Connecting with the Deeper Energies

Connecting with the Deeper Energies

After a long day at work, it’s too easy to come home and plop down in front of the television and space out. Don’t forget about your relationship, though, and don’t let your relationship get stale! Social connection not only improves physical health, but also mental and emotional well-being. Everyone wants to feel like they are seen and that they belong. Getting there requires understanding your own thoughts, beliefs, behavioral patterns, preferences, and processes. In essence, it’s important to first know who you are before you can deeply connect with anyone else. Many of us go through life disconnected from our inner self, looking for something else (or someone else) to complete us. When we draw our awareness deeper inwards, we begin to feel supported, guided, and at peace. Like any relationship, the one we have with ourself requires time and commitment to build.

Believers also claim that you can more easily turn away from the distractions of the physical world, and restore yourself in the light, love, and power of this eternal Self, because it will reveal the illusions, desires, and attachments that keep you trapped in a lower vibration and on a lesser path, thus enabling you to find your higher path. You are also supposed to gain a greater ability to recognize limiting, disharmonious, and restricting energies and forms.

Have meaningful conversations with Friends and Family: You can’t feel a connection with someone if you can’t really talk to them. Do you feel a strong tie to the neighbor you chit chat about the weather with? It’s doubtful. But if you stopped and learned about their personal life or beliefs, you’d be forging a relationship with them. It’s true—some relationships are casual, and just require small talk. But for the relationships you value, make sure you take time to have a meaningful conversation and really get to know the person.

Focus on your breath: You can do this anywhere and at anytime, so it’s a great way to connect with yourself throughout the day. Focusing on your breath helps to ground you and draw you deeper into your inner self. Just focus on your breath, by bringing your awareness to it. Then follow it as you inhale and exhale. Feel the rise of your chest as it fills you right up, following it all the way to your belly and out again. Repeat for as long as you feel necessary.

Be present and Pay Attention: When you’re with someone, actually be with them. Be present. Don’t be texting on your phone or paying attention to something going on around you. Focus on who you’re with and what they’re saying. They’ll notice you’re paying attention and reciprocate, which makes the relationship better for both of you. Be kind and charitable to others, and you’ll get it back when you need it most.

Learn from your Hurdles: Don’t let a disagreement in a relationship progress into a destructive argument. If you allow your emotions to run wild and let an argument blow up, it could end a relationship. Instead, keep your head level and talk it out so there’s a logical compromise and all parties involved want to continue on with the relationship.

Create a morning ritual: Make time each morning before you begin your day to sit and tune into yourself. Even if all you can find is five minutes, make it a regular practice to check in with yourself each morning and spend time doing something that nourishes your soul. You might want to set an intention for the day, spend time in meditation, break out your journal, or repeat positive affirmations. Whatever works for you and however much time you have, make it a daily practice to deepen your connection to yourself.

Do more of what makes you happy: What really makes your heart sing? What lights you up? Maybe it’s painting or getting creative. Perhaps you love to prepare a nourishing meal for yourself and your family or to get outside into nature. Whatever you love to do, do it more often. Where can you make room in your schedule for these activities? What can you drop from your to-do list to allow yourself to tune into your internal joy? Knowing who you truly are helps you feel happier and make connections that don’t just make you feel good; they also make you do good.

Start each day by greeting yourself in the mirror. Take time to connect by looking into your own eyes. Smile at yourself, and feel your vibration rise. You could even speak a positive affirmation or mantra out loud to yourself in the mirror. Acknowledge your own presence before you go about your day. These small and daily actions help us deepen our connection to ourselves. They help us stay grounded, gain confidence, and live in alignment with what we really want. What daily mantras or routines keep you connected with your true passions? Share in the comment section below.

Be Curious: Too often people tend to focus on what they want out of the person they want to connect with, instead of taking interest in what that person likes. Instead of only talking about yourself, practice being a listener for a change. Ask genuine, open-ended questions about the other person. Comment on their story and build on common grounds. Throughout the interaction, you want the other person to feel like what they have to say is important, that they're being heard and not just here to help you with something. That said, do not force a conversation or relationship. If there is no connection, accept it. People can sense when you aren't being yourself or feigning interest. Have genuine curiosity in what the person has to say.

Human beings were created to be in community. We were created to understand and know ourselves, our Creator, and connect with the world around us, including the natural world. It makes us feel better and is a significant part of our overall health. It’s not difficult to find ways to deepen your connections.

Bobby Haynes

Merchants Mariner Credentials Security Clearance lo


Congratulations 👏👏

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