Conscious Society-5.0 Volume-03 of Booklet, Published on 11th July'23
💫Conscious Society-5.0 Volume -03, Published on 11th July'23.
In Volume-01 it is touched up on what is meant by Conscious Society with fundamental definitions. Also stated the importance of the Conscious Society, as same is the need of the hour and in different perspectives it has been looked at.
In Volume-02 of the booklet, it is touched upon what needs to be done to evolve the Conscious Society rather to build. And what kind of Life style changes to be accommodated has been elaborated briefly.
In Conscious Society-5.0, the primary objective is to place "Planet & People First Agenda" in what ever activity we do at home or office or in factory or in any business organization or in a educational institute...It may raise to question Why??? - in many people's mind. Fact is that....
....What has got us up to here i.e. this level of human societies evolution, civilization & technological developments etc., will Not take us further forward in times ahead from now on wards, As the paradigm shift is required in every walk of Life..!!! in all spheres indeed.
Now in this Vol. No.3 let’s go deeper in to Life & Society Aspects and their definitions. As Consciousness is exhibited by Human Beings/Life/Lives, So let’s understand what is Life and What is Society in a different perspectives. Still these two things are Not new to anyone & very well known to all, just a brush up kind of effort is put to re-capture all definitions at one place,herein also two tiny stories have been narrated as to emphasize the importance of Life & it's inner transformation for well-being in current VUCA conditions prevailed World.
Life is defined as any system capable of performing functions such as eating, metabolizing, excreting, breathing, moving, growing, reproducing, and responding to external stimuli - as per dictionary.
Life can be defined in other ways, such as:
🌸Someone said that Life has got No meaning by itself, but it is an Opportunity to Create it..!!! This quote made Me to Re-Think.! & Deep-Think.!! as to find out what is Life? I realized it's Infinite, it's Nothing & it's Everything. Life will fit into What ever Value you attach to it & what ever definition you make.You can check in your networking or Surroundings..
🌸Spiritual Leaders say Life is Possibility.. Yes it's gate way to become anything you want / wish. A state of being to becoming, it means an opportunity human being to turn as a human of something i.e. becoming, in Process of being to becoming if one is successful 🏆💪those personnel say Life is Beautiful journey. if for few Life doesn't go as per their wish & wants. they say Life is Not fair, get used to it. for someone being to becoming is a struggling, those say Life is beautiful suffering."The famous Hollywood Camadian Charle Chaplin once said that Life is funny in Long shot & Tragedy in Close-up " is it true? obviously it is true for him, but need Not for All..!!📌Currently 8Bn population, You touch anyone & ask about Life, for sure 8Bn different Answers you get.!!🪂But what ever may be Each one's experience of Life... Creator/ God has given Liberty to each human being to create their own, if we are Not utilizing such Valuable gift 🎁 of Liberty and turning our Lives into joyful & exuberant filled entities, We are really Biggest FOOLS on earth.🚚There are No Container Services to carry with us the Possessions 💍👜💵, Properties 🏢 to take with us. Each one of us Come & Go alone with empty hands. So what if No Big Car/Big Bungalow/Big Bank Balance like what our neighbors/friends/relatives having, still we can chose to be happy & joyful in Life, irrespective of these add-ons.🏅As rightly said by Mr. Bean, many are facing burn- out while Working in a Dream job of someone.. many are suffering staying in beautiful house/home which is Dream home for plenty home less.🤷♂️Why can't we Count our Blessings and be joyful & happy in Life. Why are we messing up dream jobs & beautiful houses and making our's & our dependent family member's Lives also miserable.. By having or Not having Big possessions Nothing we are gaining in our life or Nothing we are losing our life in synch of INFINITE Cosmos Life.🤹♂️*So why we are failing to recognize or appreciate our blessings and always finding flaws & shortcomings and getting depressed.*🎑When you get up from bed every morning, please Count Your blessings & when Night you go to bed for sleep, before falling asleep please Count Your Blessings in Life once again. See the difference after few weeks of this mindfulness Practice. It makes you Contended person in Life. happy & joyful human with what have right now.!!!
Inner Transformation for Life's well-being & to become better version of You...!!!!!
Change for better version of You... You get problems in Life not to get defeated by them, but you to defeat these problems... Don't let those past memories use You... you use them for growing.. Few may throw stones at You, Collect them & build steps to climb Success... Never let Your past destroy your future... Every day is a New & first day of your birth for rest of Life ... treat your past as past Life memories & crush them, you don't get crushed by these... Change for better future and Transform like butterfly in every hardship of life get more & more stronger..!!!
Once a Professor was traveling across one Lake/ Pond and in a small boat, the boat driver was on his job, focused on manual peddling as usual. On the way, Professor started asking few questions like below, as the boat crossed almost half a distance, and professor felt boredom a bit..!!
§ Do you know Trigonometry? it is very beautiful subject & interesting..!!!
Boat Driver : I don’t know Sir... As I didn’t go college, as stopped my education at high school 10th standard only.
Professor : You supposed to be learnt such a beautiful subject, You have wasted 25% of Your Life without learning such as beautiful subject…!!!
