will we ever be able to control the amount of sun rays of different spectrums coming from the sun? On the other hand, pollution caused by the burning of fossil fuel emissions was reduced significantly in America during the recent decade, but it increased in other industrial countries on the planet. The new ideas of fossil-free energy with zero emissions sources for electric power production and vehicle motors will reduce pollution, and producing more food is the most important issue for humanity.
Research scientist
1yWill read it .... But no one can prevent the change as long as life evolves and goes on .. all this technology advancements we are doing is only to slow down the change as we fear a rapid change can bring unseen and unheard of catastrophies .. before nature finds its own way of bringing it back 🙂
Sr. Manager, H2 Technology at Reliance | Sustainability 🤝 Innovation | Carbon accounting & abatement strategy
1yExcellent read, meticulously compiled 👌
CEO/Sustainability Voice
1yYou couldnt have penned it better!
Chief Visionary at Chambalabamba
1y2nd part: We must remove the root cause of unnecessary human suffering; dominance by corrupted governments. Extremely transparent horizontal governance will do this ((1) Horizontal Government - The Conscious Solution to End Corruption in 2021 - YouTube), However, it is not easy to achieve this though it is absolutely necessary in my opinion. First of all, most people have never even imagined "horizontal governance", and to implement it, it might need to have an avalanche of public support. So, somehow the public must be educated. Secondly, each country will need a new constitution that stipulates the need for horizontal governance, guarantees human rights and dignity, and makes as easily and equitably accessible to all, the ability to meet all human needs ( And finally, nations need to be confederated so that each city and village has autonomy under the parameters of the new constitution. So, one can see that it is not an easy task, but until we do this, we can only expect things to get worse. I hope you take these ideas into consideration so that we can make this a world-wide movement. I look forward to your response.