CMSC's National Campaign to Restore DACA's Advance Parole Scores a Major Victory! - Newsletter 5/18/2021

CMSC's National Campaign to Restore DACA's Advance Parole Scores a Major Victory! - Newsletter 5/18/2021

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CMSC's Legal Pressure Forces USCIS to Approve 80 Dreamers' Delayed Travel Permits

The Dear colleagues, students and friends,

We are pleased to announce and celebrate that we have accomplished securing international travel permits for 80 of our Dreamers Study Abroad program participants, and that the California-Mexico Studies Center, has accomplished restoring DACA’s Educational Advance Parole after a 4-year struggle to grant this benefit to DACA-recipients!

In addition to the 80 Dreamers already authorized to travel with our program this summer, we anticipate another 130 applications to be approved to participate in the program during July and August.

The total 210 participants represent a very diverse group of Dreamers from 28 U.S. states and 90 colleges and universities, who will return as advocates to pursue establishing similar programs next summer at their home institutions. 

Thanks to all the state and congressional leaders for their support, and to many of you for your wonderful words of appreciation. We hope that the UC, CSU & Community College systems - and especially those campuses with vibrant, proactive Dreamer Centers - will now consider offering a Dreamers’ study abroad program for Summer 2022 and beyond, even if Congress passes the full legalization of all Dreamers.

We have developed what we think is the best model in the nation and have helped restore the sound legal basis for sponsoring such a successful, well-designed program, which combines urgently-sought family reunification, high-quality educational seminars in collaboration with academic partners in Mexico, and the legal adjustment for all our DACAmented Dreamer participants upon their safe, authorized return to the United States.

We’ll keep you posted on the progress of the broader litigation we continue to pursue to ensure all applications for immigrant status adjustments are henceforth accorded timely due process.

As Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta never tired of saying:

¡SÍ SE PUEDE! ...And in our case, ¡SÍ SE PUDO!!

El profe Armando, attorney Jorge Gonzalez, profe Gonzalo Santos and the CMSC Team.


After lawsuit, DACA recipients win permits to travel outside the U.S. — and come back legally

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After a Long Beach educational organization sued the Biden administration last month, several dozen immigrants have received travel permits to study abroad. 

The approvals came just in time for the students’ trip to Mexico, which is part of a Cal State Long Beach program and is scheduled to begin Saturday. 

All the applicants have been spared from deportation under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which temporarily shields so-called Dreamers who came to the United States as children and have lived here without legal immigration status. A provision under DACA allows for legal travel for work, school or humanitarian reasons. 

The complaint filed against the Biden administration in April had sought a response from immigration authorities to the applications that 84 Dreamers submitted nine months ago. They’d had to push their trip back by five months because of the delayed reply... Read Full Article


Gobierno de Biden permitirá que dreamers viajen a México a estudiar y luego regresar a EEUU

(Univision Noticias)


Long-awaited trip to Mexico offers closure for one DACA recipient

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The first time Miriam Delgado looked into visiting her family in Mexico, her grandmother was in her late 80s and getting weaker by the day. It was 2013, shortly after Delgado, now 34, had been spared from deportation under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which temporarily shields so-called Dreamers who came to the United States as children and lived here without legal immigration status. Delgado had learned about a provision under DACA that would allow immigrants like her to travel legally for school, work or humanitarian reasons. 

But a lawyer told her it still was too risky to travel outside the country. What if she wasn’t allowed back in? Her grandmother died soon after. Now Delgado, a Cal State Long Beach graduate, and 83 other Dreamers who in August applied for permits to study abroad through a Long Beach organization are suing the Biden administration. On its face, their complaint simply seeks a response from immigration authorities to the applications they submitted nine months ago...

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Dreamers ganan demanda para poder salir y entrar de Estados Unidos de forma legal (Telemundo)

Por Saúl RodríguezTelemundo 52 – 17 de mayo del 2021

Viajar al extranjero ya no será solo un sueño para muchos jóvenes amparados bajo el programa “DACA”. Una demanda en contra del gobierno de Joe Biden les abrió la puerta para poder salir y entrar a los Estados Unidos de forma legal.

La noticia llega en el mejor momento para muchos de estos jóvenes que necesitan viajar a México u otros países por cuestiones de trabajo, estudios o por razones humanitarias.

