Current Scope and Future of Marketing. Why Marketing is best Career? Why Marketing is better than HR, Finance and even Coding by Dr. Farooq Buzdar

Current Scope and Future of Marketing. Why Marketing is best Career? Why Marketing is better than HR, Finance and even Coding by Dr. Farooq Buzdar

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This article is extracted from questions of BBA and MBA students about their future career decisions. For professionals, if you are looking for a practical business plan, here is the video that enables you to ace the marketing plan on just one page.

The current article answers the following questions for business students, business executives, business owners, and startup founders:

Farooq Buzdar has advised BBA & MBA students about the possible option to specialize in marketing, finance, or human resource management (HRM). Students in Pakistan and india often get the chance to select between three to four specializations in their Bachelors of Business Administration (BBA) or Masters in Business Administration (MBA). The experience has a long-term impact on their careers.

Through his academic and industrial experience in the marketing field, Dr. Muhammad Farooq Buzdar has explained the marketing scope, marketing scope and importance , marketing scope in Pakistan and India. He explained the changing dynamics in business domain by explaining the marketing vs HR, marketing vs Finance, marketing vs Coding, marketing vs Management, marketing vs Digital Marketing. Dr. farooq buzdar has further explained marketing for beginners, marketing future, marketing future careers, marketing future for fresh gradutes, marketing future after Ai world, marketing future even after machine learning, digital marketing future , marketing in masters of business adminsitration (MBA), Marketing in bechlors of business administration (BBA), marketing in economics and marketing in business studies.

Why is marketing so important? Why is marketing important for businesses? Why is marketing important for startups? Why is marketing important in internet world? Why is marketing is important in social media era. Dr. Muhammad Farooq Buzdar has explained that marketing can open several doors of opportunity for students as marketing has a huge scope in india and Pakistan. Dr. Farooq Buzdar has also talked about marketing modes. the next sections explain these questions.

"What is marketing scope?"

Marketing has unlimited scope. As per Dr. Farooq Buzdar, the philiosphy of marketing is becoming a philosphy of business.

Why is marketing important?

Everyone needs it, so marketing is important. Individuals need marketing, companies need marketing. Compared to human resource management, the financial and financial aspects of business marketing is required. A small startup founder might not need a finance or HR person in the early days, but he needs a marketing person. Businesses need it.

Marketing scope in India and Pakistan

India and Pakistan as countries need more marketing of their tourism. India and Pakistan are unexplored markets, thus there is huge opportunity for marketing and marketers.

Marketing for beginners

Beginners must see themselves as marketers; they must understand their own patterns. Beginners can see marketing strategies around them. Marketing is all about action and experimentation. preferences of people changing, keep discovering new methods, keep the customers happy.

Marketing opportunities and careers for fresh graduates

Marketing has a huge scope as every startup and business needs it. Marketing is everywhere. Marketing is always being done at personal and organizational level. Thus, scope is high. Individuals can find job and business opportunities for themselves in several marketing domains.

Should you go for finance, HR or Marketing speciliazation in BBA or MBA program?*

Dr. Farooq buzdar answered it as I am a markeitng person, Dr. farooq buzdar phd is in Marketing managment, Dr. farooq buzdar worked in marketing department of Etisalat (PTCL & UFone), Dr Farooq buzdar worked in Marketing department of Telenor, Dr. farooq buzdar worked in marketind department of Zong, Dr farooq buzdar worked in Marketing of Maxis, Dr farooq buzdar worked in marketing of several startups, thus he recommends to select marketing.

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