Cyclone Amphan: Do's and Don'ts to stay safe
Safety measures before cyclone
* Ignore rumours. Stay calm, do not panic.
* Keep you mobile phones charged to ensure connectivity.
* Listen to radio, watch TV, read newspapers for weather updates.
* Keep your documents and valuables in water-proof containers.
* Prepare an emergency kit with essential items
* Untie animals to ensure their safety
Along with the tips mentioned above, make sure to keep a battery operated torch with enough dry cells, anchor removable objects that may fly with strong winds like a dustbin, and stock up on plenty non-perishable food that can be used in emergency.
Safety measures during and after cyclone
* Switch off electrical mains and gas supply
* Keep your doors and windows shut
* If your house feels unsafe, leave early before the onset of a cyclone
* Listen to radio
* Drink boiled or chlorinated water
* Rely only on official warning
* Do not enter damaged buildings
* Watch out for broken electric pole, wires and other sharp objects
* Seek a safe shelter as soon as possible
important post-cyclone measures
* If you are at a shelter, remain there until informed that you can return home safely.
* You must get inoculated against diseases immediately.
* Avoid lose, dangling wires from lamp posts.
* If you have to drive, do it carefully.
* Clear debris from your premises immediately.
Source - NDMA