Configuration of Haproxy Load-Balancer and Apache webserver by Ansible
In this article , using a single ansible-playbook I configure apache webserver and haproxy loadbalancer in such a way that :-
- Automatically configure the HAProxy load balancer using Ansible Playbook.
- When a new web server is added to the ansible inventory, the HAProxy configuration file should be updated with the new webserver.
- Ansible :- Ansible is an open-source software provisioning, configuration management, and application-deployment tool enabling infrastructure as code. It runs on many Unix-like systems, and can configure both Unix-like systems as well as Microsoft Windows. It includes its own declarative language to describe system configuration .
- Webserver :- A web server is software and hardware that uses HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and other protocols to respond to client requests made over the World Wide Web. The main job of a web server is to display website content through storing, processing and delivering webpages to users.
- Load-Balancer :-A load balancer is a device that acts as a reverse proxy and distributes network or application traffic across a number of servers. Load balancers are used to increase capacity (concurrent users) and reliability of applications. They improve the overall performance of applications by decreasing the burden on servers associated with managing and maintaining application and network sessions, as well as by performing application-specific tasks.
Let's Started
For this practical , I want to configure two Apache webserver and try to split the traffic by using haproxy Loadbalancer . All steps are done using a single ansible-playbook.
Step-1 Configure the inventory file
In inventory file , I create two group :-
- For Webserver (All webserver ip put in this group)
- For Load-Balancer (All load-balancer ip put in this group)
It is good practice, to check connectivity between controller node and managed node . We can see connectivity by ping module of ansible
ansible all -m ping
We see both webserver and load-balancer are connected to the controller node . So we are able to run play-book on these managed node.
Step-2 Write a Play-book
I create a play-book with two plays .
- for webserver
- for load-balancer
- In this play , I write the tasks and use ansible module to configure the apache webserver.
My webpage index.php. In this code , I use php to run ifconfig command. So we can easily differentiate that from which webserver we are connected and our load-balancer is working fine or not.
<pre> <?php print `/usr/sbin/ifconfig`; ?> </pre>
- I also create firewall rule in webserver for port no 80 . Because by default apache webserver works on the port no 80.
- This play is apply on Managed node(MN) to configure the MN as Load-balancer.
- I also create firewall rule in webserver for port no 8080 . Because I configure this load-balancer to sent the traffic on port no. 8080 . So client can access the webpage on the load-balancer port no 8080.
- The load-balancer configuration file is
- Here I use restart task under the handler. So this task is only run when any notify this task. For the notify , I use task of (copy the configuration file). So handler task only execute when any change occur in the configuration file of Load-Balancer.
To run the ansible-playbook
ansible-playbook haproxy.yml
When I run this playbook , then we can access our webpage in chrome browser by loadbalancer IP:8080
Step-3 Add new webserver :- To manage the traffic
First I have to update in the inventory file
Now check that controller node has connectivity to new managed node
We can see that new managed node is connected to controller node . So we can configure it as webserver. So when I run playbook
Now we can verify that the load-balancer is working fine or not . If it is working fine then it split the traffic between these two webserver.
When I refresh the page, then load-balancer connect to another webserver. We can verify by the help of ip address.
Hence our load-balancer is working fine and we don't need to manually register the webserver to the load-balancer .This issue is resolved by the jinja concept. In the LB configuration file , I use jinja concept . So when any new webserver come , then It automatically register to the load-balancer. We have to just update webserver ip in the inventory file.