CLARK SMIDT, Broadcast Advisor  978 502 6633 Advisor/Connector has participated in Greater Boston Broadcast Management since 1970. Please hear WATX AM 1220 CLASSICS!  Digital Demo adjusts to your market & competition.

November 7-December 4, brings us the DECEMBER 2024 PPM RADIO RESULTS with Holiday Jumps included. The Holiday Monthly runs through January 8.  Smart interpretation and strategy add income & audience without major investment.  Some Lessons Learned & Practiced During the Past Year:

  • AM Radio is Essential in Cars & Homes.  AM sounds excellent on Digital!
  • Higher Ranking Cume vs. Lower Share = Tune-Outs. 
  • Smart Adjustment & Music Curation is not costly.
  • Classic Hits + Classic Rock = Strong Adult Audience. 
  • Christmas Favorites have lasting appeal.
  • Seasoned Broadcasters Make It Happen. 
  • Protect and Encourage Talent & Local Information.
  • Home Studios are fantastic.  Podcasts, not so much.
  • Tight and Bright Attracts. Top Heavy Spending is Bad.

BOSTON (10) Population 4.413 million. Hispanic 12% Black 8%. OCT/NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2024 CLUSTERS. iHeart leads Beasley 2.6-5.8-4.5 and tops Audacy by 5.0. Boston 2025 is anyone's ball game.  iHeart 24.9-26.6-25.8.  Beasley 22.3-20.8-21.3. Audacy 19.5-18.9-20.8.

3-T4-1. WMJX Audacy A/C 6.3-5.8-8.3, #1 cume 734-667-759k. Audacy A/C combo brings it 5.0 from #1.

1-1-2. WBZ/FM Beasley Sports, 8.3-8.5-8.2 #4-3-4 cume 525-573-517k. “Sports Hub” is just 0.1 behind #1.

5-T4-3. WBZ-AM iHeart News/Talk 5.5-5.8-6.0, #10 cume 331-344-336k. Essential AM for News & Weather.

2-T4-4. WROR Beasley Classic Hits 7.1-5.8-5.9, #2-4-2 cume 648-567-619k. 0.1 under ‘BZ, freshen up time.

4-2-5. WWBX Audacy Hot A/C 5.6-6.1-5.4, #4-5-7 cume 476-462-419k. Magic sister makes MIX #3 music FM.

10-9-6. WRKO-AM iHeart Talk 4.1-4.0-5.0, nice +1.0 jump #20-19 cume 143-151k, makes the case for car AM.

6-3-7. WZLX iHeart Classic Rock 4.4-5.9-4.8, #6-5 cume 461-441-450k. Share dip -1.1, as demo prefers Xmas.

7-7-8.  WXKS/FM iHeart CHR 4.3-4.4-4.7, #3-2-3 cume 638-647-601k. Jingle Ball no help. Needing new answers.

8-8-9. WBUR Boston University News/Talk 4.2-4.2-4.0, #12 cume 327-320-302k. WBZ-AM news lead grew 1.3-1.6-2.0.

8-10-10. WGBH ‘GBH News/Talk 4.2-3.9-3.6, #13 cume 302-293-279k. Fewer improvements than heard on WCRB.

12-11-11. WCRB ‘GBH Classical 3.4-3.8-3.5, #17-16 cume 224-237-219k. Just 0.1 behind WGBH at less cost.

11-11-12. WEEI/FM Audacy Sports 3.8-3.7-3.4, #15 cume 301-267-238k. Off season is the time for new plays.

14-T14-TIE 13. WBQT Beasley Hot A/C 2.9-2.7-3.2, #7-6 cume 457-423-428k. Trails WWBX by 3.4-2.2. Let’s see.

13-13-TIE 13. WKLB Beasley Country 3.0-2.9-3.2, #11 cume 387-409-347k. Cost saving syndicated shows only tie WBQT and miss Top 10.

15-T14-15. WJMN iHeart Rhythmic CHR 2.7-2.7-2.8, #9 cume 342-333-338k. Big signal but just is kinda there.

16-16-16. WBGB Audacy Adult Hits 2.5-2.6-2.7, #8 cume 443-389-383k. Time to stick the fork. Huge potential

17-17-17. WXRV Northeast Adult Alternative 2.0-2.1-2.0, #14 cume 250-277-264k. There sits the opportunity!  

