“Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.”
List your blessings:
When you give thanks for the things you have, however small they may be, you will see how they increase instantly.
If you are grateful for the money you have, even if it is little, you will see that it grows supernaturally. If you are grateful for a relationship, even if it is not perfect, you will see that it improves miraculously. “Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you.” – Eileen Caddy
If you are grateful for the work you have, even if it is not the job of your dreams, things will start to change so that you enjoy doing it more, and suddenly all kinds of professional opportunities will arise.
The other side of the coin is that when we do not list our blessings, without realizing it we can fall into the trap of listing negative things.
We list negative things when we talk about things we do not have. We list negative things when we criticize or find fault with other people, when we complain about traffic, queuing, delays, government, not having enough money or time.
When we list negative things, they also increase, but on top of that, with every negative thing we list, we cancel the blessings that were on the way.
"It's better to lose count by listing your blessings than to lose your blessings by listing your problems."
MALTBIE D. BABCOCK (1858-1901)
Every day, you hardly wake up, or as soon as you can, List Your Blessings.
You can write a list by hand, on the computer or use a special book or diary and save all your gratitude in the same place.
Today, you are going to make a simple list of ten blessings in your life for which you are grateful. When you have finished making your list of the ten blessings, re-read them one by one, either mentally or aloud.
When you reach the end of each blessing, say the magic word three times, thank you, thank you, thank you. You can be grateful to God, with kindness, life, with you and with each of the people, situations or things you remember.
Each time you List Your Blessings you will feel much better and happier. Your degree of well-being will tell you how much gratitude you have felt. The more gratitude you feel, the happier you will be and the faster your life will change.
Some days you will feel happy very quickly, and others may take a little longer. But as you continue to List Your Blessings daily, you will be observing that the change in your mood will be increasing, and your blessings will multiply!
The exercise of enumerating your blessings is so simple and powerful to change your life, that I want you to add ten more blessings to your list each day for the next 40 days.
You may think that it is difficult to find ten things to be grateful for each day, but the more you think about it, the more you realize you will give yourself of how many reasons there are to be grateful. Examine your life carefully; You have received, and you continue to receive a lot every day. Actually, there is a lot to be thankful for!
Exercise 1:
List Your Blessings:
The first thing you will do when you get up is a list of ten blessings in your life that you are grateful for.
Write why you are grateful for each blessing.
Reread the list, mentally or aloud. When you reach the end of each point, say the word, thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel the gratitude for that blessing with the maximum intensity possible.
Repeat the first three steps of this exercise every morning for the next 40 days.
We have to take into account ... the ego of laziness, that part of us that refuses to do things, that does not want to change and that is afraid of what will entail the realization of a different activity. You have to be careful with her, because she will surely do everything possible so that we do not do the exercises !.
And you are heirs of the prophets and of the covenant God made with your fathers. He said to Abraham, 'Through your offspring all peoples on earth will be blessed.' Acts 3:25
It says: "Do not expect different things in your life but do different things in your life"
Simply the fact of writing on a piece of paper the things for which you are grateful, is already doing something different in your life!
To continue tomorrow with the next challenge, you must look for a stone. It can be a stone, a river, or just one that has caught your attention.
Thank you for having started this challenge full of GRATITUDE !!
I love you and bless you with all blessings !!
My deepest gratitude for supporting me all through the ups and downs.!
Thank you so much!!!
May your day be filled with sunshine as you go forward in the direction of your dreams.
Financial Services is my profession, teaching with patience and love is my nature, helping and protecting is my passion!
Kind Regards
Martha Macias