Differentiating constructive or destructive criticism
Everyone has faced criticism at some point at work and in life. Sometimes we care, sometimes we don't. It depends on who this criticism came from and whether it bothers us. Sometimes, we may be upset or feel hurt, or it might even damage our confidence. However, it is crucial to remember that constructive feedback is positive for personal development. Therefore, we need to differentiate whether the criticism is constructive or destructive.
Constructive Criticism
Intentions matter. If the comments come from our parents, boss, mentor, or good friend, they are usually aimed to help us to improve, and we should approach them with a positive attitude. We can discuss with them to understand their point of view and explore their rationale as well as to explain ours. We should focus on exploring and extracting valuable points they made.
If their point is valid, we should review it objectively and focus on learning and improvement. There is no perfection, and there is always room for improvement. We can learn from our mistakes and prevent similar issues in the future. Instead of focusing on how they deliver their message, we should focus on the content and avoid dwelling on the feelings of embarrassment or discomfort triggered by the feedback.
Credible sources. If the comments are made by professionals or our role models, their influence will be more impactful because we tend to be more receptive to their feedback and therefore more willing to make changes.
Opinions are not facts. While the comments are subjective, they are still valuable. People have different preferences, styles, or tastes, and there is no absolute good or bad and right or wrong. We can listen to others’ opinions and incorporate valid points into our future actions. The fact is most people know only part of the situation; we are the ones to make the final decision and take responsibility for the outcomes. Therefore, we should evaluate and analyse the comments and avoid irrelevant opinions affecting our direction and confidence.
Don't take it personally. As we become mature and confident, we should be less sensitive to criticism. If we overreact and turn defensive to comments, people may refrain from giving us any feedback. During my career development, I always felt grateful to my bosses and colleagues who spent time giving me advice and feedback, as I know their aim was help me grow and improve.
Destructive Criticism
In contrast to providing constructive suggestions, destructive criticism refers to comments that are overly negative, harsh, or unconstructive. We probably encounter some inconsiderate people giving us unfair judgement and even personal attacks. Destructive comments can hurt our self-esteem and confidence, cause pain or anger, and demotivate us. We are better off ignoring those comments.
It is normal for us to be upset, but we should not let those negative feelings torture us for a prolonged period. To focus on what we can control, we should divert our attention and energy into positive and constructive actions that we should take. We should avoid interacting with toxic people to preserve our mental and physical well-being. It is necessary to set clear boundaries to protect our inner peace.
Overthinking of destructive feedback may cause anxiety or depression. Seeking professional help from counsellors, therapists, or life coaches can assist in finding the way out.
Turning to a positive and constructive mindset
It is always challenging to develop something from scratch or manage a project, and we wish our efforts to be recognised. If the situation allows, seek advice and opinions early in the process to gain better perspective and allow time and room to adjust.
Learning from mistakes through self-reflection is critical for our personal development. However, an effective approach is vital.
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Instead of focusing on mistakes, which leads to self-blame and frustration, take a step back to gain a broader perspective and a more balanced, dispassionate, view.
A constructive reflection approach involves three steps:
1. Recognize self-worth: Acknowledging what has been done well to recognise one’s achievements and positive contributions is essential to reinforce self-worth and provide a foundation for future growth. Self-affirmation generates a positive impact on our confidence.
2. Identify areas for improvement: Identifying what has been done less well, then exploring root causes can enhance one's skills or knowledge. Dwelling on mistakes can be self-sabotaging and damage confidence. Focusing on learning from the experiences and exploring opportunities for growth is the right approach.
3. Plan future actions: Setting clear goals and strategies is positive and empowering. It helps to shift attention from self-blaming to self-correcting and improving.
Adjust our expectations
When we do something well, we wish to be praised and recognised. Our disappointment comes from our expectations. It is helpful to reset our expectations to zero; then we will be more receptive when we hear disapproval or disagreement.
My experience of criticism
When I worked as an Asian Equities and Derivatives Strategist at BNP Paribas, I worked with many intelligent and hardworking people. In a highly competitive environment, people place high demands on themselves and others. I always faced criticism about my English and my market calls. People criticised me for being a non-native English speaker. As a Hong Konger, who was born and raised in Hong Kong, I felt disappointed, because I could never be a native English speaker (it was an unfair comment to me). I admit English was my weakness, but my strengths are my bilingual brain (I can read and write Chinese) and strong analytical mind. By focusing on the content and taking constructive actions, I channelled energy into improving my English and delivering excellent work. My hard work and strong analytical ability earned me respect of clients and colleagues. Indeed, with my 17 years of experience in a French bank, I adapted the French culture quite well. They were rather direct; therefore, from a positive perspective, when they praised me, I knew they meant it. My ex-boss also told me that he encountered quite a lot of criticism for his French accent. I encouraged him by telling him that if he was nobody, no one would waste time attacking him. The reality was our team often distributed trading strategies and market commentaries to the cross-assets teams globally, while market views were controversial. The fact is when someone is under the spotlight, one must encounter criticism no matter if it is constructive or destructive.
I used to generate trading ideas and make market calls for the Asian equity markets. I always encountered different opinions; this aligned with conflicting views by market participants that were driven by various pull and push factors from time to time. Therefore, it was normal to hear different voices on our calls. I would elaborate more about our calls with more supportive arguments. On the other hand, listening to their views was helpful to ensure we had not missed any perspectives. Humility is my innate trait and being open-minded is the way to learn.
My market call decisions were based on multiple financial parameters that I analysed. I liked making contrarian calls when the market sentiment was extremely bullish or bearish. I monitored many financial and liquidity parameters to gauge extreme cases. I made a bullish call after dramatic corrections and hit the bottom of a crisis where most people became extremely bearish, this was when the majority disagreed with me. After all, most of the negatives had been priced in. The long-only funds and long-term investors would start accumulating when the valuations turned tempting; and if there was any surprise on the upside, hedge funds would cover their short positions. Occasionally, when I made great market calls and received recognition from sales and clients, I was delighted with strong satisfaction.
Tips to the young generation
Indeed, cultivating a growth mindset and developing a positive attitude towards criticism is crucial. Listening to and respecting different criticisms or opinions does not mean you have to follow them blindly. You just need to incorporate more perspectives and valid points into your thinking and analytical process. You must be bold to make your decisions because you are responsible for your decisions and the consequences. In a competitive working environment, it is very stressful to face criticism; however, what others say is out of your control. You can only put your best effort into delivering quality work. A positive and constructive mindset is advocated with a focus on what you can control and then taking sensible action.
If you are struggling with criticism, think about whether you want people to focus on your work and give comments or prefer that no one is aware of what you have done. The key is to pay attention to the underlying message and explore if there are any valid points to incorporate into our future actions, you will be benefited from.
Talent Acquisition
5moWell said Winner. Great perspective! Thank you