T18-18-18. WBWL iHeart Country 1.6-1.5-1.3. #18 cume 280-230-197k. Country was #1, now a total 4.5 share.

T18-19-19. WXLO Cumulus Hot A/C 1.6-1.4-1.2, #14-15-17 cume 297-268-211k. Big signal #2 Worcester 6.3.

20-21-20. WERS Emerson College Adult Alternative 1.3-1.0-1.1, #21 cume 135k. Total Adult Alternative share holds at 3.1.

22-23-21. WZRM iHeart Spanish Tropical 1.0-1.1-0.9, #19-20 cume 149k. Not catching on. Spanish total stays 2.0. ALSO TIED 21 @ 0.9: WMJX Stream Audacy, 60k #23 & 21. WXKS-AM iHeart Talk #26 cume with 35k.

26-28-24. WCCM-AM Costa-Eagle Spanish 0.3-0.7, 23-25k stays at #28 cume. 25. WBOS Beasley Business News 0.8-0.8-0.6, #22 cume 102-99-81k (Classic Rock was changed to Bloomberg. 26. WNNW-AM Costa-Eagle Spanish Tropical 0.6-0.4, 67-55k #23-24 cume. 27. WUMB UMass Variety 0.3, 28-39k #27-25 cume. TIE 28 @ 0.2: WRCA-AM Classic Rock (was WBOS/FM) 30k #26; TIE 27. WMVX-AM Costa-Eagle Classic Hits 21-19k #29. TIE 30 @ 0.1: WWFX Cumulus Classic Rock 19-16k #30 & TIE 30 WBGB Stream Audacy 7k #31 cume.  32. WVEI-AM Audacy Sports 600 #32 cume (50kw WEEI-AM 850 remains a no show). Boston November-December Share Change Range: + 2.5 Xmas WMJX / - 1.1 Classic Rock WZLX.  

NEW YORK (1) Pop. 16.56 million. Hispanic 26% Black 17%. OCT/NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2024 CLUSTERS: iHeart 27.0-26.8-27.4, Audacy 21.0-20.7-19.7, Spanish Broadcasting System 7.1-7.9-8.0, Media Holding Inc. 7.6-7.4-7.9, WNYC Public 7.0-7.0-6.7.

1-1-1.    WLTW A/C 8.2-7.8-9.7, 3.55-3.51-3.643 million, #1 cume. Always Tops NYC and adds a +1.9 Xmas gain.

5-3-2.    WBLS Media Holding Urban A/C 5.8-5.5, 1.41-1.36-1.267 mil #9 cume. NYC iconic heritage station.  

2-2-3.  WAXQ iHeart Classic Rock 6.1-6.0-5.5, 1.87-1.74-1.69mil #7 cume. I loved hearing Mark Parenteau in PMD.

9-6-4. WSKQ SBS Spanish Tropical 4.0-4.9-5.1, 1.72-1.5-1.65 mil #6-8-6 cume. Stays NYC Top Spanish Service.

4-4-TIE 5. WHTZ iHeart CHR 5.7-5.4-4.9, 2.39-2.53-2.24mil #2-4-2 cume. Huge Legacy: Z-100 worst to first.

8-9-TIE 5. WNEW-FM Audacy Hot A/C 4.4-4.2-4.9, 2.29-2.11-2.16mil #5 cume. I miss Scott, Pete and the Nightbird.

7-8-7. WINS-FM Audacy News 4.6-4.5-4.8 (+0.4 stream), 1.62-1.57-1.61mil #7-8-7 cume. Smart move to FM. #1 on Long Island.

3-5-8. WCBS-FM Audacy Classic Hits 5.5-5.3-4.5, 2.61-2.53-2.22mil #2-3-4 cume. Santa or missing heritage hits?

6-7-9. WABC-AM Red Apple Talk 5.0-4.8-4.4, 560-503-512k #18 cume. Great job with an AM turnaround, JC!

11-12-10 TIE: WKTU iHeart Rhythmic CHR 3.5-3.5-3.6, 2.48-2.52-2.24mil #3 cume. Still walking in rhythm.

