Colonisation - advancement or detriment to society?
Colonialism - 'The control over one territory and its peoples by another, and the ideologies of superiority and racism often associated with such domination' (Source: Oxford Reference Dictionary). Wiki has a more emotional explanation though ...
The following article encourages us to consider how current cultural biases and behaviours affect our interpretation of the past. Here I look to determine if colonisation helped advance business, civilisation and society, or if it only exploited cultures - what do you think and what evidence do you base that opinion on?
When completing recent studies of 'Environmental Studies', and 'Religion' we examined geography, history and social change, economic growth and social evolution - and how decisions resulted in inequality and change. While I concluded that colonisation was 'likely' better than evil in driving change, we are thankful that history records all things good and bad.
We can argue that society evolved when new ideas were introduced from different cultures. We could also question that without these new experiences and skills, and forced improvements, would that culture of improved or been worse off, would the building and rebuilding of infrastructure and lands, technological and method advancement, and even better food production have improved if countries were left alone? Although it is obvious that colonial empires created opportunities, they were likely due to exploitation, greed and self-profit. Could they have defended themselves if a colonial power was not there?
Question: What is the difference between Colonisers, Conquerors, or Liberators? What stops a liberator from becoming an oppressor, a freedom fighter from becoming a terrorist, or a conqueror from being overthrown? Is peace a ruse to prevent war or due to war and driven by evil cults of personalities, such as psychotic leaders, fundamentalists etc?
By studying change over time, we can examine how influence drove change and the reasons, although we should not only look at the result but the whole journey - like any great contract and business is there something we can learn to do better with the journey and its people? Conflicts have always existed from the first beginnings of humanity when tribes plundered neighbours to take their riches, food, shelter, and land. Colonisation is an ancient tool used by more than just modern colonisers for example:
All conflicts are brutal and history records most thankfully. Even with discourses selectively modified to suit the leaders of the time, once they are gone history always uncovers the truth as change is measured over a greater length of time than leaders' reign.
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Colonisation is akin to globalisation. How many countries buy up neighbour's mineral wealth to protect their mineral deposits (e.g., future wealth) - Does it make you think? What about buying land for food planation, or building factories in foreign countries as local laws are less stringent and local labour is more exploitable until they believe they have gained power - is that a similar path, does it make you think?
Colonisation was very expensive when you consider the travel and resources used to control other nations knowing, that eventually they will rebel, against colonists, their neighbours or just leaders - perhaps ultimate power does ultimately corrupt. We need to consider that decisions in the future need an understanding of its past; we should be able to build the future without removing or destroying the past, it provides continual lessons. Activists take note - retribution against a historical past does not change the past as that enable our thinking to evolve against past indiscretions and wrongs. Yes, the past was brutal whether they were colonised or not - and I would say more noticeable against indigenous people who did not understand or could not defend against its technological aggression; everyone is living proof of that today and tit-for-tats strikes are more balanced, although outward and persistent aggression is not.
Selective bias appears today as it did in history where discourses were corrupted. The current herd mentality is to treat anything related to history, colonisation and globalisation as abhorrent, and select the worst examples from centuries and decades ago to seek repatriation or retribution. However, are past leaders to blame, did they do it to enrich their society or just themselves?
So, in today's world, do you consider yourself as a Leader, Coloniser, Conqueror, or Liberator? Or simply, can you lead that benefits others what destroying what is around you e.g., create a legacy your children will be proud of; as Sir Alex Ferguson once said to Stewart Milne, you can't take it [money] with you!
#social change #history #learning #geography #leaders #leadership
These observations are not attributed to any organisation or person. They focus on learning and developing a deeper knowledge to drive awareness and best practices.