The Boat Driver kept quite & doing his job..!!!
§ Then on the way, Professor questioned again, Do You know Physics & Chemistry Subjects?
Boat Driver: I don’t know Sir....Even tough I went High School, I couldn’t learnt much these subjects, then Professor said, You wasted your 50% of Your Life, without knowing Physics & Chemistry How are you Living ??
Again, The Boat Driver is Silent..!!! but started trying to say something..
§ But the Professor didn't allow, immediately one more question- Did you Learn at least simple Maths subject ? to calculate money matters it is required.
Boat Driver : No Sir..., but I can do simple counting by fingers…!!!
Then Professor said, Oooh..!!!, you wasted your 75% of Life Not learning even simple Maths…
Boat Driver : Sir I learnt this small boat how to peddle after 0th pass, for me & my family Living it is good enough and I learnt swimming in case of emergency to swim as I work in pond. And learnt, if any repairs occur to this boat to do repairs on my own. What more I need to learn Sir ?? and he was thinking as to what to answer further..!!!
The boat is about to reach other side of pond, in few minutes to go, then the boat driver slowly started questioning back the professor in a polite way...
Do you know ‘Swimming Sir? The professor replied No...!! and asked why are you asking this ?
Boat Driver : Sir, one is repaired recently, now again water ingress into boat now, So, before we reach other side, if boat sinks means, we both should swim & go other side of pond..!!! So, I am asking to know whether you know the swimming..
The professor got panic and told, why can't to do something to repair it. Then the boat driver said repairing material is Not available right now. We have to swim, if you boat sinks, you should have learnt the Swimming Sir.. You are travelling and Not learnt very crucial swimming, your Life is wasted 100% Sir... What is point you know Trigonometry, Physics & Chemistry etc., the important one you haven't learnt.
The Professor got terrified & fully panic, Not knowing what to Do. And started asking any wooden Log is there in boat or safety jacket is there ?? so and so forth... Looking at Professor, the boat driver slowly replied Don’t worry Sir..,
I have one hole plunging cork here, I kept it forgot, now itself I will fix it the hole & did something to convince professor.. But I wanted you to understand that to Live Life fully we first need to know to Live our Life safely and what ever required for day to day earning & facing any emergencies, if we don’t know how to survive in our day to day living & able of raising emergencies & Life's challenges what is point learning trigonometry, physics & chemistry etc.,?
Professor realized the intelligence of the boat driver, even though the boat driver doesn’t educated much, He is Conscious of his living & surroundings and learnt all skills required for living, earning & for safety of Life...!!!
Why this tiny story is mentioned herein, because contextually for our current times it is very much applicable & relevant. Now our mother Earth Planet has got Hole in it or it's environment..
Hole = Environmental Pollution+ Global Warming+ Heat Waves+ Co2 Emissions + De-grading of Soil + De-Forestization+ Sea pollution+ Dying-off of Bio-Diversity Life Conservation + Ecological Imbalances + many other Environmental issues..
We need to repair the Hole immediately, other wise what will be going to happen to boat i.e. mother Earth Plant, in times ahead ??? Think !, Re-Think!! & Deep Think !!!
Similarly, Like Boat Driver has learnt what is required for Living, Survival & for Safety of Life in case of emergencies. We need to understand at current situations of world the most required thing is people's health care & well-being i.e. Self-care & well-being, Mental health Care, Yoga & Meditation practicing etc., which are most required qualities right now on mother earth planet...
Out of 2 personnel, one person is living alone or with loneliness in USA. And Out of 21 personnel, one person is facing loneliness in India. Out of 3 Teenagers, one teenager is under depression in USA. At this age supposed to be joyful, happy & giggling with smiles on face. Why depression, stress& mental Disorders?
Because we are Living in our lives like a professor.. Focusing more on Economics, Profits & AI &ML, Robotics, Big Possessions, Stocks & Richness etc., When basics of happy living it-self is at stack, What is point of learning high-end technologies and having high materials consumerism.???
It means something wrong with us, fundamentally we missed in knowing what is Life really means on planet Earth. Instead of living happy & joyful; full –pledged Life, we are running behind stocks, rich Possessions-Big Bungalows & Big Cars and trying to make Big Bank Balances. Instead of creating Healthy, Wealthy & Wiser Life.. to experience exuberant state in Life i.e.full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness.!!!
So Let’s learn what Life is & what is Society, of course everyone knows, but let’s dwell into it, in different dimensions & perspectives to brush-up as to bring more clarity in our understanding to suit to the current times of living.. As what got us up to here is Not going to take us further with any progress of worthwhile in future… We need to shift our way of living with Orbit Shift Scenarios adapting ….. the need of the our is Paradigm Shift in everything we do Learning, Earning, Producing of Goods & Services, our Transportation Systems, Educational Systems & Banking Operations etc.,and many systems & policies needs to revised to current times & challenges in hand and aligning with future goals
Before we understand what Life is & what is Society, let’s go though one more tiny story- it’s a story within a story of Professor & Boat Driver..!!!