10-10-10 TIE: WNYC/FM Public N/T 3.9-4.0-3.6, 634-620-601k #16 cume. The Class of New York City for years. T13-13-12. WXNY Univision Spanish Tropical 2.5-2.6-3.0, 964-938k #12 cume. Total NYC Spanish share 11.9. 12-11-13. WFAN-FM Audacy Sports 3.3-3.6-2.7 (+0.8 stream), 1.05mil-871k #12-14 cume. Tough NY sports year. T15-T15-14. WQXR-FM WNYC Public Classical 2.5-2.2-2.3, 343-360-372k #19 cume. NYC Classical Forever. 15-15-T15-15. WPAT SBS Spanish A/C 2.3-2.2-2.0, 883-930k #13 cume. Still remembered as Beautiful Music from Patterson, NJ. 17-17-16. WQHT Media Holding Rhym CHR 1.8-1.9-1.9, 1.08 mil #12-11 cume. Maybe something new can brew for NY. 16-14-TIE 17: WWPR iHeart Urban Contemp. 2.1-2.3-1.8,1.09mil-999k #11 cume. Less luster but still powerful

18-18-TIE 17: WOR-AM iHeart Talk 1.4-1.8-1.8, 295-327k #23-28. Rick Buckley’s great heritage station in NYC with huge personality. T18-19-19. WPLJ K-Love Contemp. Christian 1.4-1.6-1.7, 696-624-668k #17-15 cume. Worthy of the prayers? T20-20-20. WXBK Audacy Classic Hip Hop 1.2-1.3-1.2, 764-660k, basic tied #17 cume. Time to spin the format wheel?

T20-21-21. WKXW Townsquare Talk 1.2-1.2-1.1, 384-359-311k #20-21 cume. Great job by Walt Sabo back when. T27-22. WMGO Beasley A/C 0.9, 281-286k #24 cume. 4-WAY TIE 23 @ 0.8: WFUV Fordham Adult Alt. 271k #25, WNYC-AM Public N/T, 118-104k #34, WSKQ Stream 211-172k, #26 cume, WFAN Stream 219-150k #27 cume. 27. WBGO Public Jazz 0.7, 296k #22 cume, adding another signal would be excellent. 4-WAY TIE 28 @ 0.5: WHUD Pamal A/C 395-326-304k #22 cume, TIE 28 WKMK Press Country 185-139k #28-30, 28. WBBR-AM Bloomberg Business 122-113k #33 cume, 28. WNUV Hope Spanish Christian 77-93k #37 cume. iHeart tops Audacy 6.0-6.1-7.7. NYC Nov-Dec. Change Range: + 1.9 Xmas WLTW  / - 0.9 Sports WFAN

LONG ISLAND / NYC (20) Pop. 2.53 million Hispanic 20%, Black 10% OCT/NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2024 CLUSTERS. Very Close: Audacy 17.0-20.2-18.3, iHeart 18.7-18.0-17.6, Connoisseur 16.1-17.0-17.5, Cox Media Group 12.8-11.7-11.6.  *LI Stations:

3-2-1.  WINS-FM Audacy News 5.6-6.5-7.1, 319-336-337k #8-5-4 cume. 1010 WINS, Wins Long Island!               

1-1-2.  WBAB* Cox Classic Rock 8.5-7.4-6.4, 437-433-392k #2 cume. Strong showing despite -1.0 holiday dip.

4-4-3. WALK* Connoisseur A/C 5.0-4.9-5.0, 380-359-349k #3-1 cume. Back in the LI Expy driver’s seat.                        

2-3-4.   WHTZ iHeart CHR 5.7-5.6-4.8, 415-420-330k #1-5 cume. Seasons and curation changes listening habits.

T7-7-5. WBLI* Cox CHR 4.0-3.9-4.6, 349-353-320k #4-6 cume. Strong local rocker for Long Island.                                        

10-11-6. WLTW Audacy A/C 3.3-3.2-4.4, 340-331-344k #6-3 cume.  Holiday Magic from the New York City.          

T11-T13-7.  WWSK* Connoisseur Rock 2.6-2.9-3.9, 170-167-190k #13-12. Nice jump into the LI Top 10.           

9-9-8.  WKJY* Connoisseur A/C 3.8-3.7-3.7, 333-323-297k #7 cume. Holding well and adding cluster strength.

T6-6-TIE 9: WCBS-FM Audacy Classic Hits 4.0-4.2-3.3, 296k #8 cume. Seems folks want more NYC Oldies.   

