Datafoundry: My Response to your Response to my Legal Notice

Datafoundry: My Response to your Response to my Legal Notice

Datafoundry Vivek Kalagara

1st article ->

Human Response

  1. Absolute Total Garbage.
  2. False Fake Made-Up (FFM) Charges.
  3. False Fake Made-Up Numbers based on FFM Charges.
  4. All Systems (Email Server, Computers, Laptop, Cloud Services etc.) belong to the Datafoundry.
  5. Datafoundry can hack/hijack/create anyone’s account using their names and produce any false evidences to further justify non-payment of their rightful salaries.
  6. Nobody is interested in Datafoundry’s Shitty code when 100 times better code is freely available in unlimited number of open source projects.
  7. There were more number of bugs than the actual lines of code.
  8. Datafoundry call their garbage code proprietary because if the world sees it, Datafoundry will get publicly embarrassed and humiliated.
  9. Nobody is interested in keeping Datafoundry’s Shitty Cheap, Second hand, Third class laptop which will only give me health problems.
  10. I was more than happy to use my own computer for 3 months contract but the company forced me to use their laptop subjecting me to unbearable torture and health issues.
  11. It is hilarious to me why they are emphasizing so much on their code/laptop when in reality it was a torture for me just to see and touch it.
  12. This is like someone forcefully throwing their garbage into their neighbor’s home and then accusing them of stealing their garbage.
  13. NOTE: Laptop was returned immediately after getting HR’s email because it is worthless. I would have thrown that in garbage anyway the next day if they haven’t asked for it.
  14. Now you saying I stole something out of your empty laptop is like me saying that CEO VIVEK KALAGARA stole my mobile phone and wallet when I visited your office.
  15. Fake Fraud Company’s Fake Fraud Reputation is at stake so they are threatening me to stop defaming Datafoundry else they will completely go out of business.
  16. If you eat at a restaurant and refuse to pay the bills then restaurant guys will come and beat you up for just 1 meal. You owe me 37 days of salary off-course I will defame you as much as possible. My efforts to defame you will only amplify with each passing day. I hope my efforts on LinkedIn gets picked up by bigger Social Media Outlets(Youtube, TV etc.) so that I can bring justice to the heinous crimes committed by you. You pay me my owed salary first and I will stop defaming you.
  17. What you call defamation is my right to freedom of speech. It is the truth that you are finding bitter because it is exposing you. True statements, no matter how damaging, are not considered defamatory.
  18. Court will see through Datafoundry’s facade of creating false charges as just a retaliatory tactic to avoid paying salary.
  19. Also hopefully Courts will find it highly disgusting and exploitative that Company is forcing that employee’s must use company’s laptop and then later accusing them of stealing something out of it.
  20. If they so care about their shitty laptop then why HR is threatening employees to come and return same day instead of going to employee’s home and picking it by themselves. Reason is they want to call employees thieves who steal their garbage code. Company is doing this purposefully so that employees will fail to deliver on the exact same day and then they can create some more false charges.
  21. 42 days have already passed waiting for my 37 days of salary. If you are so confident about your false, made-up charges then why don’t you release my salary first and file whatever cases against me second.
  22. Ok, now because of your totally Absurd, Ridiculous and Outlandish Claims. I can also make these claims:-
  23. Penalty of 100 Crore Rupees for Abetment of Suicide, Unspeakable and Unbearable Mental Trauma.
  24. Penalty of 100 crore rupees for further delay in salary payment, pressing false charges, threats, wrongful business practices, ridiculous claims, ridiculous accusations.
  25. I also lost my home, car, health insurance, gym memberships, almost all home appliances, mutual fund payments etc because I could not pay EMIs on time. I am holding you responsible for all my losses and you must pay me 1 crore at the earliest.
  26. Penalty of 1 Lac Rupees because I have to write this LinkedIn Article.
  27. Penalty of 1 Lac Rupees because now I will have to respond to your Response.