The Professor and Boat Driver both reached the other side of pond, then the Professor, impressed by Boat Driver’s intelligence and the safe way he has brought him to the other side of the pond. Then he told why can’t you join the pre-university complete PUC, you have already passed 10th, isn't it?
Then Boat Driver replied What for Sir? Professor said, You can next Do Degree Course...
Boat Driver : Ooh what for Degree Sir ??? if you want to Do higher education or else earning more than what you are earning now. Further, if you have degree certificate, you can come with me after graduation to USA, You can earn more money in dollars….
Boat Driver : What for earning more Dollars & money Sir ? What will I do with that money ???
Then Professor looked at Boat driver with wonder & curiosity & asked slowly what's your name? … With smiling face, the boat driver said that SubbRao.H. Waahatttt he asked once again, he said SubbRao. Hanumathu…!!! Ooh is it? Very Oldish Style… Any how, You see Subbrao, with more money, you can buy Big Cars & build Big Houses in your village and make Huge Bank Balance etc.,
With bewildered face, Boat Driver asked, What for all these Big Big things Sir..?? Professor told You can make all that in your home town and after 15 or 20 years of working in USA, You can come back your home town & there afterwards you can live joyful & happy Life very relaxingly…!!! Now you looks like 25 to 30 years old, perhaps if I am correct.
SubbRao.H replied, yes I am 29 Years old Sir. I agree all whatever you told is Right Sir. but, Why should I waste 15 to 20 years of Life in USA running or working like a machine, few of my classmates, who passed Degrees they are working in USA they say whenever they return back their homes in our Village, that Life is so stressed & mechanical Life there…
Right now, I am doing same thing that what you have said living joyful & Happy and relaxingly, with my tiny house & small family with my father & mother and all relatives together in village, with supporting each other, in the hours of any need..If I come there who will be there for support, if any emergency situations Sir..questioned back..!!!
The professor started thinking deep-inn..., meanwhile Boat Driver started telling, What is point wasting studying for 6 years from now onwards & then working next 15 to 20 years for getting Big Cars & Big Bungalows etc., for joyful & happily living Life. Without all those things, when I am able of living happy & joyful right now.. It appears, you are wasting your Life 110% Professor Sir...!!! If you wish, You can live joyful & happy Life right now by returning back to your home town, permanently leaving USA..!!!
Professor has become silent & speechless !!! And don’t know what to reply to this SubbRao.H's answer…!! He got into self-doubting mode that am I really wasting my Life and postponing joyful & happy Life. He started recollecting his past Village Life. On the way both reached “rachha badnh“ the centre place of village with Big Tree with cool breeze & shade and big stone bench all around the tree, built to sit village people relaxingly, calm & cool minded village twittering… Then Professor started really thinking with self-doubt, is this was available in USA to have such a serenity Life in any day in past 10 years of his Living there?? No, but he used to feel so When he was studying in village, He did not return back village after going USA for past 10 years. He started regretting inside..!!!
Fact is that Life is happening on Earth Planet everywhere, Frogs jumps in Well. That is also living Life… Butterflies fly in Gardens, that is also living life… it is just individual choice where to live…When God has given liberty & few empty pages to each one of us, as to Create & Write whatever we want in Our life… if someone postponing 20 years to make unnecessary arrangements, in reality they will Not help any where to be happy & joyful in Life in Ground Reality..The Professor is wiser or the Boat Driver ?? whom you vouch for in this situation, if it suppose, happens in Your Life which one you chose ???
@------- end of part -01 of Vol. No.3 ------@
***Many think Life is there in Richness & having Big Bank Balances, Big Bungalows & Big Cars etc., and to become rich & to have all the material possessions of BIG, many are postponing living of joyful & Happy Life… Do we really need to be Rich & Affluent to be joyful & Happily live in Life.???***
🌸Simple Philosophy & Concept for joyful & happy living in Life is ....
*Small is Big…Small Possessions , Big Life..!!!*
How it works, let’s see the following analysis- Small house, small Car & tiny materials consumerism habit on need basis purchases.. No need of working like a machine to become Rich. Small possessions means, less maintenance costs & time required to spent for up-keeping Activities. Also replacement Costs are less. More time for Me-time, Family Time & fulfilling one’s Duties & Responsibilities.. Due to reduced Activities in any given day. The Big Possession means everything happens vice versa. Self-explanatory No need to repeat. More Activities in Life, less time for well-being activities of life Viz., Yoga, Mediation & Jagging etc., Quality time spending with Children, Parents, Spouse & Grand Parents etc.,
*** Believe it or Not.!!! Small is Big & Big is Small…!!! ***
I just thought of contextually narrate one Real Life Story herein, which I have read in one news paper article 28 years back,
In 1995, I was in my home town Tirupathi…two stories narrated in news paper next to next..!!!
Story -01 - One old man aged 96 year, living in a small hut with his wife. And children staying away in some other village in Andhra.. This man wanted to live in Pilgrimage place Tirupathi in his last years of Life, So he came & settle down in Tirupathi, for his survival he earns through by using small 4 wheeler vegetables selling cart manually pushed, daily he sells vegetables and he earns Rs. 800 or Rs.1000/- per month So, exactly can't be recollected. That was good enough for him to live Life joyfully those days. And every week end, he will do "seva" at temple in his local area. He is contented and living happily.. He used to arrange"Annadaana" for poor every year it seems i.e. giving free food for poor on festival day at temple, that's how he entered in news paper article.
