Christ & Satan and the theory of everything.

Christ & Satan and the theory of everything.

The word is out that the Standard Model of Particle Physics has become questionable due to its inability to identify what dark energy is and what dark matter is. If we reflect on the ideas of the Bible and the ideas in science and never the twain shall meet. Well, they meet, and it is only it their reunion can both be seen and unseen.

That which is unseen to become seen is a shock at first. Please be advised that this will be shocking. Underpinning science is a philosophy of realism and that there is really something out there. The Bible outlines the God creates both the seen and the unseen. So, you could infer from that we are in essence created through the processes within the biochemistry of our bodies from the metabolic processes that have evolved from God. Can evolution go all the way back to God in terms of the fundamental laws of physics. The foundations of the universe in terms of the fundamental laws of nature and can God be explored through the scientific framework.

Genius or madman that is what I have been called. I walked away from science after having an epiphany that measurement breaks symmetry. An inverted symmetry and a dualistic balance were obtained through a new understanding of what science is actually looking at. With the observation being observed within the observer rather than exterior to the observer the fundamental physics has its application in the biology of the human mind.

The model created through measurement is a very convincing illusion as Einstein said about reality. Once you break the illusion you no longer see it as being of any value. It is said that if you live by the sword you will die by the sword. You could consider this idea in terms of karma or in terms of the very nature of things being cyclic and not linear. By living in the flesh we die in the flesh. The flesh in fact arises out of the ideas of materialism. The flesh arises from the idea that a physical body exists through the reductionist developments of Western science. We give names to many things that are unseen and by isolating these to their individual components we have given each component a unique name. Too many parts that need to work together. And yet in life, and in health they work together in harmony. You could say we have developed such a convincing model that we believe it completely. Yet, what we believe is unable to answer some really simple questions. Like what is dark energy and what is dark matter. 95% unknown.

I am not convinced by the atomic model of 666 for carbon. 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. The devil is in the detail and the details of the carbon-based life forms show us a devilish tendency. The reductionist model that rules the world. Are we fooled by our own ignorance? We have misunderstood too much to not carry on with the trajectory heading where? Basically, quantum mechanics has taken us to the point of not being able to understand simplicity. The universe in its infinite wisdom operates with or without us and if we carry on with an incorrect model then we will go no further in our evolutionary development. The life one leads is based on the knowledge one has acquired. First you must understand something before you are able to comprehend how to teach others. The shut up and calculate philosophy of quantum mechanics clearly shows that no one knows how it works. A statistical catch all reliant on measurement. Uncertainty and an inability to identify location and speed. I came to the conclusion that the quantum mechanics cannot be used for biology, despite me saying I am a quantum biologist, I neither shut up nor do I calculate wavefunctions. I understand environmental selective pressure on singularity states that predict outcomes.

Having devised a new way of looking at atoms via the four forces rather than the number of particles in protons, neutrons and electrons, I found a common theme running through the atomic landscape to understand the singularity states that provide stability and not entropy. I found a system that is reverting back to a stable state rather than moving towards chaos it moves back to a stable state. A monoatomic single atom system. I used this to explore the relevance to human biology and memory formation and recall. What I found was a science that was not able to be explained by The Standard Model of Particle Physics. It was a science that I could only explain through the logic written in the Bible. I did not understand the relationship between the first law of thermodynamics and the Big Bang so I questioned the foundations of cosmology and looked to reconcile cosmology with atomic theory. I would stumble upon a solution to bring the two together through the use of changing quark charge calculations. Making charge parity with positron and electron pairs constrain the calculations between protons and neutrons to give a framework where quarks and electrons and positrons can be seen to be identical. One and the same. Bringing everything back together into a single super-atom of helium. The origin of the universe. The liquid waters.

The new model provided the rationale to explore the identity of the 95% of the unknown universe. Making the origin of the universe known was like having an apple land on my head. Except I no longer accepted I had a head. My mind was blown. Having experienced something that was deemed to be illness but what I considered as a healing puts me at odds with the status quo. Odd to think the very thing that allowed me to experience a healing was to break the illusion of materialism and for that I was labelled as Bipolar and mentally unwell. That is a whole story in of itself. How to put the pieces of the puzzle together to reconcile the story of JC in terms of science. That is what I have been exploring because the He-BEC isotropic singularity, which is homogeneous or just genius? A helium Bose Einstein Condensate had all the required features of the universe that would be disturbed if measured. The outcome of the measurement is therefore not what was there prior to the act of measuring. The model developed freely in the heightened state of mania. Turning away from the logic of the Big Bang and nucleosynthesis and into an alpha particle emission from the He-BEC singularity produced an inflationary phase of the universe that continues to this day. The CMB described at 1.65 mm and the original distance of 4E-14 m corresponding to the alpha fine structure constant through the inflation and infilling of the universe with dark matter (Hubble constant 72,000 m/s/Mpc) and corresponding to the sqrt v + sqrt c =72001.24. The inverse square law (square root) velocity of the inward trajectory of the energy from 4E-14 m to 1.6E-35 meters, a difference of 4E-22 m gave insight to the missing piece of the puzzle. I have developed the new model over the past 3 years in isolation. The reflection of being isolated conveyed in a language of supersymmetry inversion (SUSY inversion), which means nothing to anyone.

