Debunking Screenwriting Myths- Networking Strategy That Can Do More Harm Than Good!
I realize I talk about this topic ad nauseam, but it’s a practice here on LinkedIn that is not only very disturbing- and growing- but it is something that can REALLY damage your career and hurt your networking.
It is the act of asking for a “favor” during the very first communication with one another.
None of these people had ever written to me previously.
None had posted anything in the LinkedIn group that they joined when I reached out to them with a brief “welcome” note.
None have ever “liked” or commented on ANY post I’ve made, ever. I’ve been on LinkedIn- twice- as a premium member for over 15 years. Rarely does a workday go by where I do not make at least ONE posting, while commenting on or liking other posts.
I am not saying that everybody SHOULD be liking or commenting on my posts- or even READING my posts. I’m not saying that at all. I am simply saying that by virtue of being “linked in” with one another doesn’t automatically make me a member of your “network”- not in MY eyes, anyway. If we haven’t exchanged a single comment or reached out to one another on a personal or business level- this includes me reaching out to you, as well (but I always do so first with my personalized welcome note) than I am just a “number”; one of your many contacts.
Being just a “number” in my network, as I would be in yours, shouldn’t mean I’m going to ask you to housesit while I’m away on business. I’m not expecting a Christmas card from anyone in my network, nor do I expect you to drop in with a cup of coffee for me first thing in the morning. Besides, I don’t even DRINK coffee.
Conversely, there are some things YOU shouldn’t expect from me, either- yet I get these emails and messages through the site at least on a weekly basis; sometimes daily.
Keep in mind- the following notes were the FIRST contact from multiple new members of my LinkedIn “network”- just this month so far.
1. Would it be OK if I pitched the idea to you? We are looking for investors, EPs and those who are willing to connect us to those who might be interested in helping to get this project past pre-production and into production. Happy to share the pitch with you if you are interested. If not, no worries, I'm still happy that we connected!
My Response:
Personally, I take great offense having the first communication- AFTER linking in with someone- being a pitch for money. I've written multiple articles and posts on these DM's, often calling out the more egregious violators of this simple business etiquette.
I've been doing research on you and your posts, going back 8-12 months, and almost ALL of them are requesting money. I'm familiar with (the project and the director) but I have no idea of YOUR involvement in the project (as you are not mentioned anywhere in the crowdfunding campaign).
For the record, we've been connected since September, and after a short intro on that day, I've not seen you interact with any of my posts, videos, group discussions- or ANYTHING. I don't care, personally… It's just strange how people always seem to find the time to communicate with their "network" when they have their proverbial (and literal) hand out. I don't know you well enough nor do I trust you enough to simply contribute money at your behest.
2. Hi Geno, Hope you're having a fantastic week! We're launching our ecosystem platform, (name redacted) and we're reaching out to our network colleagues. I would love to hear your current initiatives if you have some time coming up for a call!
Best & Thank You,
(Phone numbers attached)
My response:
My current initiatives are trying to stop people from "pitching" me before they even meet the minimum standards of introducing themselves or having the slightest of dialogue exchanges. I try, but I cannot even fathom anything less professional, yet it happens nearly every day.
(The pitch continues…)
Hi Geno,
We connected in 2016. I'm a producer, founder and principal. I'll provide a bit on our partners as well as what we've built. I wasn't looking to pitch, but to learn of collaborations where we could be a resource. Some references on us:
(One Sheet included in a Dropbox message)
My Follow-Up Response:
You make my point even stronger. I've been posting daily, for years, (including) videos, articles, newsletter and general posts, and never received a "like", share, comment or any other indication that you saw, read or was remotely interested in any of these thousands of posts. Connected since 2016- by my invite, btw- and never received one email, text, phone call or carrier pigeon message. Now, it comes to you (apparently) trying to entice investors (although you don't even come out and say it, but instead, dance around the topic hoping to get a phone meeting; very good!), and today, I received TWO messages, TWO phone numbers AND a Dropbox one-sheet!
Should I be honored or insulted? I help FRIENDS.
FRIENDS that I know personally, or FRIENDS that I believe I know well enough through the internet.
You had eight solid years to make that simple connection with me and didn't. Actions- or, in this case, inaction- speak louder than any one-sheet or instant message could possibly explain.