Story-02 : This article about business tycoon Late Aditya Birla Sir, Owner for Rs. 8000 Crores Business Empire as per paper article, expired due to pneumonia fever in New York City, at age of 51..!!! He was in New York city with highly sophisticated hospital facilities, His Big Bungalows & So many staff surrounding him, Directors from his company. but nothing could come for rescue His Life.
That day, I started analyzing, So much Richness, People & High health Infra City Nothing could save the Big Business Man of India. where as the Old man at age of 96 living joyful & happily in pilgrimage place with just earnings of Rs. 1000/- per month hardly. And that to he was living in Hut and doing "Annadanna" for poor every year once on festival day....!!!! What a great way of living Life. So from that day, I realized for living joyful & happily No luxuries Nor Rich possessions required. Good healthy habits, Values & Virtues, Righteous living, Devotion & Trust in God and good supportive & understanding family members are Essential/ Important in Life…!!!
Now from real life stories and inferences thereof, let us dwell in to various dimensions & perspectives to understand What is Life in various definitions…!!!
1. The physical body (annamaya kosha) - the body made of food. Our flesh and bone. The most vulnerable, manifesting imbalances in the other layers.
2. The breath body (pranamaya kosha) - the body made of energy. Our life force or prana flows in the circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems.
3. The mental body (manomaya kosha) - the body made of mind. Our perceptions of the world, of ourselves and others live here. It’s the home of our ego, our emotions, and behaviour.
4. The knowing body (vijnayanamaya kosha) - the body made of wisdom. Our knowledge, our values, beliefs, and sense of right and wrong. When we talk about personal growth, it is this body we nourish.
5. The bliss body - (anandamaya kosha) - the body of consciousness. Our most subtle body, experienced in flashes of bliss where we feel at one with the universal consciousness.
Let's learn few fundamentals , I always believe in fundamentals & basics understanding well to apply in practical Life effectively, for that matter, why shouldn't we know fundamentals of our precious gift by God " The Life"
What are the 3 meanings of life?
Coherence means a sense of comprehensibility and one's life making sense. Purpose means a sense of core goals, aims, and direction in life. Significance is about a sense of life's inherent value and having a life worth living.
What are the definitions of meaning in life?
Their conceptualization of meaning in life considers it a three-part construct, defined as: “The extent to which one's life is experienced as making sense, as being directed and motivated by valued goals, and as mattering in the world.”
What is the best definition of life?
Life is defined as any system capable of performing functions such as eating, metabolizing, excreting, breathing, moving, growing, reproducing, and responding to external stimuli.
Let's us dwell in to different dimension & perspective more deeply as to What is the meaning of life in short way defined by eminent personalities in past... Let's us take traditional Good also into current modern definitions and build best contemporary definitions / meanings to live our best to suit to our current times and nearby future for few generations to come, if Not for ever.. because change is permanent in this world, nothing else..
A. The meaning of life to me is just to live a healthy, happy, honest lifestyle. A life I can look back at and feel proud of. I love being someone people can look up to, so I work really hard to make myself and others happy. I take much pride in being a good daughter, sister, and friend.
1. Firstly, meaning provides a purpose for our lives.
2. Secondly, it furnishes values or standards by which to judge our actions.
3. Thirdly, it gives us a sense of control over the events in our life.
4. Lastly, it provides us with self-worth.
Additional perspectives for researchers, may Not for all like to know, Hope so..
The basic processes of life include organization, metabolism, responsiveness, movements, and reproduction. In humans, who represent the most complex form of life, there are additional requirements such as growth, differentiation, respiration, digestion, and excretion.
We must be Grounded in Life always, as our body is fully evolved from the mother earth soil. And it is said we are * Biological beings by 40% & Spiritual beings by 60%...!!* as our soul & life energies are from the divine source.
The below mentioned 6 different ways or approaches always makes human's soul vibrant & exuberant. As Human Beings have been designed to live in relationships, Not in isolation living. Together Stronger. As 60% is divine entity which always seeks unity & integrity, it never works in isolation. As this universal energy is one and from one source...Believe it or Not. it's Ground Reality for humans and Universal Reality for one and all.
The following 6 different Ways can be adhered or practiced in Life to Realize One’s Meaning in Life..!!! What is the deep meaning of life? Learning to accept what arises in our lives can take us on a spiritual path that can help us understand life at a deeper level. When we have positive experiences, we accept them effortlessly, and we feel joy and inner peace.
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with a tiny beautiful video herein below, very effective story to know..!!
💠Each one's Life is different & Unique. As such each one Life is a different question paper, as So answers will be different, if anyone copy someone else's Life i.e. Answer. The Answer(Life) is correct for someone (his/her) Life, but Not for Our Life.. That's why we shouldn't compare our Life with others. it's Wrong Attitude in fact.
