David and Bathsheba: The Untold Story
He stretched, yawned and said, “I think I should do an afternoon siesta. I'm not used to staying home doing nothing.”
“That’s because you have never taken a vacation before.”
“Who needs a vacation when there are kingdoms to conquer?”
The old man chuckled, “says the King who is on vacation.”
Both men laughed.
“Well, I’m beginning to think it’s a bad idea.”
“Just try and relax focus on other things. Life is not all about fighting and killing. Eat, drink wine, and make love my King.”
“But I have made love over and over to my wives, nothing new in that.”
“Well, you’re the king, right? Get yourself another woman, or is there any woman who can refuse you?”
“That’s true o! Kai, my adviser, your head is correct.” The King turned to a soldier, his Chief Security Officer, that was in the room with them, “any word from Joab? Have they taken the city yet?”
“No word my King,” replied the soldier, “should I send a messenger to them at the battle front?”
“No, not yet. Let’s wait till tomorrow.” King David got up from the throne. “Okay, I’m off to observe my siesta, please no disturbance unless it’s an emergency. He turned to face his adviser, Ahitophel, “we’ll revisit the other matters we discussed tomorrow.”
Ahitophel stood up, “Okay my Lord. I will work out the details of the new policies over night.”
“Great. Enjoy the rest of your day.”
“Enjoy your vacation my King.”
The men laughed.
The King climbed the staircase and entered into his private chambers. He disrobed and got into bed. He turned and twisted, and eventually fell asleep.
It was evening when he woke up. He sat up on the bed and took a moment to get his bearing. Then he got out of bed and walked to the balcony of his room. His room was on the topmost floor of the palace and gave him a bird-eye view of the city. He enjoyed the view of the city and was almost turning away when the glint of sunlight on an item caught his attention. It was a silver bowl.
The silver bowl was in the hand of a young woman. It was been used to pour water on her body as she bathed within the compound of her residence. She was beautiful and she was naked. He stared at her as she bathed. She never looked up or at his direction. He felt his erection growing as he watched her.
She finished bathing, grabbed a towel, wrapped around her body and walked back into the house that has a red roof. He continued to stare, hoping and wishing she will come back out. But she didn’t. He turned and paced to and fro on the balcony for a moment.
Then he walked back into the room, “guards,’ he shouted.
The room door opened and his Chief Security Officer (CSO) stepped into the room.
“Come, “ King David said and walked back to the balcony followed by his CSO. He pointed and said, “who is the lady of the house with the red roof?”
The man said, “She is Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam and the wife of Uriah the Hittite.”
David stood still for a moment and stared into space like a man in deep thought. “Bring her to me,” he commanded.
The CSO hesitated.
David turned to glare at him, “NOW!”
The maid knocked and entered the room. “Your food is ready my lady.”
Bathsheba sat up from her lying position on the bed. “Okay, thank you. Let me just finish my prayers.”
The maid curtsied and exited the room.
Moment later, Bathsheba stepped out of the room and sat at the dining table.
There was a knock on the front door and the maid left the dining room to check who knocked. The maid came back looking worried. Bathsheba stopped eating and glanced at her.
“What is the matter? Who is at the door?”
“Soldiers ma.”
“What do they want?”
“You ma. They said the King summons you to the palace at once.”
Bathsheba looked at her surprised. “Did they say why?”
The maid shook her head.
“Okay, tell me them to give me a minute or two to dress up,” said Bathsheba as she stood up from the table. “And if my grandfather comes tonight, let him know where I was taken to.”
The maid nodded and went back to the front door.
The soldiers did not enter the palace through the main entrance. They took her into the palace through a passage known to few people. Moments later, they stopped in front of the King’s private chambers.
The CSO knocked once, opened the door and gently pushed Bathsheba into the room. Once she was in the room, the door closed behind her. The King was at the balcony, facing away from her.
She moved forward towards him and nosily cleared her throat. “Good evening, my King.”