However, in isolation one finds the quite to do the great work. Released from the chains of materialism, I set forth to integrate gravity into the singularity at the Planck scale generated after 13.8 billion years of evolution. Why turn everything inside out. From this new perspective an understanding can be achieved that has previously not been considered. A new perspective of the observer containing the entire universe within. To be able to understand oneself through the revelation of the very processes responsible for seeing within the mind. The path of JC, or the hydrogen within us. Again, this will be a separate biochemical story related to the Passion of Christ. The way to explore the nature of our reality from the brokenness of oneself and then to put the pieces back together in a way that made sense in terms of the orientation of the human retina (pointing in). The freedom to explore new ways of looking at the universe through the functional properties of the unconscious creative mind.

Here is what I discovered. The new model includes positrons in the atomic structure. By adding these, one per neutron, I can develop an atomic model that matched the cosmological model e.g. can identify 100% of the composition of the universe based on the atomic decay processes of alpha particles and the dark matter particle. By using an empirical theoretical framework of 6666 for carbon, 6 protons, 6 electrons, 6 neutrons and 6 positrons, I was able to develop a new understanding of the origin of the universe as well as the dark energy and dark matter identity and the formation of the universe from alpha particle emission from the He-BEC singularity. A way to explain how all the energy was present before the beginning of the universe (NO Big Bang). This made sense and consistent with the first law of thermodynamics.

So, now I have two models a 666-carbon model, based on measurement that identifies 5% of the universe with a 95% unknown component. And I also have a 6666 carbon model that identifies 100% of the universe including dark energy and dark matter and matter. It was an obvious choice that the new model offered so much more in terms of understanding how the universe worked. Opening this theoretical doorway opened the Holy grail into human biology and regenerative healing technologies. The matter model no longer served my purpose, so I put it aside. I explored the new science model with vigour and have discovered many of the current issues in cosmology and particle physics. When the model you use shows you how the universe works then it is instructional as to how to go about doing things.

The He-BEC singularity model is a Boson model and not a Fermion model. Therefore, spin 1 is used. Multiplication is used rather than adding. E.g. 1 x -1 x 1 = -1 as the charge on the neutron. The overlaying of energy into numbers that correspond to the fundamental universe constants is an outcome of the processes operating from the He-BEC isotropic singularity. The maths stacks up. If you are interested in the science and its implications I suggest you take a look at my website. it is the He-BEC singularity DE and DM model.

Just as Space Time are now being considered to be obsolete so too is materialism and the reductionist perspective obtained through measurement. What does this all mean? We are transitioning from a state of knowledge about the matter-based universe that has been created through measurement and moving into a new understanding of singularity physics where creation is fundamental to producing the very foundations of your new life moving forward. So, no wavefunction collapse needed. The missing piece discovered. A predictive model developed. And a functional model that allows prediction of location and velocity of the quantum object. A quantum correction code generated through isotope physics error correction processes of atomic decay to release energy for healing. Our future is truly going to be in our hands if we choose to walk responsibly on this planet. There is a time where we get to sense the awe and wonder of creation. You may wish to remain with the mystery or you may wish to become the creator within the creation. You have a choice and freewill to chose. Be wise to know what is your own truth and bring forth your creation.

"A little body thyself thou deem, while the great universe in thee dwells." The One Sun shines, He "mirrors" reflect the Beam. There is no we, He stands alone!

Dan Stiu🌿ca. Lt.Col.r, Eng.Diplomat, Golan Univ_Buc.

The Divine Science, is hidden in our Divine Soul, for an universe evolution, from illusion(flesh). Number unifies the Q_u_antic energies, unseen with foreseen: 6_love&4_will=10(True)>The One=1=4=7=10=19(0), AMIN🌿,Enoch!


Yes, Dr. Keryn Johnsons, we are the healers, and that's the meaning of life ItSelf', opening the immortality' gate !!~!!


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