COCOTB (Coroutine Based Cosimulation Test Bench)
Verification, debugging, testing... In FPGA design, simply writing RTL code and expecting it to work is very difficult. It's not impossible to run a code at once, but ensuring that the code works in corner-case scenarios is an additional challenge.
The steps we take before performing real-time tests on an FPGA board are crucial for achieving this: Verifying code and iteratively correcting it. This is what we refer to as RTL verification.
Although languages like System Verilog and VHDL are commonly used in verification (especially within the UVM methodology), in this article, I will discuss Python-based cocotb for RTL verification.
In the rest of this article, I provided general information about cocotb, followed by details of how I installed it on my Windows machine. Finally, I showed a few examples of usage.
In the future, I plan to demonstrate cocotb with example projects. You can consider this article as an introduction.
There are many reasons to use cocotb, but here are the most important ones:
How Does COCOTB Work?
cocotb does not require additional RTL code but does need a simulator, which I explained below. The supported simulators are listed below:
cocotb connects Python code to Design Under Test (DUT) using an abstraction layer called GPI, along with VPI-VHPI-FLI simulator interfaces. DUT represents the design being tested. You don’t need to know these layers in detail, but for those interested, below is a figure showing how cocotb works:
Installing COCOTB
Since I am running cocotb on Windows 10, I will explain the installation guide for Windows. Using Windows directly didn’t seem practical to me because it can cause problems in terms of dependencies. Personally, I have encountered many issues with this kind of setup, so I used Docker Desktop. I was able to use Docker without having to learn all its details. To install cocotb, it’s enough to know what Docker is. In its simplest definition, Docker is a virtualization method. There are many resources available online for more detailed information, but I won’t go into that for now.
You can download Docker Desktop from this link. After that, install it on your computer. I used the recommended settings for installation and proceeded. Then, I ran the following command in cmd:
$ docker run -it -v <WORKING DIRECTORY>:/home/example ubuntu:22.04
With the above command, I used Ubuntu 22.04 container, meaning I was able to run Ubuntu 22.04 virtually on my Windows 10 system. Additionally, I linked a Windows directory where I will be running cocotb to a directory within the Ubuntu container. This way, any changes I make on Windows can be seen within the Docker container.
We can now work within Ubuntu. You should see a command line similar to this:
If you want to reconnect to the same Docker container after closing the cmd, you can use the following commands in another cmd session:
$ docker start <id>
$ docker attach <id>
The <id> can be found in Docker Desktop application. Open Docker Desktop application, go to Containers section, and copy the relevant container id from the area marked with a blue arrow below.
Next, we need to install the necessary dependencies for cocotb. We can use the following commands:
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get upgrade
$ apt-get install make python3 python3-pip libpython3-dev
Now, we have set up the necessary environment. We just need to install cocotb library and any simulator. Since I used Verilog, I installed iverilog simulator, which is free. The remaining installations can be done using the following commands:
$ pip install cocotb[bus]
$ apt install -y iverilog
For VHDL, I would recommend using GHDL, which is also free. After the installations above, we can navigate to the directory where we will run cocotb using cd command:
$ cd /home/example
COCOTB - First Program
Basically, we need three types of files:
The purpose of source files and Python code is clear, but what about Makefile? Makefile acts as a bridge between simulator, Python cocotb code, and source files. It contains information such as source files, Python code, top module, simulator name, etc.
Let me briefly describe the project and files I created for the first test.
Let me first share Makefile and explain what each part does:
SIM ?= icarus
TOPLEVEL_LANG ?= verilog
VERILOG_SOURCES = ./counter_deneme.v
TOPLEVEL = counter_deneme
MODULE = test_counter
include $(shell cocotb-config --makefiles)/Makefile.sim
Below is Verilog code used:
// counter_deneme.v
module counter_deneme (
input clk,
input rst,
output [5:0] counter
reg [5:0] counter_reg = 0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (!rst) begin
counter_reg <= 0;
else begin
counter_reg <= counter_reg + 1;
assign counter = counter_reg;
The code is very easy to understand, but let me briefly explain it anyway. There is an input clock named clk. There is an output port called counter. counter increments by 1 with each clock cycle. Additionally, there is an rst signal that works as active-low.
