Cracking the Code: Unveiling the Crucial Connection Between Human Behaviour and Effective Governance
My last article, “How Not to Hit Revenue Targets in 2024”, provoked an insightful response from award-winning recruiter Chris Sale:
“…the temptation in many fields is to see all customers as good customers but in fact, not all customers lead to profitable growth …”
We have all observed how governance has shifted from the background of company operations to headline news, such as the ongoing Post Office scandal.
Often with the drive to launch new products, companies and their employees fail to follow an effective governance framework. This can create huge challenges and issues. Some sales teams are encouraged to be only opportunistic – ‘follow the money.’
This can lead to significant over-promising for customers. I have been told of one Payments CEO asking their team what would happen if they simply launched products, without a licence! Naturally, in Payments we operate in a regulated industry so such a blasé and frankly, negligent approach to business conduct can have far-reaching negative consequences in terms of fines from regulators and even having licences withdrawn.
Due to external pressures and self-interest, there will be a shift of focus by leaders to make the link between human behaviour and effective governance. You can have clear policies and procedures, yet a single bad actor, or a words and deeds mismatch, means human behaviour is the largest risk to mitigate for effective governance. The Post Office injustices have demonstrated that a pre-judged “the technology must be right” attitude can have devastating consequences for many.
This urgency adds significant pressure on leaders within the industry and increases the tension with regulators and their stakeholders. How well-equipped are leaders to manage these pressures?
Payments leaders structure their teams via functional specialisms. When combined with forceful self-interest, top-down aggressive cultures and where valuable voices are not heard, the gap between what is effective in a regulated environment and what is daily practice, widens and compounds.
A hierarchical power-only based approach is a recipe for disaster. This leads to multiple losses rather than several wins; customers’ needs do not get met, leaders do not grow their businesses, and jobs are at risk.
Every payments executive wants to reduce costs, de-risk their business and unlock hidden revenue. Trust is fundamental to solving each of these issues. When trust goes down, transaction costs rise. This impact on the bottom line of this ‘soft’ skill is often overlooked.
The most effective leaders know their strengths and weaknesses; they know they will miss effective governance if they are not self-aware enough to admit they do not have the necessary skills and need to call upon expertise to fill this vital culture gap. Effective governance is a team sport.
Payments Leaders Advisory offers practical advice on how to build a trusted culture and an effective operating rhythm for governance, identifying what are the most effective values and behaviours to operate by. Crucially, we create accountability to hold each leader and employee to account during those critical moments of truth.
What we do:
Payments Leaders Advisory engages with decision-makers in the Payments industry – large financial institutions, scale-up disrupters, established incumbents, and merchants. We are proven, trusted advisors with the rare ability to build deep levels of trust, and ask challenging, thought-provoking questions.
What we can do for you:
We advise Payments Executives on how to solve the most complex challenges - unlocking latent revenue, reducing the cost of doing business and de-risking operations. We create a strategic plan and offer tailored advice, using our wealth of experience in the complexities of the industry.
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