📌Tiny video teaches us a lot and helps us to think deep in to our Life/Lives. Courtesy: Originator Written Treasures.
⚠️Now a days Android mobile brings entire world into one's hand. it is like watching tip of ice-Berg. hope it is Self-explanatory. How dangerous comparing with other's Life on surface. Not knowing Life of others deep-inn.!
🔰For that matter Not only happiness, any other aspect like wealth, position & educational marks especially parents compare with other children. One should compare one self year-on- year basis. And where he/she was last year & today this Year with respect to knowledge, materials & money possessions, experience gained in one's profession, health & relationships etc.
✅One should check what direction he/she ⛵ sailing in life. Situations are like wind, As ship Captain doesn't allow ship destiny to wind direction, Similarly we shouldn't suffer(allow) because of past& current ongoing incidents/situations in our life.
🔶Set Life Goals (Destiny) keep working every day, on the way troubles occur, strong stand & resolve. And keep moving ahead until reaching goals. once goal reached, new goal can be set. *Note :- personal space life, intimacy life, family life & work life -All four quadrants balance is required in Life.*
🔷One most important thing is we should pay attention what ever we do right now, in current moment, Life is Here or else No where. *Note :- Past is memory, one can't live in past. Future is Yet to come imagination, we may plan our future goal, but can't live in future.*
📌There is a one formula to live in present Always..!!
💠Tackle current job with attention = Prioritize works in hand (Do important & urgent work first then next So on & So forth) + Aligning to future goals/ plans +presence of mind in current moment. it's called APAP technique, with this you resolve current job/ problems in alignment with future goals. you live in present always & you reach your destiny with ship captain's sailing ⛵approach by resolving problems on day to day living.
💠Few definitions for better understanding of formula..!!!
1.Attention=*Involvement+ Grasping Power (As to grasp Current happenings in Life, Always )+Focus +Concentration*
2.Focus=what to get it done current moment
3. Concentration=what to get it done in overall i.e. Intention/Purpose of Goal
📌Compete with Self & Live in present moment, Always take care current day problems in alignment with future goals & destiny. Your future will be bright✨& Automatically Life will be happier.!!!
Vide beautiful tiny video link furnished below the philosophy of Life Not to compare has been explained.
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Some People say Life is bitter & uncomfortable truths, every work place, employees ( Life/ Lives ) are burning out... small brief as to get motivate in one's Life to be responsible human being for living family sake and knowing what is life with a construction touch, being I am professional of construction.. I explained my professional language herein under..
✅Yes, even today, there is No Answer for question of *Who Am I?* -Consciously questioned by Shri Ramana Maharshi ages back.
🎆Some times I try to figure out with building construction as a analogy. As saying goes doctor speak in doctor's language, lawyer speaks in lawyer's language.
👷Me being Construction Professional, like to speak in Construction Language
1 Building 🏢/🏠= Human being👦/👧
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2. Designer ( Lord Brahma ) Do design of how building should be.!
3.Client, The maintainer of Building (Lord Vishnu) will maintain the building after Construction by..
4. The Builder (Lord Shiva) Constructs per Specifications/Money of Designer/Client.
🎑Initially in the space, Nothing will be there. Foundation will be laid & Structural frame work build (Bones) then block masonry (muscles) , the painting (skin) etc.,
*Air purifers/AHUs (lungs)*Water filters (kidney)
*Pumps (heart) *Piping & cables (nerves)
*Building controller (Brian) So on & So forth with all systems building is ready, After completion of 100 years of Building Life. It will be destroyed. And We can only say, so & so building was there between this year to this+ year.
✅Similarly human body is made with 5 elements.. viz.,
1. Earth(12%) 2. Water(72%) 3. Fire(4%) 4. Air(6%) & 5. Space(6%)
*Earth= Building materials
*Water=Borewell water + Water Supply Board Supply..
*Fire=Electricity in Building
*Air= Air Supply from Air-Conditioner.
*Space in which human body build=Space in which building constructed
*Human Thoughts from brain in Synch with Various body parts=Instructions from Building Controller in Synch with various building sensors.
*Human Emotions=Current failure in building is dark & so human beings in sad / sorrow mood.
*Cool Air Conditioner Air=cool, cool happy emotions.
*External Building Lighting=Aura of human being around physical body.
📌Food we eat burns and turns as Energy to operate various systems viz., heart, lungs, kidney etc., like Electrical Energy runs Pumps, Air Purifiers & Water Filters etc.,
📌As long as building exists( physical body) thoughts, emotions, aura & energy will exist. Once demolition is done. only space will be left.
📌So the Almighty God or Gods are our Life ( building) designers, builders & operators. We as a space=Soul to experience thoughts & emotions to limited time i.e. 3600+ weekends if one lives 71.5 yrs. Don't take Life So Serious.
📌No one knows about Soul=Space, but it is neither created nor destroyed, it has No end & No beginning. Only few eternal Souls remember few Life times. Believe it or Not, it is TRUTH.!