6-8-TIE 9:   WAXQ iHeart Classic Rock 4.3-3.8-3.3, 305-280-243k #9 cume ties #17 WKTU with exact cume.

5-5-TIE 11: WFAN Audacy Sports 4.7-4.6-3.2, 218-229-176k #12-13 cume & 14-10-TIE 11: WWWF* Connoisseur Country 2.5-3.3-3.2, 156-162-163k repeats #14 cume. 11-12-13. WNEW-FM Audacy Hot A/C 2.6-3.0-2.7, 253-237-235k #11 cume. 16-14-14. WABC-AM Red Apple Talk 2.0-2.3-2.5, 74k #19-18 cume. 18-17-15. WOR-AM iHeart Talk 1.7-2.0-2.2, 44-51-49k #21-20 cume. 18T-18-16. WSKQ SBS Spanish Tropical 1.6-1.9-1.8, 127-125k #16-15. T15-15-TIE 17: WHLI* Connoisseur Oldies 2.2-2.2-1.7, 95k, #17 & 11T-16-TIE 17 WKTU iHeart Rhythmic CHR 2.6-2.1-1.7, 290-265-243k #9 cume tie with WAXQ. T19-T21-19. WPAT SBS Spanish A/C 1.1-1.0-1.4, 71-95k #20-17 cume. T19-T19-3 WAY TIE 20 @ 1.2: WWPR iHeart Urban Contemp. 145-118k #15-16 cume, T19-T21-TIE 20: WINS Stream, 31-37k #22 cume. 23-T19-TIE 20: WLIR* Red Apple Talk 1.2, 19-17k #26 cume. 23. WXKB Audacy Classic Hip Hop 0.7, 90-70k #18-28 cume. TIE 24 @ 0.6: WSHU Sacred Heart CT. Classical 31-35k #23. TIE 24: WBLI* Stream 25k #25. TIE 25: WBBR-AM Bloomberg 11k #30. Audacy leads iHeart by 2.2-0.7, Connoisseur by 3.2-0.8.  L.I. Change Range: + 1.2 Xmas WLTW / -1.0 Classic Rock WBAB*   


PHILADELPHIA (9) Pop. 4.75 million. Hispanic 10%, Black 21%. OCT/NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2024 CLUSTERS: Audacy 30.8-28.9-30.4, Beasley 25.3-25.3-25.2, iHeart 18.2-17.1-17.3.

3-2-1. WMMR Beasley Rock 7.9-8.3-8.3, 641-649-598k #6 cume. Despite Holiday music, Rock ‘MMR wins.

2-1-2. WDAS iHeart Urban A/C 8.2-8.4-8.1, 572-591-539k #7 cume, long time Philly Urban favorite is just 0.2 from #1.

6-5-1. WBEB Audacy A/C 4.3-4.9-7.8, 936-975-1.065 million #1 cume. Always top cume but with a lower Xmas share.

1-3-4. WIP-FM Audacy Sports 9.8-7.5-7.3 (+1.7 stream = 9.0), 769-969-763k #1-3-4 cume strong Philly Sports.

4-4-5. WMGK Beasley Classic Rock 6.7-7.0-7.0, 729-766-729k #3-2-2 cume, long standing Top 5 station with strong cume.

7-6-6. WXTU Beasley Country 4.2-4.8-4.6, 521-556-523k #8-9 cume. Country continues nicely in Philadelphia.

5-7-7. KYW-AM Audacy News 4.8-4.4-3.9 (+1.2 stream=5.1), 484-459-402k cume #11-12-TIE cume with Alt. Rock WRFF.

12-T9-8. WBEN Beasley Adult Hits 2.9-3.2-3.5, 691-683k #5 cume. Another FM with high ranking cume and lower share.

9-8-9. WOGL Audacy Classic Hits 3.5-3.8-3.8, 681-696-691k #4-3 cume, please see above re: cume & share.

9-T9-10: WUSL iHeart Urban Contemporary 3.8-3.2-3.0, 391-383-379k #12-13 cume. Urban was down in December.

