Come to China, Enjoy Six Amazing Teas

Come to China, Enjoy Six Amazing Teas 来中国品尝六款神奇的茗茶吧

According to archaeological and historical records, China is considered the birthplace of tea. The earliest documented use of tea dates back to the Zhou Dynasty (c.11th century-771 BC), while tea as a beverage became popular during the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220).



With trade along the Silk Road, tea spread from China to various parts of the world, profoundly influencing global tea culture. China boasts the most diverse range of teas globally. Tea can be categorized into six main types based on processing methods and fermentation levels: green tea, black tea, oolong tea, white tea, yellow tea, and dark tea. Each type has distinct processing techniques and characteristics.



绿茶 Green Tea:

  • 制作工艺:不发酵,通过杀青、揉捻、干燥等步骤制作而成。Processing: Non-fermented; involves steps like pan-frying or steaming, rolling, and drying.
  • 特点:茶叶保持了较多的天然物质,茶汤清澈、色泽绿润,口感鲜爽。Characteristics: Retains a high amount of natural substances; tea liquor is clear with a greenish hue, and the taste is fresh and brisk.
  • 代表茶:西湖龙井、碧螺春、信阳毛尖。

红茶 Black Tea:

  • 制作工艺:全发酵,经过萎凋、揉捻、发酵、干燥等步骤。Processing: Fully fermented; includes withering, rolling, fermenting, and drying.
  • 特点:茶叶色泽红褐,茶汤红亮,口感甘甜醇厚。Characteristics: Leaves are reddish-brown, tea liquor is bright red, and the taste is sweet and robust.
  • 代表茶:祁门红茶、阿萨姆红茶、锡兰红茶。

乌龙茶Oolong Tea:

  • 制作工艺:半发酵,制作过程中有摇青、炒青、揉捻、烘焙等步骤。Processing: Semi-fermented; involves steps like withering, bruising, partial oxidation, pan-frying, rolling, and drying.
  • 特点:介于绿茶和红茶之间,茶叶有明显的花香或果香,茶汤金黄透亮。Characteristics: Falls between green and black tea; leaves have a distinctive floral or fruity aroma, and the tea liquor is golden yellow.
  • 代表茶:铁观音、大红袍、凤凰单枞。

白茶White Tea:

  • 制作工艺:微发酵,主要经过萎凋和干燥两个步骤,制作工艺较为简单。Processing: Lightly fermented; mainly involves withering and drying, with minimal processing.
  • 特点:茶叶色泽银白,茶汤清淡,口感甘甜清爽。Characteristics: Leaves are silvery-white; tea liquor is pale, and the taste is sweet and light.
  • 代表茶:白毫银针、白牡丹、寿眉。

黄茶Yellow Tea:

  • 制作工艺:轻发酵,制作过程中有闷黄的步骤,类似于绿茶但增加了一道闷黄工序。Processing: Lightly fermented; similar to green tea but includes a unique smothering step (yellowing).
  • 特点:茶叶色泽黄绿,茶汤黄色,口感醇厚。Characteristics: Leaves have a yellow-green hue; tea liquor is yellow, and the taste is mellow and rich.
  • 代表茶:君山银针、蒙顶黄芽、霍山黄芽。

黑茶Dark Tea:

  • 制作工艺:后发酵,通过渥堆发酵、干燥等步骤制作,通常还需要一定时间的陈化。Processing: Post-fermented; involves steps like piling, fermentation, drying, and often aging.
  • 特点:茶叶色泽黑褐,茶汤深红或黑色,口感醇厚浓郁,具有独特的陈香。Characteristics: Leaves are dark brown to black; tea liquor is dark red or black, and the taste is rich and earthy, often with a unique aged flavor.
  • 代表茶:普洱茶(生茶和熟茶)、六堡茶、安化黑茶。

每种茶都有独特的风味和健康益处,提供了广泛的选择以满足个人的喜好和需求。Each type of tea offers unique flavors and health benefits, allowing for a variety of choices based on personal preferences and needs.



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