Dear Novice Entrepreneur...
Entrepreneurship is one of the most widely-discussed topics in our society. Everyone has a story about their "great idea" that they are just dying to bring to the world, and yet so few people bother to actually do it. It's not that there aren't enough great ideas out there. With entrepreneurship, the market decides, you don't. Entrepreneurship is about being a servant to the customer and doing whatever it takes to bring him value and keep him coming back for more.
Entrepreneurs have no idea what will resonate with potential customers until they actually experience it themselves. The truth is, customers are the key to success in any business. After all, your business is there to provide customer services to them. The market can change on a whim with no warning and leave those who do not adapt in the dust. That's why in today's business world everyone needs to be adaptable as progress and change are inevitable.
The customer’s perception is built from the services and products your business offers them. This means that, as an organization, you are solely responsible for the client’s perception. Aim at giving the customer the best services so as to build a good perception on your customers. The reality of a customer is a result of what they perceive.
Proper investment means investing in uncorrelated assets, and investing in multiple assets needs multiple sets of knowledge, more hours of research, and more market following. It is definitely more mental labor for an investor. If it’s not working out it doesn’t mean you’re not capable, it just means you’ve to try different things. You’ll just be going in circles otherwise.
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The market should be the north star for every entrepreneur. That's why it's said sales is the ultimate sanity. The market always help you discover how humility is underrated. Sometimes you have to plant your seeds elsewhere when certain markets are sinking ships like the titanic. Welcome to this space dear entrepreneur
Construction Project Manager at Silverland Ltd
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