9T-9-11. WPPZ Urban One R&B Oldies 3.5-3.2-2.8, 323-311-282k #15-14-15 cume, only Urban WRNB gained. 13-T9-TIE 12: WIOQ iHeart CHR 2.7-3.2-2.7, 481k #10 & T15-13-TIE 12: WPHT-AM Audacy Talk 2.3-2.9-2.7, 143-118k #22-25 cume. 19-16-TIE 14: WTDY Audacy Hot A/C 2.1-2.2-2.5, 528-538k #9-8 cume & 11-14- TIE 14: WHYY Public N/T 3.1-2.6-2.5, 233-238k #17. 18-17-TIE 16: WRNB Urban One Contemporary 2.2-2.1-2.4, 311-354k #13-14 cume & 15T-18T-16 TIE: WXPN UPenn. Adult Alternative 2.3-2.0-1.8, 210-185, #20 cume. 22-20-18. WRTI Temple University Classical 1.5-1.9-2.3, 126-144-158k, #24-21-22. 20-15-TIE 19: WRFF iHeart Modern Alternative. Rock 1.8-2.3-1.8, 426-478-401k #T11 cume. 15-T18-TIE 19: WPEN Beasley Sports 1.9-2.3-2.0, 291-289-282k #16 cume. 21-21-TIE 21: WUMR iHeart Spanish CHR 1.7-1.6-1.7, 207-214-181k #19-18-21 cume. 14-T22-TIE 21: WIP-FM Stream Audacy Sports 2.5-1.2-1.7, 226-108-126k #24 cume. 23. KYW-AM Stream, 0.8-0.8-1.2, 36-54k #25 cume. TIE 24 @ 0.9: WSTW Forever Hot A/C 213k #18 & WPHT-AM Stream 42k #26 cume. Audacy over Beasley 5.5-3.6-5.2. Share Range: + 3.9 Xmas WBEB / - 0.5 @ News KYW-AM, CHR WIOQ & Modern Alternative WRFF.


WASHINGTON DC (8) Pop. 5.1 million. Hispanic 18%, Black 27% OCT/NOV/DECEMBER 2024 CLUSTERS: iHeart 19.3-20.5-22.7, American University 11.9-11.8-12.2, Audacy 13.5-12.7-11.6, Hubbard 10.8-10.2-10.1, Urban One 8.6-9.9-8.8. Howard University 9.3-8.1-7.1.

1.1.1. WAMU American University News/Talk 11.8-11.7-12.1, 491-476 #6-5 cume. Non-Comm is Always on Top in DC.                 

2-2-2. WTOP/FM Hubbard News 9.1-8.9-9.0, 723-743-689k #2 cume. Consistently excellent content, coverage & billing

4-4-3. WASH-FM iHeart Adult Contemporary 5.1-5.1-7.3, 727-757-818k #1 cume and getting the Christmas Kick.

3-3-4. WHUR Howard University Urban A/C 8.5-7.6-7.0, 471-466k #7 cume. Another non-comm station staying strong as a DC Top 5 contender.

T4-5-5. WETA Public Classical 4.2-4.4-5.0, 277-291-278k, #13 cume. Solid ranking for major metro classical.

T8-T9-6. WWDC iHeart Modern Alternative Rock 3.8-3.6-4.6 +1.0, 469-442k #8 cume. Nice Alt. Rock shares.

6-7-7. WZMQ iHeart Country 4.1-4.0-4.2, 328-320k #11 cume, USA format thrives in our Nation’s Capital.

11-8-8. WMMJ Urban One Urban Adult Contemporary 3.5-3.9-3.7, 334-340-314k #12-10-12 cume. #2 Urban A/C.

T8-T9-TIE 9: WIHT iHeart CHR 3.8-3.6-3.6, 544-521k #5-4 cume. Greater cume rank than share position.

10-6-TIE 9: WMAL Cumulus News/Talk 3.6-4.1-3.6, 177-173k #17. Steady cume, holds on in the DC Top 10.

