Create A Social Media Content Calendar Template!
Why Should You Use a Social Media Content Calendar?
Creating content without a social media content calendar template leaves you posting when you feel like it or are inspired. That may work for some but for most, it’s just a shot in the dark. And really, how often do you really feel inspired? This type of content rarely hits your target audience. Without a strategic plan and social media content calendar, you end up spending precious time creating content without getting much in return. When you plan your social media content in advance with a template:
More Strategic Posts + Consistency = Content That Your Audience Sees More And Engages With!
Plan to batch create your social media content with this free content calendar template.
Using my free social media content calendar template, create a strategy plan for your content. This will ensure you know what to post each day and even allows you to batch create your content if that is what works best for you. Instead of wondering each day what to post and then not posting anything, know exactly what you want to say to engage your audience and even schedule it out if you want to. You can spend a few minutes a day creating content or a few hours on 1-2 days and be done for the month! The flexibility helps promote consistency too.
Free Download: Social Media Content Calendar Template
How To Use My Social Media Content Calendar Template
Now that you downloaded the free social media content calendar template, it’s time to get started. The first step? Keep it simple and don’t overthink it! It may take you an hour to do this the first time but once you do it every monthly it should only take 15-20 minutes. You’ll be surprised how easy these questions become once you are used to thinking about your social media content strategically.
1. Identify your social media goals.
To figure out your social media goals, ask yourself these questions to identify a theme for your content for the month:
For example, if I want to get my audience more interested Instagram services, my overall theme for the month could be as simple as Instagram.
2. Decide what social media content will be on your calendar.
You don’t need to be everywhere. My advice is to start out with 1-2 social media platforms that you can be consistent on, then once you master that you can add on more social media platforms if you’d like. Don’t overwhelm yourself or you’ll burn out after the first month. Ask yourself these questions to identify what social media content will work best for your business:
Keep this simple in the beginning You don’t have to start out doing it all, especially if you don’t have a team.
3. Determine how much content you will create for each social media platform. Ask these questions:
Again, if you’re new at this – keep it simple! You can post on 1 platform 3x week, create 1 email per week, and do 2 blogs per month. That is a great place to get started~
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4. break down themes weekly and daily to create content ideas
If you do macro content (like a blog or podcast) 2-4 times a month, this will be easier. Typically you can get 3-6 posts minimum out of 1 piece of macro content. If you are doing this without macro content, break your overall monthly theme down into 4 parts.
For example, if I was doing “Creating Instagram Content” as my monthly theme. I could break it down to:
I would focus on each type of content for a week. Next break those weeks down into smaller pieces of content you could do in one post. For example, for the week on Reels if I was doing 5 pieces of content on my biggest platform I could do:
Do this for each week and now you have a content plan that is aligned with your business goals for the month!
Here’s an example of my social media content calendar template filled out. I picked 2 blogs monthly, 2 social media platforms 3-5x weekly, and 1 email per week. You can delete anything that doesn’t work for you or ad lines you need as appropriate. The more you customize it, the better it will work for your business!
Using this social media content calendar template will not only save you loads of time but it will help you stay on point. When your content aligns with your goals and it has consistency from day-to-day and week-to-week your audience will be more engaged too. That is a simple social media strategy you can do yourself!
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