Climate Breakdown: Imminent threat to UK National Security
This article is reproduced, with permission, from a post by Mr Jonathan Fuller of the 'Climate Genocide Act Now' (CGAN) campaign.
Jonathan periodically writes to senior people in the government - Head of MI6, Head of MI5, and the Head of the Cabinet Office and the Head of the UK Civil Service.
Here is Jonathan's latest letter to them: -
"Ken McCallum
Director General MI5
12 Millbank,
London SW1P 4QE
Dear Mr McCallum,
HEADING: Climate Breakdown: Imminent threat to UK National Security
I wrote to the former heads of the Civil Service, MI5 and MI6 in 2019 and 2020. Some of the requests I made were met.
I am now writing to ensure you have been informed what this group is doing and to make further requests.
HEADING: Climate Genocide Act Now. Update
CGAN is attempting to use international criminal law to stop political parties and polluting industries from pursuing the policies that are leading to the complete annihilation of several low-lying island states, the decimation of agricultural output across a swathe of the planet, extreme damage to UK food production and the collapse of European democracies, driving countries like the UK into totalitarianism.
Our working assumption is that, if the Metropolitan Police (The Met) were to mount a criminal investigation into crimes against humanity and genocide, associated with mass death and suffering caused by the policies that drive climate breakdown, all political parties would change their policies – taking emergency action to decarbonise. Furthermore, if the UK police forced the UK government to stop the policies that break international criminal law, the other 123 nations that are signatories to the Rome statute, would also be obliged to treat climate breakdown as an unprecedented emergency.
In 2019 we submitted a dossier of evidence to the police, detailing the legislation, the nature of the crimes and the mass death and suffering occurring. The Met refused to mount a criminal investigation and refused to explain its thinking. By exerting pressure on the UK judiciary, we forced The Met into a corner where it had to explain its rationale on the use of UK and international criminal law. The lawyers acting for The Met wrote to me in March and April 2023. Both letters were answered. The correspondence was conclusive – there was no lawful basis for the Met’s refusal to act upon legislation enacted by Parliament. It was also clear The Met was acting in bad faith. There was evidence in the correspondence that suggested The Met wrongly believed it had an obligation to protect democratically elected politicians. The Met was informed that was wrong, The Met’s primary obligation is to Parliament – the body that enacts the legislation that all must adhere to.
In 2001 Parliament brought the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court into UK jurisdiction. The purpose of the legislation was to stop one nation from crushing another and to also stop a nation from crushing a section of its own population. Here in the UK our politicians have taken a series of decisions that they know contribute to appalling death and suffering in the most climate vulnerable nations, are leading to the complete annihilation of low-lying island states and will crush one section of British society – the young.
If you look at the correspondence here, you will see why we say our case is now proven: -
HEADING: Your overriding duty
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You have received regular briefing on the national security threats associated with climate breakdown, you know that thousands of UK citizens are now being killed every year (1) and the hardship that is coming will be extreme (2). You also know how badly Europe coped with the collapse in Syria and understand the risks associated with the IPCC’s warning that 3.3 billion to 3.6 billion people live in contexts highly vulnerable to climate change (3). Mass migration, in part due to climate breakdown, is already changing politics in Greece, Italy, Spain, Germany, Sweden, The Netherlands and is beginning to impact us here in the UK.
Democracy, and the values most UK citizens hold dear, cannot withstand the impacts of hundreds of millions of climate refugees, let alone billions. You know better than most that the rule of law cannot withstand such pressures.
You will also know that provided politicians take emergency action to decarbonise, there is widespread scientific agreement that the worst impacts of climate breakdown can be avoided. While extreme suffering is now locked in, the collapse of civilisation in the UK can probably still be avoided.
I put it to you that your overriding responsibility is to stop total collapse here in the UK.
HEADING: Requests for action
* Please meet Sir Mark Rowley, Met Commissioner, explain the national security threats and inform him that he must apply the legislation (ICCA 2001) in order to stop UK politicians from causing mass death, mass suffering and collapsing UK civilisation.
* Please follow the lead by Sir Mark Sedwill, former head of the civil service, and put climate breakdown on the agenda of every Cobra meeting. It is essential government ministers are reminded of the national security threats.
* Please seek legal advice on the implications for civil servants who facilitate the crimes laid out in the Rome Statute. It is your responsibility to ensure civil servants are not prosecuted for putting into effect policies that cause mass death and suffering. Please inform government ministers of that legal advice.
* In your meetings with security heads of other countries please ask that they consider using the Article 30, ‘oblique intent’ provisions in the Rome Statute to stop their own politicians and business from killing. It is essential that all nations take dynamic action to tackle climate breakdown.
Yours sincerely.
Jon Fuller
Climate Genocide Act Now
1. 3,271 people killed summer 2022 heatwaves (England and Wales)
2. Environment Agency Head tells the young to adapt or die.
3. IPCC. 3.3 to 3.6 billion people
For more information on the 'Climate Genocide Act Now' campaign and how to support see
CCSI President
1yBreakdown, go ahead and give it to me.
1yStill wrong….
Head of ESG - Valeo Foods UK
1yInteresting read, and agree that climate change poses a huge risk to our national security as it acts as a threat multiplier across the board. Those in the comments who are denying climate change, or denying the severity of climate change, should re-educate themselves on 19th century physics to understand why climate change is such a huge threat.
Key Account Manager at Abble Group
1yThis letter is beyond lunacy...