12-T9-11. WGTS Public Christian Contemporary 3.3-3.6-3.5, 270-265k #14 cume, hoping our politicians still pray.   7-T13-12: WIAD Audacy Classic Hits 4.0-3.3-3.1, 588-580-547k #3 cume. Top 3 cume but not a Top 10 share. Playlist? 13-T13-13: WBIG iHeart Classic Rock 3.1-3.3-2.9, 548-471k #5-4-6 cume. Why do big signals get low shares? 15-12-14. WPRS Urban One Gospel 2.3-3.4-2.3, 180-173-160k #18. The Lord giveth shares and taketh away. 14-15-15 TIE: WPGC Audacy Rhythmic CHR 2.4-2.4-2.2, 373-406-376k #9 cume & 16-17-15 TIE: WKYS Urban One Contemporary 2.2-2.0-2.2, 345-310-347k #10-12-10 cume. 17-18-17. WLZL-FM Audacy Spanish Tropical 2.0-1.7-2.0, 195-183k #15 cume. 18-16-18. WJFK Audacy Sports 1.8-2.1-1.5 (+0.6 stream=2.1), 191-176k #16 cume. 19-19-19. WBQH-AM Hubbard Regional Mexican 1.2-1.0, 49-38k #25-26 cume. 20. WDCH Audacy Business News 0.9, 93-106k #TIE 20. TIE 21 @ 0.7: WDCN-LP La Nueva Spanish CHR 68-92k #23-22 & TIE 21: WLZL Stream Audacy Spanish Tropical, 24k #29. TIE 23 @ 0.6: WJFK Stream Sports, 36k #27 cume & TIE 23: WERQ Urban One Contemporary 124-109k #19. TIE 25 @ 0.5: WAFY Manning Hot A/C 51-45k #24 & TIE 25: WFLS Alpha Country 92k #22 cume.  iHeart over American University by 10.5 and Audacy 6.5-7.8-11.1. D.C. Change Range: + 1.4 Xmas WASH / -0.6 @ Urban A/C WHUR & Sports WJFK.


BALTIMORE Pop. 2.45 million.  Hispanic 8%, Black 30%. (23) OCT/NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2024 CLUSTERS: Audacy 15.3-16.2-17.8, Urban One 16.6-17.1-14.8, iHeart 10.8-12.4-11.4,Hearst 10.7-9.3-9.6, YPR 7.2-8.5-6.9.

4-3-1.   WLIF Audacy A/C 6.8-6.8-7.7 #1 Cume 375-385-431k is the holiday winner with only an 0.9 jump.

T1-4-2. WIYY Hearst Rock 7.7-6.6-6.9, holding 251k #5 cume, strong Baltimore Rocker, 3.9 up on the competition.

T1-2-3. WWIN Urban One Urban A/C 7.7-7.5-6.7, 296-268-271k #4 cume, December was not kind to Urban.  

3-1-4.    WERQ Urban One Urban Contemporary 7.2-7.6-6.6, 344-307.7k #3 cume as previously stated about stocking coal.

T8-T7-5: WJZ-FM Audacy Sports 3.8-4.7-5.0, 146-152 stays #11 cume. Thanks to Football for the good kick.

7-9-TIE 6: WPOC iHeart Country 4.3-4.5-4.6, 227-207-186k #8 cume, steady Country numbers in Maryland. 5-6-TIE 6: WRBS Bright Contemp. Christian 4.5-5.6-5.5, 179-183 #10-9 cume. Christian is solid in DC-Baltimore.

T8-T7-8: WQSR iHeart Adult Hits 3.8-4.7-4.4, 312-308k, #3-2 cume. Another high cume, lower share situation.

6-5-9. WYPR Public N/T 4.6-5.6-4.0, 132-117-120k steady #12 cume but a big 1.6 share dip. Sometimes you don't know exectly why.

11-10-10. WCBM-AM Talk 3.2-3.4-3.7, 62-66k #17. 13-T11-11. WWMX Audacy Hot A/C 2.9-3.0-3.4, 232-246k #6 cume. 10-13-12. WZBA Times Shamrock Classic Rock 3.7-2.8-3.0 216-237k #7 cume, has heard better days. 14-T11-13. WTMD ‘YPR Public Adult Alternative 2.6-2.9-2.9, 113-109k #13-14 cume. 12-T14-14: WBAL-AM Hearst News/Talk 3.0-2.7-2.7, 109-114k #14 -13 cume. #15-T14-15. WZFT iHeart CHR 2.4-2.7-2.0, 185-178k #10 cume. 17-16-16. WTOP-FM Hubbard News from DC 1.3-1.6-1.8 79k #16 cume. T18-17. WBJC Public Classical 1.4-0.9-1.6, 52k #18 cume. 21-18. WGTS Public Contemporary Christian 0.6-0.8-1.2, 49k #20. 17-TIE 19 @ 0.9: WKYS Urban One Urban Contemporary, 95k #15 cume & T18-TIE 19 WLIF-HD2 Audacy Inspirational Gospel, 43k #21. T18-21. WEAA Public Jazz 0.8 (+0.3 Stream=1.1), 51k #19. T22-22 WDCH Audacy Business News 0.7, 39k #21; TIE 23 @ 0.4: WMMJ Urban One A/C 37-41k #22. & WCAO-AM iHeart Insp. Gospel, 17.6k Ties #24 cume. TIE 25 @ 0.2: WPRS Urban One Insp. Gospel, 17.6k Ties #24 cume & WEAA Jazz Stream 6.4k #25 cume.  Audacy now leads Urban One by 3.0, iHeart by 6.4. Change Range +0.9 Xmas WLIF / -1.6 News/Talk WYPR


