Coronavirus: How business are showing that they care
Coronavirus is a God sent opportunity for everyone to rethink and re visualize the purpose of existence not only humans but also businesses. Businesses which stood up with the customers and employees in this critical time will leave a mark in their minds as being customer & employee centric and Socially responsible. Contrarily to those who try to rob off or deliver a bad experience . It is a time where customers /employees will know which companies stand true to the test of time. Those businesses will have better chances of survival in after COVID scenario.
We will discuss a few initiatives which companies took in this hard time inside and outside Pakistan that will leave a mark. Following are the 20 ways in which companies are helping society
- Making sure that customers are getting products at the right price and selling with honest claims
Amazon blocked all retailers who raised price for masks and hand sanitizers during coronavirus and blocked 1 million products with false claims. “There is no place for price gouging on Amazon,” a spokeswoman said in a statement, citing the company’s policy that product information must be accurate and that Amazon can take down offers that hurt customer trust, including when pricing “is significantly higher than recent prices offered on or off Amazon.”
2. Participation in Coronavirus research
J&J’s Janssen subsidiary is one of several companies that have partnered with Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority to develop vaccines and drugs for the COVID-19 virus.
Dolce And Gabbana is working with Humanitas For coronavirus research.
3. Establishing Coronavirus relief funds for employees and public
Netflix established a 150 $ fund for displaced production workers. Similarly Telenor Pakistan also released 1.6 billion PKR to provide support to hospitals and people in general during COVID. Jazz pledged 1.2 billion Rs for Coronavirus in Pakistan. Amazon and Microsoft pledges 2.5 Million $ for affected people.
4. Providing Testing equipment, ventilators etc at hospitals
General Motors delivered 54 ventilators in US. Parada also provided equipment to hospitals.
5. Providing Food for poor people/daily wagers
Many organizations in Pakistan have been working to provide food to people. Donations are being made in Govt relief fund by organizations. TV channels have created funds . Restaurants are also providing food.
6. Creating awareness of the Pandemic/ Public service messages
Many companies played their role in creating awareness regarding pandemic in addition to the TV channels like Telecom industry played messages of awareness regarding pandemic on their callers tunes, through SMS and also before ringing. Stay Home being displayed on phone screens by some companies
Oxford University has established a COVID-19 Evidence Service which publishes regular reports on questions that NHS staff at the front line and policymakers urgently need answers to.
7. Innovating/creating opportunities for people to get things delivered so they can stay at home.
Digitally enabled doctor consultations have become a routine practice.
Many companies have started providing home delivery grocery services like Daraz in pakistan and Alfatah.
8. Started producing hand Sanitizers and Safety equipment
Faraz Manan in Pakistan started producing Safety kits for Corona workers similarly LVMH, the parent company of Christian Dior, Guerlain and Givenchy started producing hand sanitizers
Formula One is working with government and health authorities to boost the supply of much needed ventilators to the NHS and is repurposing some of its manufacturing capacity to achieve this.
9. Free of cost online Services and Uninterrupted services
Comcast, Charter, Verizon, Google, T-Mobile and Sprint have signed a pledge to keep Americans internet-connected for the next 60 days, even if people cannot afford to pay. Similar amazon made E-Learning free. In pakistan PTV Channel started classes for students.
Telcom companies offered Free Data, Calls .
10. CEOs donating their Salaries
United's CEO and similarly South East airlines CEO forgo part of their salaries
11. Providing home Entertainment to Keep people stay at home at low cost or FOC
Universal offered its free movies at affordable rates to customers.
12. E -commerce companies/grocery stores gave Jobs to unemployed
Walmat is hiring 50,000 more workers to meet increased grocery needs of customers similarly Amazon hired 100,000 employees providing opportunities to people who got un employed in these tough circumstances.
13. Innovating solutions
LigandCorp, is working on a portable battery-powered ventilator called DBOX
14. Providing Paid Sick Leaves
Many companies like Mc Donalds, Uber, Amazon and Alphabet gave paid sick leaves to affected
15. Forgoing cancellation fees
Hilton, Agoda are waiving cancellation fees.
16. Work from Home
Many companies which can manage from home like tech companies and Telco's have allowed workers to work from home.
17. Retaining employees even when the operations are down
Companies like Microsoft kept paying hourly workers. Apple also closed its stores but paid the workers. There are many companies who followed the practice.
18. Supermarkets are forming policies to curb stock piling behavior of customers
Supermarket chains are innovating to curb the 'dark side' of individual behaviour as a result of stockpiling by many shoppers.
19. Supporting Small Businesses
Facebook and Verizon donated money to support Small businesses.
20. Support for health care workers
Starbucks is offering free coffee and krispy kreme offering free donuts to health care workers.
In my next article i will cover the companies who worked in E commerce and created a great experience.