Daily Protein Intake;Why your body needs it- All You Need To Know
What Is Protein?
Protein is one of the three macronutrients found in the food that our body needs in larger amount. It is essential to take care of the protein intake to build muscle, tissues, its maintenance and repair. Proteins are the building blocks of our muscle mass.
Proteins are made up of amino acids. A human body uses 22 of them out of many amino acids existing.
Our body can produce some amino acids itself through the natural functioning which are also called non-essential amino acids. However, 9 of them must be consumed through the diet which are also called essential amino acids.
Lean sources of proteins like non veg, have all the amino acids where as the vegetarian sources of protein lack some which should be balanced with other foods to complete the chain. We shall discuss later in this article about the food sources of protein in more detail. First, let’s discuss about the benefits of protein.
Benefits Of Daily Protein Intake For A Healthy Body
How Much Should Be Our Protein Intake Per Day?
The range of protein intake recommendations can vary according to the different age groups and lifestyles. As we age, we need more protein for better body functioning to prevent the signs of aging and weakness.
Similarly, a person who hits the gym everyday, workouts on a regular basis and has an active lifestyle compared to a person with a sedentary lifestyle needs more protein for muscle repair.
As an exercise regime including strength training sessions tend to burn our muscles which need extra protein for its repair and build them stronger than ever. A combination of strength training with a high protein diet is one of the most important factors to be followed to stay fit.
Here are the daily intake recommendations for protein intake. You can also use a protein calculator online to check on the daily requirements.
Also, taking care of the protein intake during pregnancy is very important too. A pregnant woman needs more protein compared to a non-pregnant woman as she is also supposed to raise her growing baby in the womb. The range can anywhere increase from 0.8g to 1.1g of protein/kg/day.
Sources Of Protein
However, make sure to combine the lentils with a carb source like rice or bread to make it a complete source with all the amino acids. Combining two incomplete protein sources so that the amino acids in each food make up for those lacking in the other food, is called mutual supplementation.
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Right Time For Protein Intake
There are no restrictions on fixing a particular time for the consumption of protein as such but ideally, it should be included the most in breakfast for a good kick start to the day and protein intake after workout for better recovery.
What’s more important is to center all the meals at least around one protein source and fulfilling the daily requirement in total.
FAQs About Protein Intake
These are some of of the most common questions people generally have while being doubtful of their protein intake. Here are their answers:
Does protein help with hair growth?
Does protein intake cause acne?
Does protein intake cause kidney diseases?
Does protein intake cause constipation?
Does protein intake cause headache?
Protein is one of the most important nutrients for growth, repair and maintenance. It is the building block. Make sure to have a high protein diet on a regular basis along with taking care of the consumption of other nutrients too, which is extremely important.
Remember, too much of anything is bad, so make sure that your protein intake is just as per your lifestyle needs. Not more or less.