Consumer Brands are not Leveraging the potential of Pack Shapes.
ROI of Branding & Marketing is key during Recessions
Times of recession are upon us (some even believe a mayor depression is about to land). Marketing teams and brands are cutting budgets and reassessing how to allocate spend most effectively. Luckily consumers still need to eat, drink, wash their hair and change diapers of their kids.
Packs drive tremendous ROI (and its your most powerful Branding Tool!)
With a plethora of touchpoints and channels to activate and a consumer that is getting better and better at filtering out noise, many savvy marketers realize the power of packaging design is immense. From all marketing touch points, your packs spend most time with your target consumers. In addition, your packs are the only marketing instrument that play a critical role before, during and after purchase.
Before Purchase, Pack Shots are featured in most communication
Before purchase, when marketing is focused on generating awareness and building interest, your packs are almost always featured in key visuals, campaign materials, brand world expressions and digital media.
During Purchase, Performance of Packs at Shelf are Key to Driving Sales
During purchase, good packs can hit 100% exposure of shoppers at each visit. Your pack's ability to draw they eye of the shopper (in 2 seconds or less!), correlates directly with sales. Do your packs perform well in driving impact and visibility or is cluttered messaging reducing the performance of your packs? If a marketing team intends to get a target audience to switch from a preferred brand to an offering it is proposing, are the packs effective in conveying the value proposition. How easy is it to navigate a pack and find relevant messages. Quickly?
After Purchase, Packs build Memory Structures & Recall needed for Repurchase.
After purchase, packs perform at the critical moment of use. The product is experienced and packs communicate with consumers on a regular basis, sometimes for hours on end, day after day (How much time do you spend with your water bottle, gum pack or tissue box? Probably much longer than you are exposed to their ads, bus wraps, billboards or digital executions!). Packs that make smart use of visual assets are able to enter memory structures, which helps facilitate those auto-pilot repurchases, driving loyalty, the ultimate goal of branding.
Most brands only touch Graphics, ignoring the potential of Structure & Shape.
When marketers think about packaging design, they mostly only consider graphics. Why? It is a quick and easy fix. Sending a new artwork for print, is a quick and instant adjustment, whereas changing the shape of a bottle usually involves a coordinated effort of multiple teams - Marketing, Factory, R&D, Supply Chain, Trade Marketing, Mold Makers. So structural changes are a little harder, and yes, us humans tend to prefer the easiest road.
Shape is a tremendous (mostly unutilized) driver of Value.
Do you realize that shape, even before color is decoded by the brain fastest? That's why traffic signs come in triangular shapes with red colors. But shapes go far beyond visual impact at shelf. They play a critical role at the moment of use.
There are Many ways Pack Shapes can drive significant User Value
Let's have a look at the many ways pack shapes can drive value for users that can affect brand preference and choice. Each bucket on its own can single handedly become a driver of differentiation and distinction
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Are you Serious about your Carbon Footprint? Sustainability and Structure go hand-in-hand!
Packaging is considered a big culprit when it comes to counting carbon emissions. If you are serious about becoming more sustainable as a business, pack structures are a perfect way to reduce your carbon footprint.
Various aspects can be considered:
Best time to consider Shape redesign? 6 - 12 months before Mold Renewals!
The best time to consider a packaging shape revamp, is whenever the structural blow molds are up for renewal. Allocate sufficient time for design, mockup developments and research / validation and factor the lead times in for getting new molds made. Often the window for change is missed, because of last-minute planning or departments within an organization not communicating with each other.
Hard to find a specialist that is capable to developing Structures and Shapes?
True, is not easy to find an agency partner that has capabilities to redesign both shape and graphics in tandem. Especially structural design skills are not often included in the service offering of the agencies. While it's easy to sketch a shape. Understanding the production line on which bottles have to get filled, then producing a brief that a structural designer can work with. The ability to develop accurate volumetrics, estimate plastic grammage and render the technical CAD drawings are out of scope for many.
The team of Square44 however has a track record of many years, working with clients on structural design across most FMCG categories. If you want to discuss opportunities for a structural redesign project or a shape revamp that has to be executed in tandem with a graphic redesign, don't hesitate to reach out and get in touch here!
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Square44 Brand Design Agency - Bangkok
2ySo true in all aspects and still so underleveraged...
Client Director, APAC at Aire Global
2yGreat article. I would add one more point of good pack which is storage function. Not many people think about this but the shape of pack should be able to store peacefully in the given space with its category. Think milk gallon. It is usually stored in the fridge door compartment. Pack shape should take that into consideration. If your gallon is too bulky it won’t fit that space in most fridge brands. People would give up fat milk gallon rather than changing the fridge! :)