Decoding the Intricacy of Neurons: Beyond Conventional Wisdom
Last year has arguably started a new AI revolution which will most likely stay for a longer time. The advances of LLMs have startled most of us in ways we never would have envisioned just a couple of years ago. The rapid progress of the abilities of LLMs to penetrate domains that were thought to be reserved by the superior brain power of us humans has challenged our views on intelligence and reasoning. Amid all the recent success of the so-called generative AI, GenAI for short is no reason to abandon the appreciation for the ingenuity of evolution and biological forms of life. Our brain remains still in large full of unsolved problems and continues to be an inspiration for us. I am excited to see the next years a rapid exchange of ideas between biology, neuroscience, and AI to propel our understanding of us and the emergence of intelligence to unfold.
Our human brain has super-powers but not due to its size
In the study of human brain capabilities and the neurons that underpin them, an intriguing puzzle emerges. Despite not having the largest brain by mass, we humans exhibit remarkable cognitive abilities [1]. This apparent conundrum challenges the assumption that larger brains, presumably housing more neurons necessarily equate to greater cognitive capacities. For example, human brains, weighing about 1.5 kg, are significantly smaller than those of elephants and cetaceans like whales or dolphins. Yet, our species is often considered cognitively superior, a belief reflected in the designation of our mammalian order, Primata, meaning "first rank."
Contrary to expectations, humans do not lead in relative brain size when measured against body mass, nor in the absolute size of the cerebral cortex or its complexity (gyrification). Instead, we notably excel in the relative size of our cerebral cortex as a percentage of brain mass, though not by a wide margin. The human cerebral cortex constitutes approximately 75.5% to 84% of total brain mass, closely followed by chimpanzees (73%), horses (74.5%), and short-finned whales (73.4%).
This discrepancy between human cognitive prowess and our brain's size has given rise to the hypothesis that the human brain is an evolutionary outlier, something special. One popular theory relates our cognitive edge to a disproportionately large brain for our body size, referred to as a high encephalization quotient. Humans possess a brain roughly seven times larger than expected for our body mass compared to other mammals, a notable deviation from the general mammalian trend of brain and body mass correlation. One can imagine that we humans are too small for our brain size. Incidentally, if our body would follow the common trend of brain size to body size, we would need to be giant in size. The question would be, why are we so small in size?
The link between larger-than-expected brain size and enhanced cognitive abilities is not straightforward. It was once thought that excess brain mass, beyond what is necessary for bodily functions, might afford more complex and flexible behaviours. Recent debates have shifted focus to the absolute number of cortical neurons and connections, challenging the notion that the encephalization quotient is the primary determinant of cognitive capacity. For instance, species like capuchin monkeys, with small brains but high encephalization quotients, do not necessarily surpass larger-brained but less emphasized animals like gorillas in cognitive tests.
Adding to the complexity is the possibility that comparing species across different orders might be misleading. Such comparisons often assume a uniform brain structure across species, implying that larger brains always contain more neurons. However, this is contradicted by observable differences in cognitive abilities among animals with similar brain sizes but from different orders, like cows and chimpanzees or rhesus monkeys and capybaras. This suggests either a flaw in the logic that larger brains always have more neurons or that neuron count is not the only factor in determining cognitive abilities.
Another perspective considers total brain connectivity, measured by synaptic count, as a potential key to cognitive capabilities. However, available evidence indicates that synaptic density may be consistent across species, implying that synaptic count would simply be proportional to brain size. This leaves the variations in cognitive abilities between similarly sized brains unexplained, further complicating the understanding of how our brains, remarkable in their capabilities, function.
