This day 6 years ago, everything changed.

This day 6 years ago, everything changed.

This picture came up in my timehop today. A heart wrenching reminder of a painful time in my life; none so more than this day. A complete life changer in fact!

In a bid to prove my independence, on a whim, I'd agreed to go to V Festival, Chelmsford as my first ever 3 day music festival. I bought all the camping gear (I mean all) and was filled with a heady mix of excitement and fear of the unknown. As I went it alone in a tent for the first time in a field of 20,000 drunken revellers, I had no idea what was going to happen to me.

Six months prior, Jan 2013, I'd split up with my husband of 12 years and come out as being gay, leaving behind a business, houses and pets. A big brave decision and painful experience for all.

This 'fun weekend' was my confident stand for being able to fully take care of myself, I didn't need anyone to look after me. Warrior woman. I'd been living on my own for a month and found it very tough. I was 40 and had never lived alone. I needed to know I could take care of myself completely. I was determined to be that brave woman who could put up her tent and be self sufficient.

Although I was with lovely people, they were people I barely knew. I'd met one of them once and another twice at a networking event. There was a casual suggestion 'do you fancy coming to V Fest, it'll be fun?' I said yes, because until then, my motto was to 'say yes to everything'... It is no longer my mantra, I choose my decisions far more carefully!

So that night, whilst all the other revellers were partying and having drunken fun, I decided I would be sensible (for a change, like a grown up!) and get an early night ready for the artists over the next 2 evenings. Come 2:00 am, I was snoozing on my tiny campbed in a damp sleeping bag; when I heard the zipper to my tent open... I sat bolt upright with a start and squinted at the opening with sleepy eyes. I had a torch shining in my face.

In my most confident, commanding, empowered voice, I shouted 'this isn't your tent mate', to which a sorry little young male voice apologised. I lay back down for few moments, before a wave of panic spread over me! I reached out to where my hand bag and overnight bag were beside me. My handbag was gone. I felt sick. I frantically searched in the dark, but it definitely wasn't there! A gutted fear took hold in the pit of my stomach, that bag had everything I needed in it. My brand new phone, £200 cash, sunglasses; but most of all my car keys, office keys and house keys! Everything I needed to survive was all gone in a flash. I cannot describe the pain of desperate destitution, it was like the universe had let me down in my quest for single empowerment. I have never felt so alone, abandoned, stupid and scared. Beating myself up and questioning my decisions. What was I thinking?

It was all over in a heartbeat, but yet triggered the grief release of deep loss. Loss of both my parents in 2003, then my husband's family through separation, not to mention friends who didn't agree with my life choice. All the pain came at once, I sobbed and sobbed for what felt like forever. Until I could cry no more. I sat in my tent listening to the pouring rain and drunken party goers and realised - only I could help me. Nobody else was responsible for me. Just me.

I had to decide what to do. I struggled through the mud and rain to a mobile security unit and reported the crime, whilst still sobbing. I didn't even have a pound for a coffee! Apparently it was happening every 4 minutes, 'the chancers take what they can, then they dump the evidence' said the burly security man.

My mind repeated his last phrase, 'they dump the evidence'. A glimmer of hope flickered through me, my bag might be out there!Although how would I even begin to search miles of grounds with thousands of tents pegged in like sardines in the dark, on my own!? Impossible!

I stood outside as it started to get light and asked, in fact begged the universe for help. It felt like my only hope... I said out loud, 'I need my car keys back, please help me find them universe, I just need them so I can go home and feel safe, please!'

Before I knew it, I was standing very still with my eyes closed, calmly breathing, as if I no longer could feel anything. Then my feet started to move, slowly and I felt myself walk forwards, carefully placing one mud sodden foot between tent pegs then another, eyes still closed. I don't how long this went on for, but it felt like a good 10 minutes until finally, I stopped. I stopped and somehow knew it was time to open my eyes. I looked down to my feet; there amongst rubbish piled high was a black bin liner. I bent and picked it up and underneath, there was, yes you guessed it my hand bag. Astonished, I picked it up, praying that my car keys were in there. They were there. Nothing else, just my keys, as I'd desperately asked for! 🙏

I cried and cried and cried again, but this time for a different reason. In that moment, I realised that when I really need support, I don't have to be alone. I can reach out for it and it's there! Not only did I challenge myself on this weekend, I let go of years of fear and grief enabling me to take action. It felt like the universe rewarded me for helping myself.

I drove home, stayed home and safe in my pyjamas drinking coffee all weekend and reassessed EVERYTHING based on what I needed in my life, for me. Not anyone else, just me.

And here I am today, living and loving that very life I vision's and I'm truly grateful for the weekend I broke down and broke through.

What do your beliefs, fears and behaviours do to your life? How do you intentionally empower yourself, or unintentionally disempower yourself? Do you challenge yourself to change or just let things change you? Maybe like it was for me, it's time to be proactive.

Join me on my 7 Day Belief Mindset Reset to understand how you are disempowering yourself and your business with old beliefs, fears, expectations and self sabotage behaviours.

It's FREE so do the programme and it will change your life. Decide now, click and join me.

Paul Adams

Supporting tech-for-good entrepreneurs get from 0 to 1


Hi Vivienne we met at BNI networking years ago in Wellingborough. I am glad it’s all working out for you now

Ebony Staite Dagnall

Referrals & Partnership Manager at IBC Healthcare


I remember hearing this story when I first met you back in 2015 and it's even more beautiful the second time hearing (reading) it. SO many hidden, or quite obvious, messages in this story. It's wonderful to be brave, confident, spontaneous and powerful. But we learn the most about our selves when we are at our most vulnerable. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, as awful as this experience was for you, it's clearly played a significant role in shaping the (super)woman you are today. Thank you for sharing Viv, I didn't realise how much I needed to be reminded to believe x

Fenella Hemus

NLP Training for Leaders & Coaches inspiring positive change. NLP Master Coach l Leadership l Mindset l Confidence l Training


Incredible story, thanks for sharing. It's amazing what can happen when we listen to and trust ourselves and ask for help too

Kathy Bassett

Business Growth Specialist. What do you wish you knew?


Scary time for you and sounds like you came through a stronger person

Jo Ferreday

Reliable Events & Corporate Hospitality Services | Venue Searching & Event Support | MD of Sheer Edge & Editor in Chief of Inside Edge


Wow what a powerful share Vivienne Joy (Your Mindset For Business Coach) 😲 ❤️🙏thank you for sharing this, I'm sure it will help many

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