In the Cloud world, cutting edge technologies and confusions
Off late, I have met a lot of tech startups and established technical organization who are trying to build businesses around cloud services or re-orient their existing business to survive if not thrive in future.
The discussions have been very interesting when they were candid and not board room types. Obviously boardrooms are for deals and deals happen when either one side has succeeded in convincing the other to agree. While Stephan Covey energized the world with win-win approach and every one since has been trying to work out a win-win but more often than not, buyer is left with feeling if seller has been given too much more than it deserved.
Both the above mentioned points are important precursors to what I mean with my headline. I see a race to speak about and adopt new cutting edge technologies amongst customers, partners, solution providers and solution builders. Too much focus on technology is disturbing at times. Focus should be on solving a business problem. More often than not I see complex unnecessary ways to solve simple problems.
Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is most important.” – Bill Gates
The focus must be brought back to solving problems, technology is not immaterial but right technology is important. By right technology I mean the easiest and most cost effective way than cutting edge. It may or may not be cutting edge.
Some of the most successful organizations, specially the unicorns of today were trying to give solution. Be it transportation solution without owning a single vehicle or accommodation solutions without owning properties of their own and so forth. I don't think Uber or air bnb may have began to think about cutting edge technology before thinking about solution. Of course they use the most advanced technology.
In India we have many simple problems yet remained unsolved. To give an example, e-learning is here for past 10-15 years but we have not been able to use it to eradicate illiteracy completely. May be mobile learning version may help now as I can see few working on this now.
Healthcare is the most important segment and its laughable to see valuations of appointment booking apps running in billions rather than providing healthcare in poor urban zones. Leave apart rural for now, there is much work on right now with appropriate use of technology to solve the human problems.
Crop protection in agriculture economy of India is another ripe case apart for finding solution to storage of grains. India loses tons of grains to improper storage every year mostly in public sector owned entities when death by hunger index is dismal.Rice husk usage to produce electricity aid in some of these and use to wind and solar energy are some of the prominent usage of appropriate technology.
Overall, big success comes from solving bigger problems be it for masses or for business. Virtualization became a hot potato decade back just as containers are aiming to take the world by storm soon enough. i need a phone battery that lasts a week.. :-)
Disclaimer: the use of names, quotes, pic is no claim to its authenticity and is purely from academic purpose.. to help the world from publicly available information
Director at PC Technowledge Center Pvt. Ltd.
7ywonderfully explained. We need to do a lot to make cloud affordable and for its success. Yes, now we know hot to reach. We need to take those important first steps.
I loved the analogies and the fact that we are only solving the non critical and not giving enough focus on the real grassroot problems. We need more focus on those