Darwin finally proven wrong by AI !
A sensational discovery in biology and genetics was made last week: Darwin's theory of evolution was finally proven wrong using modern AI technology - a scientific discovery with consequences that cannot be overestimated at this time.
The discovery was made by Prof. Dr. E. Kaf, so far mostly only known to the scientific biology and genetic science community. Due to his recent discovery however, he has become an overnight scientific celebrity and a potential candidate for winning next year's Nobel Prize. Dr. E. Kaf is the director of the newly established Institute of Brain Up- and Down Loads at Havrad University.
Prof. E. Kaf and his team of young scientists published a peer reviewed scientific paper last week that announced and explains their surprising and spectacular findings which we try to summarise here:
Since Charles Darwin first published his theory of evolution in his famous book: "On the Origin of Species" in 1859 the scientific community and most of the general public had accepted his theory as a fact. This has changed dramatically last week.
According to Darwin's well known theory of evolution all existing life forms on earth can be derived and traced back to prior life forms through random variations in the heritable characteristics of the genome of species by random genetic mutations and the process of natural selection, the so called survival of the fittest mechanism.
Evolution is since considered responsible for the biodiversity and adaptability of living organisms. The formation of new species, changes of species, the adaptation of species over generations and even the loss of species was explained by the mechanisms of the Darwinian evolution.
However, things are more complicated considering the recent findings as Prof. E. Kaf points out:
"The survival of the fittest principle is no longer universally true. Rather the contrary. Certain humans have now been identified that turn this principle upside down. They have an ability to transform themselves genetically into incapable individuals by pure acts of their own will. Darwin established his evolution theory about 100 years before the science of Artificial Intelligence (AI) was created. Darwin could not use AI and Deep Learning. So, we cannot blame him that he oversaw some major genetic oddities among us humans and even the sudden emergence of completely new human sub-species we discovered living among us these days in increasing numbers which clearly disprove Darwin's theory.
Darwin also could not forsee the emergence and addiction of people to social media and social networks which are responsible in my eyes for the fast and tremendous spread of the new genetic trends. We were able to detect these new species of humans by applying complex AI and the latest Deep Learning models to social media data. The patterns found were overwhelming. Thereafter it was easy to identify many individuals to prove and verify our new theory".
Prof. E. Kaf's team has discovered at least three new human sub-species and they expect to find even more in the coming months. A very surprising result of Dr E. Kaf's research is that they have found these new human species within our current global urban population right among all of us. Such individuals often present and express themselves preferentially in social media and on social network platforms. Usually new human species can only be detected very rarely and if so then only in the isolation of the Amazon forests or on some remote islands with no direct contact to current developed societies.
"It was kind of an accidental and a quite surprising discovery for us" Prof E. Kaf admitted. "We did some routine brain up- and downloading experiments with some individuals we recruited via social media. With some of them we found that the brain downloading time was extremely short, indicating that there was no real content in these brains to download in the first place. We then studied the gene pool of these groups of individuals to better understand our findings. We used some very complex and new AI models (1,000 to 10,000 layers reinforcement-adversarial-long-short-shallow-Deep-Learning-convolutional nets) running concurrently on 50 million GPUs from Taiwanese hardware provider NTrivia corp. After 6 months of continuous supervised training of these nets with millions of user data collected from social media we finally discovered the groups of individuals with later confirmed massive genetic changes. We still do not know at this stage how this process is biologically possible and how it works in detail but we are guessing that the underlying chemo-physical causes may be some rare superpositions of fluctuating quantum states in the brains of the individuals of the three groups we identified. We have now published our preliminary results to get more researchers interested in this fascinating research area and to verify our findings".
The new human sub-species found by Prof. E. Kaf and his team clearly disprove Darwin's theory of evolution in several respects:
- The individuals in the new human sub-species seem all to be able to voluntarily change their genes and gene expression mechanisms and transform themselves (body and mind) within days and weeks into completely different genetic human phenotypes ! This means that the genetic code of humans can be completely altered and changed during a person's life-time, not only over generations of populations as Darwin's theory of evolution assumes and predicts. This is the most profound discovery made in biology during the last 150 years or at least since the discovery of the double helix structure of our DNA by Watson and Crick in the 1950s.
- The voluntary genetic changes observed in the individuals do not seem to be caused by any currently understood biological mechanisms (possibly by some quantum effects). They seem to be caused rather by the pure will power of the people and a corresponding change of attitude and behaviour - but these voluntary changes, once executed, seem to be irreversible for the individuals so far. Voluntary genetic variations by pure will power and intention have never been observed in nature before. Some researchers in China are trying to find a cure to reverse the effects.
- However, tt seems that the newly discovered human species all experience and suffer from severe degenerative effects after these voluntary genetic transformations happen. Observed negative effects found in most of the individuals were (among others) : the development of excessive greed and focus on money and profit making, constant nonsensical confabulation, frequent verbal diarrhea, an obsessive urge to give public speeches especially about topics of which they barely have any understanding, hyperactive postings in social media and social networks (mostly of photos of themselves, so called "selfies") and in many cases a substantial loss of cognitive brain functions (this finding is partially disputed by some other researchers as it is unclear whether such individuals had healthy brains in the first place before they voluntarily changed their genetic code).