Dendritic Learning – The subtle Neurons
Recent neuroscientific research with the title “Neuronal plasticity features are independent of neuronal holding membrane potential “ [2] conducted by Roni Vardi, Yael Tugendhaft, and Ido Kanter and published in "Physica A" has advanced our understanding of neuronal signalling and plasticity, with a special emphasis on the dynamic and critical roles of dendrites. They also published a cool video of their findings [3]. This body of research effectively challenges the long-standing belief that neurons transmit uniform electrical signals. It shows, through meticulous experiments on neuronal cultures, that individual dendrites within a neuron are capable of generating their unique spike waveforms. The stimulation of separate dendrites showcased that they respond with distinct electrical patterns, showing a level of specificity and complexity in neural signalling previously unrecognized.
To better understand the significance of the research findings, it is essential to understand the fundamental components of a human neuron and its functions (see Figure 1). A neuron, the basic unit of the nervous system, is composed of several key parts, each playing a crucial role in the transmission and processing of neural signals.
1. The soma is the central part of the neuron and contains the nucleus, which houses the cell's genetic material. It is responsible for maintaining the cell's life processes and integrating incoming synaptic signals.
2. Dendrites are tree-like extensions from the soma that receive incoming signals from other neurons. They are covered in synaptic receptors and are the primary sites for receiving and processing neural information. The complexity of a dendrite's branching and its surface area can greatly influence the neuron's ability to integrate and respond to synaptic inputs.
3. The axon is a long, slender projection that transmits electrical impulses (action potentials) away from the soma. This transmission occurs along the axon to other neurons, muscles, or glands. Axons can vary greatly in length, with some extending several feet to reach distant parts of the body.
4. In many neurons, the axon is covered by a myelin sheath, a layer of fatty substance that insulates the axon and greatly increases the speed of signal transmission. This sheath is interrupted at intervals by nodes of Ranvier, which are crucial for the rapid conduction of nerve impulses.
5. At the end of the axon are the axon terminals, which release neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft (the gap between neurons) to communicate with other neurons. This release occurs in response to an action potential arriving at the terminal.
6. Synapses are the junctions where neurons communicate with each other. They can be either excitatory or inhibitory and play a key role in the neural processing and integration of information.
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7. These are chemical messengers released by neurons at the synaptic terminals. They cross the synaptic cleft and bind to receptors on the receiving neuron's dendrites, influencing its electrical state and thus its likelihood of firing an action potential.
The study's focus is on dendritic activities and their independent signalling capabilities. The dendrites' ability to generate unique spike waveforms and their varied response to stimuli underscore their critical role in the neuron's integrative functions. Additionally, the research highlights how the traditional concept of a neuron as a single functional unit oversimplifies the diverse and dynamic interactions occurring within and across neurons. Understanding the intricate structure and function of each neuronal component allows for a deeper appreciation of the study's implications in neuroscience and its potential applications in artificial intelligence.
A key aspect of this research is the discovery that neurons function as multi-threshold units, contradicting the traditional view of a neuron as a single threshold unit. This finding emerged from observations where weak simultaneous stimulations of two different dendrites failed to generate a spike, unlike the generation of a spike upon repeated stimulations of the same dendrite. This suggests that spatial summation of signals is not a uniform process across different dendrites, indicating more intricate and individualized processing within neurons. Moreover, each dendrite has been found to possess its maximal transmission rate, underscoring a diversified processing capability within a single neuron.
Another insight of this study is the variability in the absolute refractory periods among dendrites. The absolute refractory period, which is the brief phase post-firing when a neuron cannot fire again, has traditionally been considered a uniform characteristic of the entire neuron. However, this research has shown that each dendrite can have its unique refractory period, sometimes substantially longer than previously assumed. This variability not only adds complexity to neuronal signalling dynamics but also challenges existing models of neuronal dynamics.
In an important departure from conventional beliefs, this research also demonstrates that key neuronal plasticity features, such as critical firing frequency, absolute refractory period, and stimulation threshold, are independent of the neuron's holding membrane potential. This independence suggests that these features are primarily driven by mechanisms within the dendrites, outside the soma. This insight is crucial for accurate neuronal modelling and understanding of brain function, suggesting that higher-order brain functionalities and neural network behaviours are significantly influenced by dendritic processes.