🌸Leaving all aside make Life beautiful, it is in our hands,God has given that liberty to create meaning to Gift 🎁 of Life, Be Kind, Love & Support Co- living beings within Your abilities. No need to know Uncomfortable truths to Live Life Sincerely & Joyfully.🌸
🎑 There could be many bitter & uncomfortable truths about Life, Similarly there would be toxic work places & job burnouts in Career journey, in spite of all odds, The one who makes up His/ Her mind daily and go for work to fulfill family Responsibilities and work as a one Team member in alignment with company goals, keeping in mind that because of company every month salary is taken home for his/ her family Living..Definitely 110% He or She is sincere with Life...
🏵What if one co-worker or boss is tough or toxic, Can't stand strong and work for Family & Organization sake?? **The one who stands strong is the real Life Hero or Heroine. He will be in hearts of family members & ex- colleagues even after leaving company..**
💠In general everyone question- what am I getting here??? Why should I do this tough assignment? Why Not other person? these kind of questions will be raised..!!!📌Can we find one person with self-drive, if there is a problem let me solve attitude.. Always what benefits to Me & what I get out of that?? Why to compare ? are you Not part of Society/ Organization/ Family. As such others' problem is Not your problem?? then You shouldn't stay in that family/Organization/ Society.. might be it sounds a bit harsh to many..!!
✅Any one ever questioned What am I giving to this Society/ Organization/ Family in my Life.. Remember that how much Possessions we make in Life is Not that Counts at end of Life's Journey....It is....
❇️How many Hearts ❤💞You touched in hard times & Complex Organizational Situations by standing front and saying that Yes this problem I will resolve..!!
❇️ How many times you shared what you posses for bringing smiles on other's faces,
❇️How many Situations you Extended helping hand in times of Need to Your colleague or a family member or a Friend
❇️Shower Kindness & Compassion Contextually on fellow beings i.e. colleagues & Co- Living Species i.e. hungry street dogs 🐕 & cats 🐈 by feeding food...
🌸In spite of all odds & life challenges, Who try to Live Contended & put best efforts to make life beautiful for others surrounding them are awesome personnel indeed.
🌸Today's Society need more & more such a vibrant persons to make this world a better place to live for current youth & forthcoming generations.
1. Learn all that you can about happiness.
2. Let your talents lead you to new opportunities.
3. Make connections with people with whom you share interests.
4. Set goals that are challenging but clear.
5. Follow your internal compass when making decisions.
6. Help others when you can.
With the above approaches of finding meaning to Life, one can find happiness in Life. but with a questions in mind that How can purpose, fulfillment, and satisfaction in life be found should arise in everyone's mind
Everyone wants to know what they are living for. Everyone wants to live a happy life without any stress or worries. Interestingly, when pursuing happiness, not many people remember what the brevity of life is all about, i.e. you can be here today, and gone tomorrow!
Meaning full Friend Ships & Family Relations, Creativity, Work & Social outreach Activities.. Constraints for Relations are.. Viz., Loneliness Fear , Hatred,
Whether, It is "Bible or Bhagwadgita" both says for nurturing & blossoming of Life through meaning full Relationships with Values & Virtues and Righteousness in Living..!!!
Live and Let Live polices.. Know thy-self and respect other’s Life and Own Life.. As rightly said without God ( Lord Jesus in Christianity ) or Almighty ( in Hinduism Lord Shiva, Eshwara, Brahma ) there is No Life for human beings, we are interwoven with Divine Creation. Our body is from Earth soil & Soul from Divine Source. this fact has to be realized.
@-------end of part -02 of Vol. No.3 ------@
Now let's look at what is meant by society, how to build cohesive & supportive societies which are conducive for humans well-being and planet mother Earth health. In which societies supporting each other contextually and need basis with kindness, empathy & compassion needs to be inculcated. collaborative living has to be enhanced manifold than what is happening in current societies.
The society means aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community. People obey the laws of land and governance of political governance, live in peach and harmony with out disturbing the law & order in public places and in society.
A human society is a group of people who are related in some way, usually through family lineage but more modernly through commerce as well. The members of a society usually - but, in modern times, not always - share the same culture or ethnicity.
What are examples of human societies?
Now this is high time we need to evolve rather build into Conscious Society..
**Before we learn as to how it has to be conducted among communities and why it has to be conducted in communities to develop or evolve the conscious society, let us go through this small tiny story as narrated below..
Once two friends debating about where the heaven in this cosmos. one smart guy said, home is on earth only. it is our house/home.. creating heaven is in our hands only. each individual has his own heaven with family members with joy, Love & happiness loaded. Only thing is many have Not realized this fact.
Then the second guy told, I won't agree to your point.... please prove it practically.. then the first guy who told our house only heaven on earth- it is none other than our hero SubbRao.H.
SubbRao.H - asks his friend how many bed room house do you have ?
Friend replies : 8 bedrooms house in 3 floors, then he says Ok you do one thing, close all the bed rooms in upper floors of your house for one week, start living only in one floor Ground floor that to take away mobile phones from your kids, after 8.00 pm and return back them at 8.00 am in the morning, including you and your wife also do same thing, but keep one old landline for any calls receiving or one non-android mobile for calls receiving common for all family members. You are hardly five members isn't it . One non-android is good enough.. Also says sleep before or on 11.00 pm sharp including completion of night time meditation by 11.00 pm . you can get up at 4.00 am or 5.00 am or 6.00 am as per your comfort , but Not later than 6.00 am..
