The Crazy Relative Syndrome They Mean Well But Don't Understand What Is Going Down
As we approach the end of "The Age of Grace" which could end at the end of 2024 or shortly thereafter; Life as we have come to know it will cease to exist.
The end of "The Age of Grace" means that in a "Twinkling of An Eye" millions of believers, both alive plus those who have died will be translated to immortal bodies and have eternal life.
Once this takes place, this population of believers will be instantly transported to "The Third Heaven" and undergo a series of events. They will be subject to "The Judgement Seat of Christ".
At this event you will receive a report card (so to speak). If you did what was right while on earth, you will be rewarded with different crowns.
There will be "5 Types of Crowns" for believers awarded in Heaven. They include:
The Crown of Righteousness, The Incorruptible Crown, The Crown of Life, The Crown of Glory, and The Crown of Rejoicing.
In addition to this, certain believers will be rewarded with rulership positions over every nation on earth.
Those believers who fail to give and donate to those in need while they are still on earth will have this fact brought to light at "The Judgement Seat of Christ".
Now getting back to The Crazy Relative Syndrome; This type relative, for the most part has limited understanding with no vision about spiritual or practical matters in life.
In my case, they see me with multiple medical problems, medical bills approaching six figures, and still helping others with similar problems, instead of helping myself.
Actually, I have been called stupid and crazy by my own relatives, for helping others when my needs are greater than others in need of the same type of help.
We find "The Crazy Relative Syndrome" at holidays, dinners, and family outings. However, we hear the most from others via behind the back comments that they make to our friends and other relatives.
It is a fact that while we still live here on earth, we must carry on daily activities as "Our Creator" would want us to. Why? Soon everything will change.
There will not be a government that we are used to seeing. After the 7 Year Tribulation, the nations will be restructured for The 1000 Year Millennium. During this time "The Creator of All Things" (Christ) will rule the nations
From the prophecies of Jeremiah and Ezekiel, some have concluded that King David will be resurrected during the Millennium and installed as co-regent, ruling the Kingdom with Christ and the installed rewarded Saints after "The Judgement Seat"
Pleased Don't Be Deceived:
Why? Because time is extremely short and I would say that billions of good but unaware populations globally have no idea of what is about to happen. Hopefully, the following video will shed some light on the subject.
Also View
This is Terrifying: Revelation 8 - 9 Judgments of God on Earth (7 Trumpets of Revelation) (
Until The Great Transformation or (Rapture) Life Goes On As Usual
What Should You Do?
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Those of you who have a strong desire to help should send a small or large donation amount to someone And,
(((Make It Happen)))
Don't Be Blindsided
My Story:
Please View My Story
by clicking the link below.
Some of you may ask - How can a successful business person get to the point where they need to utilize crowdfunding methods to get help.
Well, if it can happen to me, it can happen to you.
A person can have close to $75,000 to $100,000 in leftover and new hidden bills after their medical insurance reaches its saturation point.
When it gets to this point, all savings become depleted, credit ratings decrease to the point that you sink to the bottom of the rating system, plus you become reluctant to ask others for help.
Why? Because you are used to being the one who helps others and not the other way around.
This goes to show how any logical thinking average person can become a version of myself.
This happened from a regiment of radiation treatments, chemotherapy treatments, major operation costs, and now coming knee replacement charges.
In Effect:
If this happened to me, it could happen to anyone. Different problems arise "In Many Series of Unfortunate Events" which are unique to different individuals.
In my case, approaching "73" years of age; your retirement assets disappear and you enter a "New Twilight Zone" where nothing is as it seems except the huge bills that won't stop.
Before you know it, there are major medical costs, special advanced treatment costs, and extended rehabilitation costs that reach almost six figures combined.
I like many individuals in the support group that I started to simply ask for any donations that you can spare.
You will find that Good Fortune in diverse forms will come back to you many times over.
Don't Be Blindsided
To My Trusted Associates Reading This Communication,
I Wish A Great Future For You,
From Kenneth Golden / Your Current Associate