Cybersecurity: The Challenge of Enterprise
Cyber security remains a subject little discussed today, although governments, companies and individuals seeking more to protect themselves from malicious acts of the internet. Yet after the famous law firm New Yorkers Mischon de Reya, cyber-crime would yield more than drug trafficking. One reason for this turnaround, less strong sanctions against cybercriminals.
Different users-actors such as companies took a considerable delay on solutions to implement to protect against this ever-present danger.
We can also highlight several attacks that have managed to put out of service for several hours multinationals, such as:
Dyn, Twitter, Sony, PayPal, TV5 Monde, Airbnb, GitHub, The New York Times, CNN ...
Indeed, the list is getting longer every month. Today there are several hundred companies have been targeted by denial of service attacks (DDoS). These attacks are designed to saturate a network by sending millions of requests per second.
The technique of the recent attack of 10.23.2016 is defined as the spread of malware named Mirai in all our connected devices (Internet of Things) such as video cameras, smartphones, tablets or baby monitors. Cybercriminals have used around 500 000 aircraft to launch a large-scale attack against the Dyn company whose business is to solve our DNS queries. Consequently, several television and internet platforms were inaccessible for several hours.
The consequences can are multiple but the first goal is to disable the network of a company and thus its services through this network: Website, e-commerce website, TV channel, DNS Resolver ...
You can imagine, the financial loss to the undertakings concerned by these attacks are dizzying. Especially that cybercriminals have other goals in their attacks, such as the theft of sensitive data: bank data, administrative data (No social security, personal information), critical data (patents, manufacturing processes, prices, etc.)
Because of this, the impact on the corporate image can be disastrous and push the company into bankruptcy.
Finally, I would say the key is to anticipate the attacks by finding adequate security partner that will be able to protect you no matter what. Most businesses expect to be attacked to respond but sometimes it is too late ...
Olivier Lamarre
Account Manager
Level 3 Communications
55 Av. Des Champs Pierreux
92000 Nanterre, France
Mobile: +33 (0) 6 26 84 75 86