Clean People of T&T (#CPTT)
TOPIC: When Grime is a Crime
Clean Person: Angela, Age 31
I don’t ask for much. I keep my head down. I get my work done. I don’t take too many vacation days. The least I could ask for is a clean place to eat my Nichoisse Salad. Geez! I mean, why we have to test the limits of how dirty a staff kitchen can be?
Leaving food in the office kitchen sink?! Old crusty sauces stuck on the wares!? And the smell... OMG! That’s what I can’t stand the most! You know what it’s like? Imagine how a stray dog would smell on the promenade... I assure you, the dog smells better than that!! And the worst part... there was moss under the dish drainer. MOSS!!! Yuck yuck yuck!!!
Look, in reality, I don’t ask for much. But in my humble opinion, the office kitchen is sacred. It should be a symbol of how an employer takes care of their staff. What does that say if these basic things can’t be taken care of? There must be some law against this kind of thing. No eh... just No! My resume is all fixed up and ready to go. Let them try me. I just not in any mood to be silent about this anymore.
I mean don’t we deserve better? That can’t be too much to ask for.
Clean People T&T (#CPTT) is a new feature where each Tuesday we give real people their chance to tell their stories about all things hygiene.
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Facilities Assistant 1 / Car Hydraulic Operator at Servus Limited
7yAll companies should have a custodian to take care of there cleaning needs.
Real Estate Management & Leadership | Facility Executive | Corporate Real Estate | Proptech Enthusiast | Sustainability Savant | JourneyCRE
7yThis, sadly, is a reality for many building occupants. Many of those do not have a voice to complain, or the power to make this right. Kudos for bringing these issues to light. I'll be sure to tune in for more stories.