Legal Response (Draft)

  1. Unfounded Allegations: "The allegations against me are not only baseless but are a blatant attempt to further avoid payment of salary. They are entirely fictitious and lack any credible evidence."
  2. Questioning Motives: "It's clear that these fabricated charges are a strategic ploy to intimidate and silence me. This is a transparent attempt to evade your obligations, including the payment of my rightfully earned salary."
  3. Data and System Security: "Regarding the security and ownership of your systems, it's alarming how easily they could be manipulated. This raises serious questions about the integrity and confidentiality of data under your control."
  4. Comparing Code Quality: "Asserting that your code is proprietary and valuable is laughable when compared to the plethora of superior, open-source alternatives readily available. Your claims of proprietary value are grossly exaggerated."
  5. Equipment Quality and Health Concerns: "The substandard quality of the equipment provided, including the laptop, poses serious health risks. It's absurd to assume that anyone would find value in such deficient hardware."
  6. Reputation and Professional Conduct: "Your actions are not just unprofessional; they are damaging to the entire industry. By pursuing these false accusations, you're not only jeopardizing my reputation but also undermining your own credibility."
  7. Return of Company Property: "I returned the company's laptop immediately, not out of necessity, but because it's utterly worthless. Keeping it any longer would have been more of a liability than an asset."
  8. Legal Standpoint: "I am fully prepared to defend myself against these groundless accusations. I am confident that any legal scrutiny will reveal the true nature of your unfounded claims and your tactics to avoid fair compensation."
  9. Nature of IT Industry: Furthermore, Datafoundry seems to fundamentally misunderstand the nature of our industry. Clients invest in services for the total package — this includes infrastructure, execution, implementation, and labor — not merely for code, especially not for what Datafoundry erroneously considers as proprietary. Your narrow focus on the code, which frankly pales in comparison to the abundant, superior open-source options, reveals a significant misjudgment of what truly adds value to client projects. This misperception only further diminishes your credibility and questions your understanding of client needs and industry standards.
  10. Mental Trauma and Distress: "The continued evasion of salary payment by Datafoundry has caused immense mental trauma. While it's challenging to quantify such distress in monetary terms, it is a significant factor that should not be overlooked. The disregard for my well-being could be seen as a serious ethical and potentially legal lapse on Datafoundry's part."
  11. Penalty for Delays and False Charges: "The ongoing delay in salary payment, coupled with the false charges and intimidation tactics, warrants a substantial penalty. This is not just about the financial loss but also about the principle of fair treatment and lawful conduct in business practices."
  12. Cost of Responding to Legal Actions: "The time and effort required to respond to these unfounded legal actions, including this LinkedIn post and any legal responses, represent a significant personal and professional investment. This effort, necessitated by Datafoundry's actions, should be recognized and compensated."
  13. Valuation of Time and Effort: "My time and effort in addressing these issues, including responding to legal communications, are valuable. The necessity to divert attention from my professional endeavors to deal with these baseless accusations incurs a cost that Datafoundry should be held accountable for."
  14. Forced Use of Company Equipment: "I was compelled to use the company's laptop for the duration of my contract, despite preferring and offering to use my own equipment. This enforced use led to significant discomfort and health issues, demonstrating a disregard for my well-being and working conditions."
  15. Right to Public Discourse and Defamation Defense: "My public statements on platforms like LinkedIn are a rightful exercise of freedom of speech. I am merely stating the truth, which, despite its bitterness to Datafoundry, is not defamatory as it reflects my genuine experiences and perspectives."
  16. Unfair Treatment and Threats: "Datafoundry's threats to curb my right to speak out against injustices experienced are not only unethical but also indicative of their attempts to silence and intimidate me into submission."
  17. Inequitable Conduct and Employee Mistreatment: "The company's practice of forcing employees to use its substandard equipment and then accusing them of theft is exploitative and morally reprehensible. Such actions are indicative of a larger pattern of unfair employee treatment."
  18. Delayed Salary Payments and Financial Impact: "The prolonged delay in releasing my salary for 37 days has had severe financial repercussions, including the loss of personal assets and inability to meet financial obligations. Datafoundry's negligence in this matter has caused me substantial personal and financial harm."
  19. Demands for Accountability and Compensation: "Given the extent of the damage caused by Datafoundry's actions, I demand accountability and appropriate compensation for the mental anguish, reputational damage, financial loss, and personal hardships endured as a result of their unethical practices and baseless allegations."
  20. Call for Justice and Transparency: "I urge a fair and transparent resolution to this matter, and I am prepared to take further legal action to ensure that justice is served and my rights are upheld."

Deepak Dubey

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