He turned to look at her and smiled as he moved towards her. He tried to hug her but she turned her body slightly to block a full contact hug. “Bathsheba, thank you for coming,” he said.
“You left me with no choice your highness.”
“Sorry about that. But it was urgent for me to see you.”
She looked at him with concern, “hope all is well. Is it about my husband, Uriah? Is he alright?”
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“He is fine. There is nothing to fear, this has nothing to do with him.”
“Okay sir. Why do you summon me if I may ask?”
He grabbed her hand and steered her towards the bed. “Shall we sit?”
He pulled her close as they take their seat on the bed and wrapped his arms around her body.
“Your highness, I’m a married woman.”
“So too I.”
“I’m married to your friend.”
“He won’t know if we don’t tell him.”
He tried to kiss her and she pushed back with her hands against his chest. But he was too strong for her and he ended up on top of her body on the edge of the bed. His hands groped her breasts. She tried to wriggle free but he was too heavy for her.
“My king, This is not right. It’s a sin in the sight of God.”
“Leave God out of it.”
“I beg you, do not dishonor me.”
“See, I love you. I have always loved you. But I just had not been able to say it all this while until now.”
She stared at his face with disbelief. “But your highness, I practically grew up under your watch, in and around this palace. My father is your friend and you are like a father to me.”
“Well, we don’t choose who we love. We just love them.”
“But it’s too late my king, I’m married now.”
“It’s never too late. This can be our little secret.”
“Nothing stays hidden forever.”
“If you don’t talk, I won’t too.”
She shook her head and struggled to free herself as he pressed his hardness between her closed thighs, “please my king, let’s not start what we can’t finish it.”
“Bathsheba, have I ever asked anything of you? Would you, at this first time of my asking, refuse your king?” He paused to study her expression, “my word is law in this kingdom. I’m judge and jury. Would you rather have me as your lover or as your enemy?”
She stopped struggling and looked at him, “but this will bring shame and dishonor if we are found out.”
“No one will know. I love you and I want you. But I can’t if you won’t. It takes two to tango, you and me. Don’t deny me your lovely, beautiful body or I will go crazy and kill myself. Allow me show you how much you mean to me and I will ensure you never regret it,” King David said.
“But my husband…if he finds out, he will kill me.”
“Don’t worry about your husband. Leave him to me.”
Their eyes locked on each other for a moment, then he kissed her and started to massage her breast. He felt her body start to relax and deftly moved his right knee to prise her legs apart…
Bathsheba opened the front door and stepped into her home. It was still dawn and everywhere was still dark. She locked the door behind and gently made her way to the dining table, trying not to collide with anything that was in her way.
Her hands touched the matchbox on the table. She struck a match and touched to a candle on the stand holder.
“Where are you coming from?” said a voice behind her.
In fright she turned around quickly to see who spoke. There was a man in the shadows, seated on a rocking chair in the living room. She looked closely, as her brain slowly recognized the voice. It was Ahithophel, her grandfather.
“Good morning Grand pa,” she said as she curtsied.
“Where are you coming from?”
“The palace.”
“Who were you with?”
Her hands behind her back, eyes looking at her feet, she said, “King David.”
“He laid with me.”
Ahithophel slowly got to his feet and he walked to the front door. Without a backward glance, he opened and closed the door behind him as he made his exit.
Source Code: 2 Samuel 11: 1-4.
Olumide Holloway (King Olulu)
The Untold Story of URIAH THE HITTITE - https://selar.co/sfro
Storytelling the Book of Proverbs. - https://selar.co/ky3y
The Way of the Lion : An epic tale of blood, lust, and loss. - https://selar.co/fxzq
Smoking Guns and Bleeding Streets. - https://selar.co/rj7k
Strategic Business Lessons from the Animal Kingdom (Audio Book). - https://selar.co/zgsn
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Country Sales Executive @ Vingcard | Key Account Management, Hospitality Industry
2yBeautiful ❤️🥰 Story.