A Short Story In English On Dealing With Office Politics
In a short story in English in 'A Pebble Unlistened' which is a book with a collection of English stories, I have narrated how a corporate employee faces office politics and how he handles it. The major takeaway there is to recognize how far the politics needs to be handled and deciding when it is time to move on. I highly recommend you check out the book and learn about a few social themes including office politics. The link to buy is: https://www.amazon.in/Pebble-Unlistened-Venkat-Ramakrishnan-ebook/dp/B0CGKQ1Q2M
Let's face it, we all face office politics - in many ways. However much we want to bury the topic and be good Samaritans of teamwork, reality is what it is. We need to talk about it, and we need to talk and learn about strategies to handle it. As much as tactical as we are in handling the petty rat race fights, we should also be strategic about our bold and strong actions that can speak louder than our words.
"Watch your back and save it," one of my ex-colleagues used to say. He always advice two main things:
Being from a corporate background, and having DJed as a hobby, I can appreciate both the points. When I was editing my short stories book 'A Pebble Unlistened', I would find mistakes in grammar and spelling even after many passes. Likewise, while I was formatting the book for Amazon Kindle, I found formatting mistakes even after some ten rounds of checking. So, checking is a must, in whatever work you do.
When I DJed for a while as hobby, my mentor used to advice me to have a backup plan for everything - for a cable a spare cable, if an output port goes wrong, how to channel the output through another port, if a song set gets lost, having another playlist, and so on. Well, it was exhausting, but it is worth it, as there would be a room full of people looking at us with open mouths if things cannot be corrected in a second or two! And if we don't, our reputation will go for a toss, and we won't be invited for the next week DJing!
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Office politics cannot be avoided and it's part of our lives. We need to learn to deal with it and better equip ourselves for our bright future!
Author Venkat Ramakrishnan.