The three new human sub-species discovered with substantial numbers of individuals have been characterised and named by Prof. E. Kaf's team to reflect their main syndromes accordingly:
- homo sapiens AI Experts
- homo sapiens Thought Leaders
- homo sapiens Futurists
What all these genetically self-modified new types of humans have in common is that they are all recent phenomena but their numbers are increasing very fast and exponentially. It seems that social networks play a key role in this epidemic like increase in numbers and global distribution. Dr. E. Kaf and his team are not sure yet if some kind of a so far undiscovered neural disease or infectious brain malfunction is also responsible for this sudden emergence of the new human sub-types.
The biggest and fastest growing group among the three groups discovered are Homo Sapiens AI Experts. These humans usually have no prior background or education in AI (artificial intelligence) whatsoever, but they nevertheless claim and pretend very self confidently to be real experts in AI (hence the name of the new species). They often also usually start new companies and claim to have built "disruptive AI products" and even convince inexperienced investors to give them huge amounts of cash for their AI start-ups. Recent findings indicate that Homo Sapiens AI Experts also now emerge in huge numbers in the investor and VC community.
However, most of them have only prior work experience in some completely unrelated fields like marketing, PR, HR or sales, some even have just only worked in accounting and most of them can barely spell the words "artificial intelligence". A few rare individuals have some basic programming experience and maybe have read some posts or short summary articles about AI. In very rare cases they have attended an AI class at some university before they turned themselves into AI experts.
These individuals then usually get hired by some large international management consulting firms or by other Homo Sapiens AI Experts working for larger firms to quickly become top managers in social network or IT/mobile firms or companies that claim to develop AI based products. Prof. E. Kaf mentioned that most of these humans have the "little Napoleon" syndrome - for obvious reasons.
He commented : "These self proclaimed AI experts usually have no clue about AI and they are even fully aware of this fact. However, they are real experts in hiding their incompetence and are usually cunning and greedy people trying to personally profit from the current AI hype and lack of talents in this field. The good thing with this group of new humans is that they can be easily detected and isolated if we just carefully watch the social media where they like to hang out and expose themselves with some nonsensical announcements or comments about AI. They are addicted to frequent social media exposures and need them to survive".
The second biggest group of discovered new human species is the group of Homo Sapiens Thought Leaders. This is the group with the most severe medical and mental side effects and symptoms. The individuals of this group believe that they are "thinkers" (that's what the "thought" stands for), but at the same time they believe they are also military like leaders, hence "thought leaders". They expect of other humans to follow their "thoughts" like soldiers would follow their generals.
Prof. E. Kaf says : "The self proclaimed "thought leaders" are a sad discovery. For this type of humans we can only feel mercy. I don't see how we can help or cure them ever. We have investigated some of these individuals in fMRI brain scanners and detected a progressive reduction of active brain tissue especially in the frontal lobe of their neocortex after they turned themselves into "thought leaders". Their brains seem unable to generate any higher level thoughts. We see currently no way how to regenerate their lost brain tissue once these individuals have turned themselves voluntarily into "thought leaders"".
The Homo Sapiens Futurist group is the smallest group and the individuals are usually older in age, but the symptoms are also severe and seem incurable. They confabulate most of the time when they are awake and have a strong urge to talk and give public speeches whenever they get anywhere near a microphone. They also like to do write-ups and blogs or give interviews in all sorts of social media and networks or even on TV, constantly annoying people around the world. They seriously believe they can predict the future and know exactly what is going to happen in the next 20, 50, 100 or even more years. Some of the most severe cases are also Homo Sapiens AI Experts at the same time. Dr. E. Kaf believes that these humans suffer from a kind of "messiah syndrome" which cannot be healed with current medical tools or drugs.
Motivated by their recent findings and success, Prof. E. Kaf and his team are continuing their research. Their current focus is on new species of politicians. They have announced to have found a unique TV and Twitter addicted individual and voluntary politician with even more severe mental symptoms and damages than the already discovered groups mentioned above. This individual seems to have lost all reading skills due to excessive TV watching, lost all logical reasoning capabilities, constantly lies, has severe memory loss and frequently contradicts himself even in public. He also seems to be the first human that can voluntarily grow new hair on his scull. The researchers have named this new sub-species Homo Sapiens Populists and plan to publish their report about them soon.
NELIS (Next Leaders' Initiative for Sustainability) Singapore
10moFunniest article on LinkedIn ever. Thanks for the laugh!! 😂 😂 😂 🤣 🤣
👨⚕️ The Holistic Hacker 🩺 || USAF Law Enforcement Veteran 🕵️♂️ || CISSP, GPEN, CISM, GCED, MSCIA 💀
Professor at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
1ySurely you are joking Professor
Strategic Leadership, Advisory & Entrepreneurship, Insurance, Financial Services, Technology, Marketing
1y6 years since this article was published, Darwin's Evolution theory strikes again! The Homo Sapiens- AI experts have evolved into Homo Sapiens - ChatGPT experts ! :)
MIEAust CPEng NER RPEQ APEC Engineer IntPE(Aus).
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