CyberSecurity: Digital Transformation foundation
Many of us are really excited about the perspective that technology provides.
Hyperconnectivity, Cloud, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics with Machine Learning, Process Automatization, UserCentric Focus, OmniChannel and the non-stop growth and evolution of e-commerce or the rise of the Industry 4.0 as well as the possibilities they all together could bring us.
A better world where machines will do every reiterative and heavy load, freeing the human being for work in Creativity. And all of that, environmentally friendly.
And the push for Startup Ecosystem is also helpful, as is the growing acceptance of the digital world in the everyday life of the common citizen.
This has led us to the “disruption” of business models, which in some cases was brought on by unfair play… It’s easy to win a baseball match with MMA rules, but that’s another story…
Lately amongst all these so called, allow me to say, “technologic trends” (which I have no doubt they could turn “mainstream” in a few years), one of them stands out with a special interest, CyberSecurity.
CyberSecurity is, nowadays, what the HYPE is all about, and it’s driving to the heart of related events, University Masters, etc.
I would like to remind you that Information and Computer Security have been among us since the birth of Computer Science.
The lack of design or maintenance in the Security area was, for years, used as an excuse to hide human failures, poor decisions and probably any de-facto power’s dark interests.
However, although the Security fever will eventually pass, we have to remember that nowadays it affects all kind of citizens, organizations and states.
If we want to start a journey to Digital Transformation in our enviroment, and acquire those competitive advantages that emergent technologies bring to us, we have to make CyberSecurity an indispensable pillar right of the bat.
We are not only talking about the information’s integrity, availability and confidentiality or the needed compliance.<>p>
We are talking about building a brand new world based on security for our customers and ourselves to enjoy the ideal future I was telling you about at the beginning of this article.
Don’t forget, criminals are also enjoying their Digital Transformation. And I guarantee you, that they are taking it very seriously.
Originally posted on: CIO WaterCooler
Learning from success and failure to push an emerging future. Creator of a dozen innovating companies. Independent Director at Corporate Governance. Digital. Consejero Independiente
6yInteresting. In fact, many of the protecting functions have evolved very little since the dawn of personal computers. I am very sensible to backup and data loss, specifically. There are no excuses for our industry's laziness at fixing reasonably this issue.
Cybersecurity Career Strategist @ LinkedIn | Instructor
7yGreat article Antonio. This is interesting. The root of a solution lay in the anatomy of our current www infrastructure. It will have to be revisited and rethought.