PROVIDENCE (44): Pop. 1.473 million. Hispanic 14%, Black 6% OCT/NOV/DECEMBER 2024 CLUSTERS: Cumulus 25.1-26.2-24.3.  iHeart 20.4-19.2-19.4.  Hall Communications 8.8-7.7-9.2

1-1-1. WWLI 8.6-8.4-8.8, 326-317-328k #1-1-1 cume. Usually on top but Christmas helped with a +1.2 boost.

1-T2-2. WCTK Hall Country 8.1-7.3-8.5, 245-221-242k #5-4 cume. Also getting a +1.2 jump. Well run, private company.

T2-2-3. WPRO-AM Cumulus Talk 8.1-8.5-8.1, 106-110-106k #7-7-7 cume. Another tribute to AM Necessity!

4-3-4.   WHJY iHeart Classic Rock 7.4-7.6-7.1, 267-261-225-261k #3-3-5 cume. Once the King of Federal Hill & RI.

T5-5-TIE 5. WPRO/FM Cumulus CHR 6.1-6.4-5.4, 272-281-265k #2-2-3 cume. Heritage Top 40 dips a share.

7-7-TIE 5: WWBB iHeart Classic Hits 4.9-4.6-5.4, 206-187-194k #6-6-6 cume. Maybe the hit crowd simple grew older.

T5-6-7. WSNE iHeart Hot A/C 6.1-4.9-5.2, 251-247-243k #4-4-3 cume. For some reason ‘SNE stays below #5.

8-8-8. WGBH-FM ‘GBH Public News/Talk 3.0-3.4-3.6, 63-67-75k #10-10-9. Big signal not matched by local non-comms.

13-T11-9. WNPN Rhode Island Public News/Talk 1.7-1.8-2.0, 50-54k #12-11 cume.  Steady gains, good shows, like Sam Kopper.

12-10-10. WHJJ-AM iHeart Talk 2.0-2.1-1.7, 37-42-42k #13-12 cume. You must admit, AM Matters in cars. And please tell them in DC!

T10-T11-11: WVEI/FM Audacy Sports 2.1-1.8-1.5, 84-78-69k #9-9-10 cume; Boston feed needs new plays. 9-11-TIE 12. WWKX Cumulus Classic Rock 2.4-2.4-1.1, 77k #8 cume. Did the change from Rhym CHR work? T10-11-TIE 12: WKKB Red Wolf Spanish Tropical 2.1-1.8-1.1, 40-56-36k #11-13 cume and a -0.7 for sole Spanish format. 14-14-14 WSKP-AM Red Wolf Oldies 1.0-1.0-0.8, 25-28k #13-15 cume. 14-T15-15: WNBH-AM Hall Classic Hits 0.7-0.4-0.7, 32-27-31k #14. TIE 16 @ 0.3: WELH Wheeler School Rock, 24-20k #16 & TIE 16: WJMF Bryant Univ. Classical, 17k #17. 3-WAY TIE 20 @ 0.1: WCAI ‘GBH Public N/T 4k #18. TIE 20 WPRV-AM Cumulus Sports 0.1, 4k #19. TIE 20: WCRB ‘GBH Classical, 2k #20. Cumulus leads iHeart 7.0-4.9. Providence Change Range: Tie @ + 1.2 Xmas WWLI & Country WCTK / - 1.3 recent Classic Rock change by WWKX.


