Clarity, Conviction and Congruence – the 3 C’s of Business Influence
You are here because you want to grow as a leader.
And maybe you have a team that you need to grow too.
Are you technically expert at what you do but you want more, and you know that It’s not enough just to be good at what you do?
You now need to create the superpowers of communication, impact and influence in order to maximise your outcomes as a leader.
You need to be able to talk business, not just tech.
You need to be able to communicate at all levels and be a positive influence in the business.
You need to be able to bring your team on board and create outstanding performance.
You need to be able to think strategically, not just down in the weeds of the expertise you have.
And we already know that what got you here won’t get you there.
All those years honing your technical expertise made you what you are now. But it won’t take you to the next level.
You need to take on new approaches, new techniques and understanding about your team, about you, and about how you fit into the organisation as a whole.
The Growing Leaders in Business Newsletter focuses on these tools and techniques in a practical and informal way, so you can digest and implement bite sized pieces to upgrade your skills.
The three essential areas for high performing leaders to master are to create confidence, collaboration and commitment in your teams, peers and investors, and to be able to engage, enable and excite them into coming with you on your journey.
Each week we focus on different aspects to help you to create these superpowers.
This week we're looking at the 3 C’s of Business Influence
Maybe you’ve seen all those posts about inspirational leaders or great communicators, and how, as leaders we should aspire to be like them.
Those lovely pop-up quotes make it all sound so easy. 😉
But it’s not always as easily said as done.
Sometimes we get ignored, other times we are just not understood, and sometimes our audience just doesn’t agree with us.
So, our message can be lost, our attempts at being an inspiring leader falls flat on their face and we just end up frustrated.
But there is a simple way that you can ensure that you have as much buy-in from your ideas, your opinion, your communication as possible.
And that is by doing three things:
When you are not clear on what you stand for or what you are trying to achieve, then no one can be clear on whether they agree, or buy-in.
And worse still, if you haven’t worked it out in your head, because you are too busy doing the do to slow down and work on the plan, the vision, the strategy, then you are never going to get that across to your team, your peers, or your boss.
You have to know what you stand for, and why, and then be able to articulate that in a way that others also understand.
They don’t want to be confused becuase they will be paralysed, and not know whether they want to follow or not.
So, you need to stop for a moment, ask yourself what you really stand for, what are you really headed towards, so you can share this with those around you with clarity.
So, it’s no good just saying it. You have to mean it. You have to show an energy and a passion that helps people to see that they should excited for the same thing.
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When you just go through the motions of sharing your vision, then it is just that. A document, or a picture on the wall, or worse in your drawer. It doesn’t come to life and it doesn’t show people that it is even interesting, let alone something that that will jump out of bed for.
So, ask yourself, do I show an energy, an excitement for what I am asking them to?
If not, why not?
What’s missing.
Because if it’s missing for you, it is certainly missing for them.
Ok, they bought in, they liked the vision, and you told them all about it. In theory it should be enough, right?
We have to walk our talk.
Many a time I have hear the phrase, “well if the management won’t do that, I’m not doing it either”.
What they mean is that there is a classic case of “do as I say, not as I do”. And that is not congruent. It shows them that you are not prepared to walk the talk, and you have just paid lip service to the vision, or the way you something to be.
But you are not prepared to show them that you will do it to.
And then they don’t trust you, they know you don’t care, they know you don’t mean it, even if you talked a good job.
So, you must SHOW that you mean it, through your behaviours.
And if you do all three of these things, then you build trust, excitement and a sense of all being in it together.
And, you are then a real leader.
I did a 10 minute live on this subject today, which you can watch here
And if you would like some help to apply the three C’s then drop me a message and we can have a chat about our Impact Accelerator programme.
Julie "Chief Impact Engineer" Hutchison
P.S. Whenever you are are 4 ways I can help you increase your impact as a leader:
1. Join The "Quiet Leaders Lab™ Facebook Group and connect with other leaders who want to grow
It's our Facebook community where those that are The Quiet Leaders can learn and share how to increase their impact, influence and outcomes – Click here
2. Grab a free copy of my leadership impact report: The Team Performance Engine™
It’s the Road Map to your journey to increasing your impact as a leader - Click here
3. Join our Leaders Launchpad™ Mastermind Group Programme
This Mastermind is a selected group of like-minded leaders, in an online community, focused on growing your results. With training, group coaching calls, guest speakers and more, supporting and challenging you to design and implement real team performance in your business.
Send me a message or email with "IMPLEMENT" in the subject line and we can discuss how you can join us
4. Work with me and my team privately
If you or your team just need a little more one to one attention to make change happen in your business... just message and put "PRIVATE" in the subject line... tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!
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2yGreat read, thanks Julie Hutchison
Leadership and Conflict Resolution Consultant. Risk Management and Reputation Protection.Creator of Change Without Tears programme. Enhanced ACAS accredited workplace mediation. Published Author
2yJulie Hutchison thank you hit an interesting Post. Clarity of purpose that is relevant to the team Sid’s understanding and engagement.