After few weeks rolling, the SubbRao.H's Friend comes back and says, yes we have done this it is fantastic, all our family members are able of communicate each other after 8.00 pm, since no one is busy with Androids and we are watching TV for an hour together and having dinner together, by discussing & knowing what happening in other's Life, like in colleges of my kids, in work places of mine & my wife. Yes I feel like very joyful than before-Friend Says.
The SubbRao.H gives the following Agenda asks him strictly follow that regime in day to day living..
🌸5 Golden Approaches for Joyful & Peaceful Living..
1 . Sleep 11.00 pm - gets up @4.00 or 5.00 or 6.00 am as Convenient... If you do yoga & meditation regularly 5 hours Sleep is Good Enough..then You can get up at 4.00 pm..
2. Have 3 meals day without fail... Heavy breakfast- Medium Lunch - Lite Dinner.. Keep meal to 5 or 6 hours gap.. After Dinner, Don't Sleep for 1&1/2 hours at least one hour..
3. Associate with Good people who suits our Life style & mindset in all walks of Life... Don't lose your values for anyone sake... Stand strong with your habits, values and disciplines of your family's
4. Live in current or present moment always, if you take care present problems, your future will be bright.. Never ever Live in Past & future, just remember past lessons only and get wiser , never allow to get wounded yourself.. Similarly plan future goals, align current decisions & activities to your future goals and Do work in hand with 100% focus & attention.. Life is Now Here or else No Where..Life is in Present Moment and Always.. What gone is gone & it is Not Yours. And what retains is yours, more over @any point of Life.. In any given day of Life try to achieve more from that day, but by trying to retain or maintain what you have already on that day....***. Balance, Balance & Balance.. But remember one thing that what ever you Do, Your Safety & Family Dignity is First and Always... ***
5. As times goes, Career Life span is going to reduced to 15 years.. So advise your recently job joined son to save 60% monthly salary & spend on Need basis only.. Unnecessary buying avoid... As more items you collect, you need to maintain more at cost of losing valuable ** Me Time** & also more materials replacement, more money to earn to maintain same standard of Living.. You end up with mechanical Life Living in vicious cycle of work, work.. Work.. No Life of Me Time... So go for small tiny house of 3BHK in one floor which is convenient and comfortable for 5 persons living, Live one year and then come back and tell me how Life is compared to one year earlier, when you were in 8 BHK house...
Also asks his Friend to sell his 2 Crores worth Big CAR and asks him go for medium or small size car. the friend will do the same... accordingly..
After rolling of one year, this guy only runs to SubbRao.H and says thanks for your advise, we have lot of peace at home, my wife Not complaining of maintaining of 3BHK, as it is easy compared to 8 BHK, the BIG car maintenance was very high per year including petrol costs were very high. Now we could able of save 3 lakhs more because of small house & small car. which Not only saved our money, also enhanced our bonding between family members. earlier we used to live lonely. Now we could able of taking dinner together, watching TV together and able of spend quality time together. Not only that our other two kids who are going college, they started studying well and feeling energetic, No stressed, earlier they used to express depression.
SubbRao.H you are right heaven is there in our houses only on mother Earth. He agrees for that. He further says, earlier he used feel burnout at work place. After starting SubbRao.H proposed daily regime, his friend is able of focus more on work. As he also stopped surfing Android mobile after 8.00 pm . Only non-android is being used between 8.00 pm to 8.00 am for common calls receiving for all family members. He says his mental stamina increased and he feeling more energetic than before...
Yes, if people wish to live in heavens, one needs to create that ambiance in house, it is collaborative responsibility of all family members. By switching off of the android mobiles between 8.00 pm to 8.00 am for 12 hours , virtual life to real life living balance is attained. In this modern era Not only balancing personal space life, intimacy life, family life & work place life. But also balancing the virtual space life & real space life 12 hours & 12 hours is equally important for mental health enhancement and well-being of human beings. this is called Meta Verse - latest terminology used to merge virtual world into real world seamlessly
once happy families in society, automatically work place also all work joyfully and fullest potential without burnouts at work pace. kindness, empathy and compassionate behaviours are necessary and need of the hour in current society for peaceful and harmonious society building. Mentally weak & sick people can't form healthy & joyful societies.. only happy & mentally healthy people can build healthy & happy societies... happy societies together can build strong Nation.
All should focus on building healthy & vibrant societies, which built on
elements of kindness, empathy & compassion etc., for well-being of All..!!
Everyone Collectively work together in addressing the social issues..!!!
The Leaders in Business, ( in modern societies) Social Services Facilitators, Kings/Rulers & Political Professionals are Eminent Personalities with great Potential, Values & Virtues, In history, past Who shaped human societies, are remembered even today's Generations, because of exhibition of these great human/divine qualities..!!! by those Leaders...