Más de 200 estudiantes amparados bajo el programa DACA y una organización educativa de Long Beach, demandaron y ganaron el caso al gobierno norteamericano para que les permita salir de Estados Unidos para visitar a sus familiares en sus países de... Leer Más


The impact and importance of the CMSC’s legal victory for Dreamers: Another pillar on the bridge to our shared North American future

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By Gonzalo Santos, Exclusive for El Magonista - Monday May 17, 2021

I have received with great joy and pride the news that the 80 young Dreamers who are members of the 2021 Summer Exchange Program, organized by the California-Mexico Studies Center [CMSC], with which I am associated, were finally approved by the U.S. immigration authorities to travel to Mexico, and the first group already left yesterday Sunday. 

I will not go into details about what I consider to be undoubtedly the best model of international exchange programs for Dreamers, nor the great personal benefit that it has brought to its participants and their families. All this is already well documented in the CMSC electronic magazine, El Magonista.

What I will address is its broader meaning, in the context of the long and arduous struggle for justice for migrants, and its future prospects both in the US, and in Mexico and Central America... Read Full Article


La importancia de la visita de los Dreamers a México después de la Era Trump

Por Gonzalo SantosNorteAmérica – 17 mayo, 2021

He recibido con gran alegría y orgullo la noticia que los 80 jóvenes Soñadores integrantes del Programa de Intercambio de Verano 2021, organizado por el Centro de Estudios California-México [CECM], con el que estoy asociado, fueron por fin aprobados por las autoridades migratorias estadounidenses para viajar a México, y ya salió el primer grupo ayer domingo.

No voy a entrar en detalles sobre lo que yo considero es indudablemente el mejor modelo de programas de intercambio internacional para Soñadores, ni el gran beneficio personal que le ha traído a sus participantes y a sus familias. Todo eso está ya bien documentado en la revista electrónica del CECM, El Magonista.

Lo que abordaré es su significado más amplio, en el contexto de la larga y ardua lucha por la justica para migrantes, y sus prospectos futuros tanto en EU como en México y Centroamérica... Leer Más


Jóvenes DACA parten hoy rumbo a México

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Por: Jacqueline García La Opinión – 16 de Mayo 2021

Carlos Eduardo Cornejo sabía que algunos de sus sueños más anhelados, se convertirían en realidad este fin de semana. El sábado se graduó de la universidad en el estado de Texas con una licenciatura en psicología y hoy domingo iría rumbo a su natal Jalisco, México, por primera vez después de 22 años.

El joven es parte de un grupo de 80 soñadores, beneficiarios de la Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA), que hace unos días recibió un permiso —conocido como Advance Parole (AP)— para viajar fuera de Estados Unidos y reingresar de manera legal.

Cornejo, quien llegó a EE.UU., con sus padres cuando tenía apenas un año, dijo que a través de las redes sociales se enteró del programa para viajar, organizado por el Centro de Estudios California-México (CMCS), y no dudó en solicitarlo. Este programa ofrece la oportunidad de que los jóvenes de DACA, conocidos como ‘soñadores’, viajen hacia sus ciudades natales. Posteriormente se reúnen en el estado de Morelos, México, para comenzar un estudio étnico y aprender más acerca de sus raíces... Leer Artículo Completo


"Soñadores" que demandaron a Gobierno reciben permiso para viajar al exterior

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Por: Agencia EFEYahoo Noticias – Mayo 12, 2021

Los Ángeles, 12 may (EFE News).- La gran mayoría de los más de 80 "soñadores" beneficiarios de la Acción Diferida (DACA) que demandaron al Gobierno para que se agilizara el estudio de sus solicitudes para viajar al extranjero ya obtuvieron sus permisos para viajar al exterior, se informó este miércoles.

Según explicó a Efe Armando Vázquez Ramos, presidente y director ejecutivo del Centro de estudios California-México (CMSC), entidad que presentó la acción legal conjuntamente con los beneficiarios de la Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA), 79 de los solicitantes recibieron su permiso conocido como "advance parole".

"De los 84 solicitantes iniciales, cuatro declinaron su solicitud, 79 ya están aprobados y una solicitud está pendiente de un error que se cometió en el proceso de aplicación", detalló Vázquez Ramos, quien también es profesor de la Universidad Estatal de California Long Beach... Leer Artículo Completo


U.S. Rep. Alan Lowenthal leads letter asking USCIS to take action on behalf of Dreamers

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Read full letter here


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