Co-dependency a Social Dis-ease

Co-dependency a Social Dis-ease

You are NOT your Story! You are not defined by your past and each experience is there to assist you to remember who you are. Many are attempting to SAVE-FIX and HELP others within the 'Rescuer program' and even saying this many may REJECT these words.

  • Life and society may reject you, and that is okay.
  • The path is to never reject your passion and free spirit.

Many are running blind and lost in FEAR and in-grained programs of survival. This it is a scary and exhausting place to be AND is a reason why there is so much co-dependency.

  • Every RELATIONSHIP you have had, you have ATTRACTED it.
  • Every event is there as a TEACHER, yes, every event.

The Intimate Relationship with YOUR partner is not there to meet all your needs and relying on them to 'Feel good and be happy' is co-dependence dressed up.

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The other day I had an interview with @Michael De Haan to support Women's EMPOWERMENT. I rarely share my story and it is reason why I put it into books as it is like a series of chapters. It was there to ACCESS inner knowing by DIRECT life experience to then guide others into the darkest aspects of life. This interview may be a CATALYST for you to begin to SEE through fresh eye and a perspective from a woman that has come out the other sides.

  • Victim to FREEDOM.
  • Survival to THRIVING
  • I'll give the compass to find your way HOME
  • I will walk alongside you until you walk and dance to BEAT of YOUR OWN DRUM.

Watch thee interview that is a must watch if you are stuck and attached to the STORY of your past, your pain, suffering or your abuse.

Here is an insight into co-dependence, a Poem taken from Raw – a key to a woman’s heart & Soul – Zoe Bell. This would be my second book and from the chapter on Trauma – all rights reserved Zoe Bell

This was a raw life experiences from the ages of 21-28 years of age. (Solar plexus & Heart development) where 'The STORY NOW' means nothing. I came to earth for the EXPERIENCE of learning to be HU-man, all to gain direct understanding & INSIGHT and to guide others how to HEAL from the inside out. Yes, you can REWIRE and REWRITE the story within the NERVOUS SYSTEM.

Co-Dependence by Zoe Bell scribed, 2016

How did we end up
So distant and worlds apart?
Our words entangled in condemnation and hate
A constant struggle so stuck in the past
The fight to be right
So lost with no sight
Our Future once clear
Now crumbles around
A huge fucking mess
Tears and resistance
The ego’s persistence
To never let go
Shitty resentment
Pilled upon one another
A shit fight of the lost
We’re caught in the trap of co-dependence
Unwilling to release and surrender
To step away with our sanity
To dive deeper into the unknown
Follow the smart path to walk alone.
To give up the fight
To always be right
To preserve live and honour our truth
Yet lost in the resistance
Desperate defiance to be right
We get caught in the addiction
Within one another
Feeding like vampires
Never satisfied and hurt
Our egos in gridlock
Nowhere to turn
Except attempting to kill one another
Venomous games
What the fu3k are we doing
Fighting and hurting one another
Where did we go wrong?
To lose love altogether
I no longer want to be chained to your shame
Your bitter remarks, those bruises
Guilt of broken noses
And scratch marks
The physical marks heal in time
The emotional scars that cut like a knife
Like daggers dug into my heart
Blended with moments of lost passion
Desperately fu#king within the dark
Many moments I said no
You took anyway
My voice unheard
You said I was yours to keep
To do as you pleased
I shrank within and silently wept
I don’t need to know why
You hated and abused me
It is none of my business
My heart feels empty
My soul long gone
Distant memories of laughter and fun
Thinking you were the one
A constant emotion of living in fear
What happened to us?
Where did we falter?
Our relationship
Scary rollercoaster
Walking on eggshells
Too afraid to speak up
Silenced by your fists
Unkind remarks in front of others
I longer wanted to feel the pain
With many times alone in despair
Brief moments of suicidal thoughts
Of ending it all
A quick release from hell
My cries of “no" never respected
Power taken away.
I have come to realise it was me
Who had to shift?
Remember my beauty and lost inner bliss
To start with self-love, self-worth
And appreciation
To accept responsibility as
You were my reflection
Of the hate within me
I was wanting to save you when
I was lost
Projecting my own victim games
A projected reality of the reflection
To give me some more
Living in insanity.
I didn’t want it or deserve it
Yet I take full ownership of the vibe
I was giving off
So, it starts with me
A willingness to let go of the rope
The fight ended
Okay, you have won
To break the chain of a toxic dysfunction
I am the stronger one
I walk away
And turn my back
Learning to love me again
Numbed out and almost forgotten
Re-claiming my power
With determination and passion
No longer silenced
I express my truth
As I am worthy and deserving
With nothing to do
I let you go
To be whatever you choose
I’ve released the shackles I once wore
No more care of what was before
The slate now cleared
The lesson learnt
New sense of freedom to be explored
The old toxicity dissolves in time
It takes personal power
To let someone go
Something you also had forgotten
Starting today
I wish you farewell
May you too find peace and sanity
And when I am ready
I will forgive you within my heart
For all that happened.
Now you are free to create your life of your own
One filled with hope, faith and a new day waits
A day to love you
And soften some more
I am grateful for the lesson
The karmic slate clean
My freedom restored
So put down your weapon
Forgiven the past
My warrior returned
Never to be forgotten
To fall in love with me
Set us both free from
The vice of co-dependant insanity
There is no winner
Simple humble warriors
Putting down their swords
To stop the fight
From co-dependence and violence
Victimisation and hate
To starting a new adventure
New chapter in life
To learn to love self
Before we ever think of another.
Zoe Bell

What is keeping you bound in a pattern of co-dependence and are your ready and willing to BE FREE?

Connect for support, guidance HOW To HEAL and BE FREE.

I AM a conduit of healing light and each moment a new discovery,

If I can do this ANYONE can,

Zoe Bell

#healing #codependency #trauma #survival #freedom

Love this Zoe-Anna Bell 🌈 Energy Healer 💜💜💜

Dharampalsingh Tyagi

General Manager Quality Assurance H. D. Wire Pvt. Ltd. , Indore (M. P.) Material and Mettalurgy at IIT Kanpur


Good pattern


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