Recommended by LinkedIn
3. Hi Geno, I hope you’re doing well!
I’m reaching out because I’m currently working on an exciting short film project, (name redacted), which we’re crowdfunding to bring to life… I believe it has the potential to really resonate with audiences.
We’re seeking passionate individuals who believe in the power of storytelling, and I thought you might be interested in supporting this project. Any contribution would go a long way in helping us get this film off the ground and into the world.
If you're interested, I’d love to share more details with you, and you can also learn more about the campaign here…
Now, we have a few people who I feel reached out in the proper way:
5. Thank you so much for connecting with me and letting me look around your awesome network Geno! I’ve so many good ideas and script drafts here and I’m looking forward to the possibilities in future with the right production company. I’d love to hear what you’re working on now!
6. Mr. Scala, I just read your article: "How Writers Can Properly and Effectively Network Through LinkedIn." I thoroughly enjoyed your tips and thoughts, and I can't wait to read more of your articles.
7. Your advice and experience have been tremendously helpful. Thank you!
8. Thank you for connecting with me! I’ve enjoyed your articles, and your insight has helped me as I (continue to) develop some projects.
There is not a single book or website on crowdfunding or serious fund-raising advice that suggests one should simply bulk email or direct message
You would have had more luck sending messages in bottles to them; at least, you tried being creative.
Granted, most of you DON’T find this insulting or even bothersome, but I do. Reassess HOW you are going about these fundraising tactics and know that it is possible that you’ll LOSE many contacts as a result of this strategy.
WRITER'S BIO: Mr. Scala spent 24-plus years in the Hollywood community and was the Executive Director for the 72nd Annual Academy Awards, as well as The Soul Train Awards, The Grammys, The Blockbuster Video Awards Show and The Saturn Award Show.
Geno has dozens of completed feature film screenplays and television pilots, with three screenplays produced into feature films- "BLACK EASTER", "ASSASSINS 33 A.D." and "THE TOMBS". All are currently available on Amazon Prime and/or Tubi and other streaming locations.
His company has completed fifty-one (51) novel-to-screenplay adaptations for clients, and he counts many celebrities among his vast clientele. His TV project, "Bad Priest", with Brent Jones, is in development with a cable network, where one executive said the following:
"This pilot is compelling and clear and offers just enough to tease us with where these stories and characters might go. It begs for a full season..."
Today, he and his writing team are actively working on several ghostwriting projects and screenplay adaptations for his celebrity- and non-celebrity- clientele, including the autobiographical "CALL ME ZENA", by Sally Barnard, and "PATHWAYS THROUGH PAIN" by Linda Sonnett Carlson.
Geno and his team- including line producer KATHERYN SWANN (CEO at Buffalo Trail Entertainment) were able to raise $16.4M for his re-titled screenplay "FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE".
Geno continues to mentor over now-700+ new screenwriters and self-published authors, writing original scripts or helping to adapt their novels and memoirs into marketable screenplays.
Commission Sales Associate @ Private Evaluation and Dealership Review | Insurance Evaluating
1moGeno bloody oath I'm in a (really bad life situation) and you're post is absolutely true to the fact, ai,animated, content is non fiction,,fiction is what it is,, you're true geno I like you're word, my word is if you if you are down try, and don't stop trying you may fall many times in the process however the odds are one day it will be your day and you will succeed, never stop trying no matter what you're cirumstance and don't be fake #non fiction, cheers geno ,,kevin
Director, Corporate Trainer, Learning and Development, Branch Manager, Producer, Program Manager, Instructor
1moThank you for this article. Very eye-opening from the point of view of the recipient.
Yr Hyddgen, there is no audience every one participates!
1moMy government in Cymru do not want our native history of Ynys Prydain (Briton) or Folklore to be told by us?
Bringing Hollywood to Kempton A Network for film industry professionals in Pennsylvania and the Northeast. Award winning #Author, #Screenwriter, #ProfessionalGhostwriter
1moWell said. I wonder if the people who wrote those emails would dig into their pockets for someone they don't know.
Yr Hyddgen, there is no audience every one participates!
1moThat's the problem nobody gives chances to strangers, but they do not contact you first looking for an easy ride, it means they have tried every where else first which suggests the agencies out there don't do what they the ideas stay stale and regurgitated