The Dangerous Art of Live Diagrams
"Art is anything you can get away with." Marshall McLuhan (Photo attribution: me)

The Dangerous Art of Live Diagrams

“You want to make sure that you understand, so you look around for your notes but you find that you've been making... diagrams.”

You come to awareness at your desk. People are talking over each other. Repeating themselves. You hear the word "sub-optimal" in a flat tone. Someone is frowning. Another, crossing their arms and looking out of frame. 

You hear what is probably your name. "Library X from Y framework gets us support for feature Z, but it doesn't help with marketing's requirement. For that, we need a spike this sprint." This means something to you, more or less. Looking around, people are fidgeting. Silent so far, a voice declares that we need a timeline, today. This is directed at you.

You want to make sure that you understand, so you look around for your notes but you find that you've been making... diagrams.


This practical post will introduce you making live code-based diagrams with Markdown and an LLM. By the end, you will know just enough to get yourself into and out of trouble during a meeting. I presume here that you have access to an LLM (Large Language Model such as GPT4) through a chat interface. This post is meant to appeal to those familiar with product management, but it's for anyone who feels the need to mess around and find out.

Framing the problem

You have made or found many loose notes from various sources, taken during meetings and during solo web quests. There's not much order, and it would take non-trivial effort to organise all of this into a coherent document. You need to find what is essential among this from a few different perspectives and then reflect this back to the stakeholders. You need this right now, during the meeting you're in. How?

On this approach

Here's why this proposed approach is dangerous: this yields at best the illusion of explanatory depth, and the output must be not only improved but fundamentally corrected as you go. I can't stress enough that this is merely a starting point that will help you get from complete chaos to some first order approximation of sense in the moment that you need it. 

High level design

Your notes become the context to prompt an LLM, and the output will be suggested Markdown in Mermaid syntax. That Markdown becomes what the Mermaid Live Editor renders into a diagram. You edit the diagram's code to correct it live, and you use the results as a prop to support a more substantive dialog. Yes, there are better ways to do this (plugins, scheduling software, etc.), but this method gets it done fast with fewer dependencies. 

General steps

1. Prompt

2. Result

3. Render

4. Interpret

5. Display

6. Discuss

Consider that each of these steps has feedback loops and that the process is not likely to be this linear in practice. 

Applied example one - scheduling discussion

1. Prompt:

Open your LLM's chat window. For this example, I used GPT-4. Paste in your raw notes. It’s ok that they’re messy. I urge you to review your organisation’s policy on sharing intellectual property with third party systems. At least replace names, passwords, and account information with nonsense. This isn’t paranoia if they’re actually after you.

It's very useful at this point to improve the prompt by adding comments that would not be obvious about your particular business context, like how long your iterations are, what you call them, the fact that releases are a milestone and happen mid-month, etc.. Here’s an example:

# — start —

Notes from August 5:

- The fraud service has nothing to do with marketing's requirement. For marketing, we don't understand that SDK yet. Where is the documentation? Send link to Alice ASAP.

- Marketing needs analytics and attribution working. What is the ETA?

- Compliance needs new fraud service working by August 30. We signed the contract with them.

- High level fraud workflow: the app calls server, server calls fraud service, which gets a response with a success or failure. If it's a success, the response to the app should be to proceed to the next screen. Does design have an error screen? This should be attached to the existing issue under the Fraud epic.

- For other fraud check: library X from Y framework gets us support for feature Z. Needs refinement and a separate ticket under the Fraud epic too.

- The features based on the fraud service will take at least two sprints, plus a week of regression testing.

- One developer will be on vacation for a few days during the next sprint.

- We need a timeline today!

Added context:

- Sprints are two weeks long and sequential

- Releases happen once a month around the middle of the month

- Releases and deadlines are always milestones (a point in time)

- Refinement happens before sprints

Given the input above, please suggest Mermaid Markdown for a Gantt chart.

