The Course of Most Resistance
Have you ever taken the course of least resistance? In all likelihood you probably have. Maybe you’ve hit the snooze button, not pushed through the pain barrier and pushed that extra rep or gone that extra mile. Here’s the rub, to unlock potential you’ll have to start looking at the course of most resistance because you'll almost certainly find growth and development there.
As a high-performance coach, my clients understand and embrace the concept of having to step outside their comfort zone. The need to sometimes be uncomfortable. By engaging with a challenge they discover and unlock their true inner potential. To better themselves. For most people, the question of stepping out of their comfort zone is never asked, and that will result in living a mediocre life.
You might argue that there is nothing wrong with that, and I would agree. But having lived outside my comfort zone and tested my mind and body in situations I wouldn’t have thought possible has embellished my life. Each of us can achieve amazing things and yet for so many, we hold ourselves back. We self-sabotage daily without the slightest idea.
As a personal reference whilst I am here on this planet, I seek to be the very best version of myself, to not live in regret but to realise my ambitions and dreams. I recognise that through hard work and effort I will achieve my dream. In doing so I am committed to the course of most resistance. I don't look for the easy route, I don't wish my life were easier, I don't hold myself back just because things got tough, NO I look for the way through, over or around. And yes that's often the course of most resistance.
Are you where you want to be right now?
Do you know where you want to be right now? Or does that inner voice hold you back, telling you to be ‘REALISTIC’? Now I understand that being realistic with yourself can seem important, but it shouldn't be an excuse. All too often being realistic just serves as a way out because it means you can let yourself off the hook, and convince yourself that you can't take the course of most resistance. It's just not achievable, you can't do that, you haven't got the knowledge etc. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that's BS.
So when you look at being realistic don’t use it as an excuse. In your life, in your business, in your pursuits what do you want to achieve? And I mean really achieve? Take a moment to answer these questions…
1. Where are you right now?
2. Where do you want to be 12 months from now?
3. What’s getting in the way and slowing you down?
In answering these questions you’ll take a significant step towards the future you define, what you want to achieve and how you want to design your life and business. The answers alone will not equate to a commitment to action. They will offer an insight into your commitment or lack of. They will give you the first insight into the route you need to take, and that it's probably going to be difficult.
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Are you where you want to be? Do you have clarity on what you want to achieve? Is it clear what's impeding your progress? If the answers only serve to disappoint you then it’s time to own it. Take accountability for where you are, and why. Most importantly decide to change, to take action.
Don’t self-sabotage, don’t remain comfortable in the comfort zone because nothing ever grows there. Step onto the course of most resistance as you define it and go and taste what your life truly offers.
In all likelihood, these questions won’t be anything new, and you’ll have answered these or very similar questions in the past. Maybe on multiple occasions. Did they have an impact? Did answering them promote a commitment to action? Most interestingly a commitment to act now and pursue the course of most resistance?
I want to be clear here when we talk of taking action to be aware of the perils of procrastination. The commitment you make should have an impact, and start to move you in the direction you want to go and towards what you want to achieve. The risk here is to make a half-arsed commitment. Talk a lot and never truly commit to ACTION, in essence, talk 'a good game' from within your comfort zone.
Go out there, find the course of most resistance and commit to living the life you desire, to have the business you dream of and be unreasonably good.
Steve Gaskell the 'Challenge Coach' is a High-Performance Business Coach who unlocks the high-performance potential in those he coaches. The author of 'Business Shouldn't be this Tough' is also a keynote speaker with a focus on high-performance outcomes through coaching and also creating extreme ownership within the boardroom. A former Army Officer Steve understands the challenge and interFEARence faced by business owners, directors and executives in leadership and confronts them head-on to focus on unleashing true potential.
Unsure of how to define the course you want to take and where you want to get to, then give Steve a call, he'll help you establish the route you want to take and he'll encourage and support you on your course of most resistance.
If you would like to unlock the potential within your board, leadership, team or yourself just ask. For more information on the topic of this newsletter, you can message Steve via his profile, call on 01392 927997 or email
Senior Business Development Manager at Ecotricity | Founder of The CBNG Networking Organisation | Passionate about sustainability
2ya very truthful post, and i can say that as i'm a man on this path. It is uncomfortable, its is hard, keeping up momentum is sometimes more difficult than you imagine it will be, but it gets you where you need to be. Really enjoyable, reaffirming read Steve