🌸Kindness* - Sacrificing one's Life for others well-being - Lord Jesus, Lord Buddha , Lord Shri Rama & Lord Shri Krishna & Lord Shri Shiridi Sai Baba...!!!
🌼Love*- Sharing, Caring & Giving their time ,efforts & possessions for others' well-being sake - Jaathi Pitha Shri Mahatma Gandhi, Shri Alluri Seetharaama Raju, Shri Subhash Chandra Bose & Shri Bhagath Singh..
🌸Compassion* - Serving others in times of Crisis during Covid Pandemic, taking Risk to their Lives, **Doctors & Nurses**have saved many Lives....A great heart of our current times,none other than Emeritus Dr. Ratan Tata..who donated INR 1,500/- crores to PM's Covid relief fund.. And recently in age of 85, at one cancer hospital inauguration He announced that He dedicates His last years of living in contributing to health... What a Lovely & Great Humanitarian He is...
Vide below link 👇
🛐Kindness, Love ❤& Compassion.. - these 3 wonderful qualities exhibited by great humans/ leaders in past, they are eternal & lives in human societies / hearts ❤💞 even today and for ever..
🏵Enjoy Awesome song 🎵 from Manavudu & Daanavudu Movie.. Lyrics written by Dr. C. Narayana Reddy (సినారే), Music 🎶 Composition by Mr. Ashwathama.. beautiful expression of 3 qualities in various occasions by great legendary leaders in past...In today's society all need to learn & exhibit these traits Viz., Sacrificing Nature, Serving Intentions & Divine Character beyond Virtues. In song hero have Faith* in God & requests Him to become Light of Right Path 👣 to eyes of humans to Live Righteously & also requests God to give those great qualities of Nobel Leaders to all humans...What a wonderful lyrics, Standing Ovation to *సినారే*!!!!
A social conscience is "a sense of responsibility or concern for the problems and injustices of society". While our conscience is related to moral conduct of everyone in the society.
Social consciousness or social awareness, is collective consciousness shared by individuals within a society. ... Social consciousness is linked to the collective actions of everyone to common goal of addressing social challenges as a one united community..
To be socially conscious means being deeply aware of the people around you in society – how you impact them and how they impact you. Being socially conscious can make you feel empathy for others and therefore mindful of how your actions impact them.
Let's build a society of with addressing mother planet earth challenges & social challenges of humans,viz., well-being, mental health, un-employment, burnouts at work place, suicides of youth, small business entrepreneurs & jobs lay-off etc.,
Vide below two links, about teenagers & youth as to how to keep monitoring them as to reduce their mobile screen time and the second link is about how to cope up the mental health issues etc.,
@-------completion of part -03 of Vol. No.3 ------@
The next Volume No.4 will cover about the following aspects & related concepts in Conscious Society. 5.0,
1. Residential dwellings Design & Construction
2. Educational Systems, Curriculum & Institutions
3. Work Place Culture & Policies.
4. Transportation Systems.
5. Business Governance.
* Human Societies evolved & developed with many revolutions Viz., Industrial Revolution, Information Technology Revolution, Barter System of Economy to Bitcoin System of Economy.... In analogy with professor & boat driver story, only half way of the pond we have crossed.
But Human Societies ended up with devastating challenges of countless in external environment, natural resources scarcity or diminishing and inner well-being of human species is deteriorating with focus on external development and it's revolutions... i.e. the boat ( mother earth ) has got the following hole/holes, to make further journey safe, how to plug the following holes and parallel we should take care life & well-being of personnel i.e. those who are living alone or loneliness in this world, like Professor in our above story.
🔰 Fast Drying-off of Agricultural Lands & diminishing Organic content
🔰 Day by day drying-off of Rivers across the world
🔰Sustainability of Natural Resources
🔰Conservation & Protection of Forests, Water, Soil etc.,
🔰Ecological Balance Restoration...
🔰Bio-Diversity Life Enhancement,
🔰Global warming🌎📛 & Heat Waves..
🔰 Air Pollution , Water Pollution & Sea Pollution
🔰 Artificial Light Pollution & Sound pollution
🔰 Cyber Attacks, Threats & Digital Intoxication Ailments
🔰 Road Accidents & Agriculturalists suicides..
🔰 Diminishing Family Values & increasing Divorces....
🔰 Health related Challenges- Cancers, Young age Heart Attacks.
🔰 Traffic Jams & Congested Housing Layouts , Crops quality deterioration
Each and every human being should do "inner engineering course" that devised and offered by Isha Foundation Guru, Shri SadhGuru MahaDev.!!! for gaining inner stability, peace of mind and over all well-being in one's Life. I feel, every one should visit at least, once in their life time..!!! The Holy "Dhyana Lingam" @Isha Ashramam, Coimbatore...!!!
vide below video link...
Life is a beautiful Gift from Divine Creation ( GOD ) ..each one of human-being should utilize this for maximum potential and make it awesome Life.. the gate ways is inner transformation..The tool is Inner Engineering.!!!
🔱Jai Shri AdhiYogi Hara Hara Shiva MahaDev...!!! 🌸
🔱Jai Shri SadhGuru MahaDev...!!!!! 🌸