# — end —

2. Result:


    title Project Timeline

    dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD

    section Fraud Service Integration

    High-level workflow   :active, fs1, 2023-08-05, 2d

    Fraud Service Epic    :fs2, after fs1, 4w

    Regression Testing    :fs3, after fs2, 1w

    Deadline              :fs4, 2023-08-30, 1d

    section Marketing Requirement

    Find SDK Documentation  :active, mr1, 2023-08-05, 2d

    Analytics & Attribution :mr2, after mr1, 4w

    Send link to Alice      :mr3, 2023-08-05, 1d

    section Sprints & Releases

    Sprint 1                :sprint1, 2023-08-07, 2w

    Sprint 2                :sprint2, after sprint1, 2w

    Release 1               :release1, 2023-08-15, 1d

    Release 2               :release2, 2023-09-15, 1d

    section Other

    Developer Vacation      :vacation, 2023-08-10, 3d

    Timeline Needed         :deadline, 2023-08-05, 1d        

Copy that code and paste into the "</> Code" input box in the Mermaid Live Editor, It's in your browser, you don't need to sign up, it's free, and it's open source.

3. Render:

Something like this will render right away. Keep in mind that we expect it to be materially incorrect; what we're after is the starting point to work with.

No alt text provided for this image
Mermaid Live Editor output

4. Improve:

If you don't like what it gave you, you could spend a few seconds to clarify the prompt before regenerating the response, which will be slightly different every time you try. You might as well begin editing the Markdown (the text in the "</> Code" section) now.

Knowing about the syntax will get you the farthest, but there's a lot more in the docs,

Syntax for line items: <Task Name> :<status(optional)>, <identifier(optional)>, <start-date or after identifier>, <duration or end-date>

What this means:

  • <Task Name>: The label for the task
  • <status (optional)>: Optional keyword to set the task's status (`active`, `done`, etc.)
  • <identifier (optional)>: Optional identifier for the task, which can be referenced by other tasks
  • <start-date or after identifier>: Either the start date of the task or the keyword `after` followed by the identifier of another task, to set a dependency
  • <duration or end-date>: Either the duration of the task in days (e.g., `14d`) or the end date

5. Interpret:

Even without improvement, this is useful right away because it shows the contradictions to the stakeholders. Consider that the desired deadline for the fraud service in this example is August 30. If the preliminary assessment of the work was that it will take at least two sprints plus regression before a release (even an unscheduled release), that puts us into late September if we start now.

6. Display:

Tap the Full Screen button in the Mermaid Live Editor, which will open in a new tab that you can display without showing any Markdown. If you need to change things on the fly, go back to the original tab.

7. Discuss: 

What you have now, if you dare to do this during a live discussion, is a way to begin reconciling the very different expectations of the stakeholders before they leave. The point isn't perfection; the purpose is to invite questions, such as:

What are the reasons for the deadline?

What do we expect on the deadline?

Will all of the expected functions be necessary right away?


Consider that the artifact produced here is ephemeral and meant to merely be a temporary focal point for questioning assumptions so that you can form a better shared plan.

“All models are wrong, some are useful.” George Box

The result of this method no doubt doesn't entirely reflect the complexities of reality, but it’s useful in the narrow sense that it’s a quick approximation of the story. The point is that the result is just barely good enough for persuading a group of people in near real time.

Generating a visual schedule in the moment right before everyone walks away with different ideas is powerful. You’ve used an LLM to augment yourself at the speed of discussion, acknowledging the limitations, and you’ve bought more time to iterate before expectations diverge. 

Of course, this is no substitute for actually preparing to prevent this scenario. Use it in a pinch. Use it if you’re new. Use it if you have to. But by all means, commit to getting away with it.

Additional examples

I’d like to explore more examples from other topic areas if there’s any interest. Here’s the plan:

  • user feedback: a customer journey conversation based on feedback from users and behavioural analytics
  • interfaces: a sequence diagram for a conversation about a new service and how it might might work at a high level
  • R&D: a flowchart for an open-ended conversation about problems and potential solutions

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