Finally, below I have shared cocotb Python code and explained the purpose of each part:
import cocotb
from cocotb.clock import Clock
from cocotb.triggers import RisingEdge
async def test(dut):
# Create a 10ns period clock on port clk
clock = Clock(dut.clk, 10, units="ns")
# Reset
dut.rst.value = 0
await RisingEdge(dut.clk)
dut.rst.value = 1
# Print initial values
await RisingEdge(dut.clk)
print(f"Initial counter value: {dut.counter.value}")
# Run the simulation for 20 clock cycles
for i in range(20):
await RisingEdge(dut.clk)
print(f"Counter value: {int(dut.counter)}")
# Check the final counter value
assert int(dut.counter) == 20, f"Counter value is {int(dut.counter)}, expected 20"
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We import cocotb, Clock, and RisingEdge modules:
We define our test function with @cocotb.test() decorator. This decorator marks the function as a cocotb test function, ensuring that it is executed during the simulation.
This way, we can create multiple test functions, and they will run sequentially.
Additionally, by adding async to the function, we enable support for asynchronous operations, which are necessary for cocotb tests.
Generating a Clock
# Create a 10ns period clock on port clk
clock = Clock(dut.clk, 10, units="ns")
With dut defined as a function parameter, we can access the signals and ports within the module. The reason I chose this name is that dut stands for "design under test." You could choose another name, but this is the commonly used term.
In the code snippet above, we create a clock signal with a 10-nanosecond period and connect it to dut.clk port.
The function cocotb.start_soon(clock.start()) starts generating the clock in background, similar to how a thread works. We can also use this function for other processes we define.
# Print initial values
await RisingEdge(dut.clk)
print(f"Initial counter value: {dut.counter.value}")
# Run the simulation for 20 clock cycles
for i in range(20):
await RisingEdge(dut.clk)
print(f"Counter value: {int(dut.counter.value)}")
It waits for any event or completion of a function. In the code above, it waits for the rising edge of clock signal and then prints the initial value of counter.
Additionally, it waits for the rising edge of clock signal for 20 clock cycles and prints the counter value at each rising edge.
To print or use a value, you need to append .value object to the corresponding register/port. For example, dut.counter.value is one such case.
Assigning Values to Input Ports
# Reset
dut.rst.value = 0
await RisingEdge(dut.clk)
dut.rst.value = 1
We can assign values to input ports. To do this, we use .value object. Afterward, we can move to the next clock cycle using await.
In the example above, rst signal is set to 0, then it waits for one clock cycle, and afterward, it is set to 1, which takes the design out of reset state.
# Check the final counter value
assert int(dut.counter) == 20, f"Counter value is {int(dut.counter)}, expected 20"
At the end of simulation, the counter is checked to see if it has reached the expected value. This check is performed using assert, which functions similarly to assert in SystemVerilog.
If the counter value is not 20, an error message can be printed to the console indicating that the test has failed.
How to Run
We have three required files. All we need to do is run make command from the terminal in the directory where Makefile is located.
In the example project, after running make, we can see output in the terminal similar to the one shown below.
If an error occurs at any point in the code, that test will be exited, and the next test (if any) will be executed.
To force a failure, I changed the value of 20 in assert statement to 19 in the last part of code, and the terminal output looked like this:
Waveform - Surfer
If the verification fails and we are trying to figure out where the problem lies, relying on Python print statements can be inefficient.
We can enable waveform generation in the background during verification. To do this, all we need to do is use make command with WAVES=1:
$ make WAVES=1
After running the command, the waveform is generated in sim_build folder within the directory where Makefile is located, with a .fst extension.
To view the waveform easily, I used Surfer, since it also has an online service. Alternatively, GTKWave can be used. You can view the waveform online at this link.
In the image above, you can load .fst file from the area marked with arrow. The desired signals can be added to the waveform from lower left.
Final Notes
If you are working with RTL, you should have a verification tool. In many ways, cocotb really appealed to me due to its ease of use. This article serves as an introduction to cocotb. There are many other features available. I might consider doing a series on this tool in the future.
ASIC | hwaccelerators | let's connect
2moGood stuff. Is it v1.x or v2? The missing simulators like Questa (Altera Quartus) and Vivado sim is a pity. But latest v1.9 something and latest verilator work together well. Running currently numpy/pytorch on systemverilog. One issue is that more complicated DUT IO is difficult to find the actual name of the signal to assign or read the signal. Then arrays of structs is with configurable width (FP32, FP16, INT8 arrays) and that is also difficult to get working. But once it works, it is pretty awesome.
Full Stack Electronics | Senior Lead Engineer @ ASELSAN