Credit Card Mistakes You Might Be Making
Credit cards are a great way to build credit and pay for expenses. But when misused they can damage your credit score and cost lots of extra money.
Here are common Credit Card Mistakes You Might Be Making and how you can avoid making these mishaps.
A credit card is a great asset, but when you use it incorrectly it can cost you a pretty penny. Carry a balance and pay high interest rate charges.
Miss a payment and incur a late fee. Close a credit card and ding your credit score. The costs add up quickly.
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But it’s not hard to get into the habit of using your credit card correctly. And as a result, you can save money while building credit and maybe even take advantage of some sweet perks along the way.
Credit cards can be a boon to consumers, providing many advantages and benefits. Because they’re such a great alternative to cash. They’re great if you need to make purchases when you find yourself in a pinch.
Some cards offer perks like rewards like cash back or travel miles. While others give you some added protection for your purchases.
If you play your cards right and pay your balances off each month. You’ll never have to pay a dime in interest.
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Plus, being a conscientious credit card user can help boost your credit rating. However, these little pieces of plastic can also be a curse. Especially if you’re already swimming in debt or just don’t know how to keep a handle on your finances.
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Thousands of consumers have trouble getting their credit card balances under control. If you’re among these consumers, don’t despair.
You’ll make your debt more manageable once you choose to change your spending habits. Take a giant step in this direction by avoiding—or stop doing—these major credit card mistakes.
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