Is Corona Virus Vaccine feminine and why it affects women more?
I know this article is going to attract lot of trolling and comments for being so gender biased, but think about it seriously. At least from my own experience of taking first dose of Vaccination recently I was feeling all fine and did not have any side effects at all except for sore arm for some time due to the injection, but it became alright after a few hours. But my wife who took the vaccine along with me, as shown in the picture above she got sick within a few hours she developed fever and chills and was on the bed since the day one and this lasted for another 4 days including fever, giddiness, loss of appetite, heavy headedness, sore throat, nausea and all the symptoms associated with Covid-19 vaccination observed till date.
Then I checked with my friends, neighbours and colleagues who had taken the vaccine recently had the same experience that the men were absolutely fine in more than 90% cases and their female counterparts underwent similar experience like my wife had. This raised the question in my mind if the Novel Corona-virus vaccine is feminine in gender and that is why it troubling women more than men.
It is commonly seen in TV serials, movies, plays, stories and so on that women are the enemies of women mostly and there are always tensions between mother in law and daughter in law and even mother and daughter or sister rivalry or similar cases are observed when women become enemies of women and give them more trouble. Vaccination cases statistics I was not aware universally but from my own experience and experience of many I talked to concurred with me that was the case. But when I started doing some research on this subject online I found that in a recent study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, analyzing safety data from the first month of COVID-19 vaccinations, over 79% of side effects were reported by women though just about 60% of the doses were administered to women. Dr. Anne Liu, an infectious disease physician at Stanford Health Care in Palo Alto, California, said that the rare anaphylactic reactions that have been reported have happened "almost exclusively" in women.
"We do know that anaphylaxis, which is very rare, seems to be almost exclusively in women," Liu explained, noting that the allergic reactions had been reported in clinical trials and are not a reason for concern. "We don't know how much of that is reporting bias, like if women are for some reason reporting symptoms more often than men are." A delayed skin reaction to the Moderna vaccine that was reported earlier this month was observed mostly in women. (
The CDC study looked at data from the first 13.7 million COVID-19 vaccine doses given to Americans. Among the side effects reported to federal officials, more than 79% came from women. Dr. Wohl attributes the differences to a couple of things. He said women are more likely to report how they're feeling after a vaccine. There are also biological reasons namely the difference in immune systems. "We see more autoimmune diseases in women than we do in men and we know the effects of pregnancy on the immune system can be significant," he said, adding that this is no reason to chance the doses of vaccine for men versus women. (
However, from what is being increasingly seen now, there is a certain factor that influences your odds of getting harsher side-effects, i.e., being a woman. According to new emerging researchers, women are more prone to getting vaccine side-effects than men. While women tend to have a surprisingly lower risk of COVID-19 severity, the vulnerability to vaccines is rather intriguing. We explain how this can happen, and the ways to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms.
Biology, too, plays an important role here. Just like women tend to have a stronger threshold to COVID-19 attacks and severity, the female immune system tends to be more robust and behave distinctly as compared to the male counterpart. Some studies have also seen that women tend to produce more infection-fighting antibodies as compared to men. (
It is feminine because the final in (Indian brand of vaccine is called Covishield ) and even Covid-9 has D is for “disease” which is “maladie” in french and maladie is feminine. The confusion came from people believing that covid was the name of the virus itself. In french virus is masculine. When you say “il a attrapé le covid” it should be “la covid” but you cannot tell if the speaker was talking about the virus or the disease. However, most of the time it's not important, but this subject inspired me to write an article after a call with a friend recently. Cheers!
I help business & personal brands to grow (and make $) on LinkedIn with the help of Influence + AI + Creative Content.
3yWow interesting topic & reserarch. Thanks for the tag KISHORE SHINTRE
Director/Actor at 3Penny
3y🤘Congratulations for living proudly vaccinated😁🕉️💕
"Say Goodbye to Stress, Depression Overthinking & Anxiety: Hello to a Life of Purpose & Fulfillment" CEO, 4D Health Counselling Services, Canada 🇨🇦
3yAll the best KISHORE SHINTRE Great article and analysis!
Senior Clinical Dietitian & consulting Nutritionist | Holistic wellness & Therapeutic Nutritional consultant | Mom
3y😃 sad irony... KISHORE SHINTRE
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
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