Confusion Matrix

Confusion Matrix is a performance measurement for machine learning classification problem where output can be two or more classes. It is a table with 4 different combinations of predicted and actual values.

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Confusion Matrix is extremely useful for measuring Recall, Precision, Specificity, Accuracy and most importantly AUC-ROC Curve.

Let’s understand TP, FP, FN, TN in terms of pregnancy analogy.

The following is a Contingency Table of the types of errors and success (or hits) in a test for the presence of some anomaly (a tumour, a pathology, etc,), in general for the output of a binary classifier, a decision process or a diagnostic procedure:

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The following measures qualify the performance of a test, classifier or decision process.

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True Positive:

Interpretation: You predicted positive and it’s true.

You predicted that a woman is pregnant and she actually is.

True Negative:

Interpretation: You predicted negative and it’s true.

You predicted that a man is not pregnant and he actually is not.

False Positive: (Type 1 Error)

Interpretation: You predicted positive and it’s false.

You predicted that a man is pregnant but he actually is not.

False Negative: (Type 2 Error)

Interpretation: You predicted negative and it’s false.

You predicted that a woman is not pregnant but she actually is.

We describe predicted values as Positive and Negative and actual values as True and False.

How to Calculate Confusion Matrix for a 2-class classification problem?

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Out of all the positive classes, how much we predicted correctly. It should be high as possible.


Out of all the positive classes we have predicted correctly, how many are actually positive.

and Accuracy will be

Out of all the classes, how much we predicted correctly, which will be, in this case, 4/7. It should be as high as possible.


It is difficult to compare two models with low precision and high recall or vice versa. So to make them comparable, we use F-Score. F-score helps to measure Recall and Precision at the same time. It uses Harmonic Mean in place of Arithmetic Mean by punishing the extreme values more.

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