HARTFORD (54) Pop. 1.09 million. Hispanic 16%, Black 12% OCT/NOV/DECEMBER 2024 CLUSTER SHARES: Audacy 33.5-32.7-34.6.  iHeart 22.7-23.3-22.6.  Red Wolf 16.3-16.3-14.7.

Audacy has the Top 3. 1-1-1. WRCH Soft Adult Contemporary 9.9-10.2-12.5, 255-266-283k. Always #1 cume + a Christmas Kiss.

2-2-2. WZMX Rhythmic CHR 9.5-10.0-9.0, 145-149-144k #7-7 cume. Holiday hop keeps MIX above the pack.

4-4-3. WTIC/FM Audacy Hot A/C 7.9-7.1-7.9, 199-202-178k #2-2-2 cume nicely complements the top Audacy cluster.

4-3-TIE 4: WHCN iHeart Classic Hits 8.1-9 0-7.1 big -1.9 dipper as seen elsewhere with Classic Hits, 186-177-162k #3-3-4 cume.

6-5-TIE 4: WWYZ iHeart Country 6.2-6.5-7.1, 173-147k #6-4-6 cume. ‘YZ always presents CT Country well.

5-6-6. WDRC/FM Red Wolf Classic Rock. 6.9-5.8-5.4, 170-159-162k #6-5 cume. Not what used to be The Great, Big D.

T7-7-7. WNPR Connecticut Public News/Talk 4.6-5.4-5.2, 65-77-76k #12-9-11 cume. Has been higher but still leads WTIC-AM by 0.8.

T7-8-TIE 8: WKSS iHeart CHR 4.6-4.2-4.4. 182-169-174k #4-5-3 cume. Larger cume than share. Freshen up time?

9-9-TIE 8: WTIC-AM Audacy News/Talk 4.2-4.0-4.4, 71-64-64k #11-13-12 cume. Once upon a time the 50kw AM ruled Connecticut with Box Car numbers..

10-10-10. WPLR Connoisseur Classic Rock 3.2-3.6-3.5, 88-80-91, #9-10-10 cume, strong New Haven mornings.

Red Wolf has the Next 3 spots with good HD use: 12-T12-11. WMRQ Modern Alt Rock 3.0-3.0-2.9, 104-101k #8 cume. 11-11-TIE 12: WMRQ-HD2 Spanish Tropical, 2.8-3.5-2.7, 63-53k #13 & 13-T12-TIE 12 WBOM-AM R&B, 2.6-2.9-2.7, 68-50k #14 cume. 14-14-14. WKCI iHeart CHR New Haven 2.0-1.7-2.3, 86-94k #10-9. 15-15-15. WUCS iHeart Sports 1.6-1.5-1.5, 38k #15 cume. T16-16. WFCR University Mass N/T 1.2-1.0-1.3, 17k #17. 17. WDRC-AM Red Wolf Talk 0.8, 20k #16. 18. WTIC-FM Stream Audacy Hot A/C 0.6, 5k #20. 3-WAY TIE 19 @ 0.2. WTIC-AM Stream Audacy N/T 3k #21, 19. WPOP-AM iHeart N/T & 19. WNTY-AM Red Wolf Oldies, 19k #18. Audacy leads iHeart 9.4-12.0. Change Range: + 2.3 Xmas WRCH / - 1.9 Classic Hits WHCN.

RADIO is LICENSED BROADCASTING - Reaching Everyone Everywhere with Digital. Clark Smidt 978 502-6633           Thank you for your communication.  Here’s to a great 2025 for All Radio.

Please turn on the Digital Demo Stream: CLASSICS! Adjusts Anywhere









Ryan Breton

Meteorologist at NEWS CENTER Maine


I'm wondering what you mean by "Home studios are fantastic. Podcasts, not so much." While I believe in local radio, my listening has gone down significantly... podcasts and SiriusXM often have better content and it's seamless going from listening on my phone in the house to via Bluetooth in my car. That said, local talent will draw me to local radio. If local talent are not there, there is no differentiator. If somehow local stations could stream through Spotify or Apple (much like local TV stations have the ability to establish a presence on Roku, Fire TV, etc) it would be a game changer.

Clark Smidt

Broadcast Advisor. Clark F. Smidt, Inc. https//


Thank you for the folks reading and interested in how simple adjustment will positively impact your stations/markets. Suggestions available. Clark 978 502 6633


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