Common sense and automation
It is better to have a balanced set of methods and systems focused on the business objective than an uncoordinated set of best of breed tools that don't work together
I studied Automation at college, several years ago. The picture above shows a diagram of closed loop automation. We studied it extensively, with the support of advanced calculus, physical modeling of the systems.
Let me explain it very briefly, and let me use an example with an automated light control:
- There is a desired level. In the light example, this is the level of light that we want to have.
- There is a way to measure the current level. By comparing with the measured level, we know if there is any difference. This is the difference between the real light power and the desired level
- Due to the difference, the system has to act. Depending on the sign of the difference and the level of this difference, the action will be in one or the other direction and with a different level. With the light, there should be a way to increase or decrease light power.
- Then the real level changes and the cycle continues.
The process seems very straightforward, but there are caveats:
- The model of the system is critical to understand what is the best control approach.
- The system can become unstable, and instead of driving the system to the desired state, it will oscillate with wider variation, and this could lead to destruction.
- The delays between the measure and the action affect dramatically its stability.
- To have automation you need all the elements: have the desired outcome, capacity to measure and ability to act.
- The accuracy of measure and act has to be balanced. A great accuracy in measuring without enough control in the action makes no difference.
- The benefit of automation should compensate the cost of it.
Common sense
Artificial intelligence, Big Data, IoT and platforms provide new possibilities of measure for business, in any aspect. Interfaces between systems, APIs, automated marketing, logistics, offering,.. provide new range of action for the same business.
But without linking them in the proper way, the business benefits simply don't exist. Amazing pieces of technology have to become part of a balanced feedback and action loop.
- Focus on the business objective: The desired level.
- Measure it, and measure in intermediate steps.
- Identify the actions to get closer or improve this objective.
- Once this is balanced, do not wait until you get the perfect measure, the perfect action. Instead, start acting and measure the outcome. Improve it