The research further proposes a paradigm shift in synaptic learning, moving away from traditional models characterized by slow, distant, and noise-sensitive adaptations. The new model, dendritic learning, suggests that changes occur more rapidly, in closer proximity to the soma, and can happen across different dendritic branches. This represents a more efficient and dynamic model of brain learning mechanisms, highlighting the role of dendrites in faster and more localized synaptic adjustments. Such a shift is not only pivotal in understanding brain learning mechanisms but also carries profound implications for the field of artificial intelligence.
The extension of these new neuroscientific findings to the domain of artificial neural networks offers possible new prospects. The study effectively demonstrates how the concept of dendritic learning, derived from the observed functionality of dendrites in neurons, can be utilized to replicate the complex operations of multi-layered neural networks within the confines of a single artificial neuron.
In practical terms, the application of dendritic learning in artificial neural networks has shown promising results, particularly in complex tasks such as handwritten digit recognition, where it achieved near-perfect success rates. This underscores the significant potential of incorporating dendritic processing and learning models into artificial networks. Such integration could lead to the development of more advanced and efficient AI systems.
I need energy! The Relationship Between Neurons and Mitochondria
Neurons are among the most energetically demanding cells in the human body, and mitochondria are central to meeting this demand. These organelles are the powerhouses of the cell, generating ATP (adenosine triphosphate) through cellular respiration, which is critical for the neuron's function. Apart from energy production, mitochondria play a pivotal role in regulating calcium levels in neurons, a key factor in neurotransmitter release at synapses. Furthermore, mitochondria are involved in cell survival and death pathways, making them crucial in neurodegenerative diseases. They also influence neuronal excitability and synaptic plasticity, which are essential for processes like learning and memory.
The evolution of neurons marks a significant point in the history of life, likely originating in early multicellular organisms. Despite the vast diversity of life, the fundamental structure of the neuron (consisting of axons, dendrites, and synapses) remains remarkably consistent across species, indicating its early and crucial emergence in evolution. Over time, as organisms grew more complex, their nervous systems evolved in parallel, leading to specialized neuron types and intricate neural networks. This evolution was driven by the necessity for efficient information processing, enabling organisms to respond effectively to their environment and develop complex behaviours.
There is a distinct difference between the processes of biological evolution and technological development. Biological evolution is an unplanned, natural process driven by random genetic mutations and the mechanism of natural selection. This process lacks foresight and is not goal-oriented; instead, it's characterized by gradual changes where traits that provide survival or reproductive advantages are more likely to be passed down to subsequent generations.
In contrast, technological development is a purposeful, intelligent process guided by human creativity and knowledge. It builds upon existing technologies and information cumulatively, often accelerating rapidly as new advancements are made. This process can be described as "bootstrapping," where humans use existing knowledge to consciously create more advanced technology. Unlike biological evolution, which is a slow and undirected process constrained by genetic variation and historical contingencies, technological evolution is directed toward solving specific problems or achieving particular objectives.
The rapid expansion of AI technologies is leading to an increasingly unsustainable demand for computational resources, highlighting the urgent need for alternative scaling pathways. In this context, natural systems offer a promising direction, as they are orders of magnitude more efficient than traditional silicon microprocessors at performing a wide range of computational tasks. This efficiency gap underscores the necessity of gaining a deeper understanding of how living systems compute. Such knowledge is pivotal not only for advancing engineering biology but also for the creation of novel, more efficient hardware for AI processing.
By closely examining and emulating the computational strategies employed by nature, we can not only catch up with but potentially surpass the efficiency of current computing models, fundamentally redefining how computers process information and supporting the sustainable growth of AI technologies.
We’re now in an era where we can create intelligent systems using a kind of secondary evolution through the capabilities of our brains. In this article, I tried to bring together three pieces: The insight from the latest research sheds light on the inner workings of neurons and shows the subtleties of biological brain design, the position of our human brain in the larger picture of other brains, large and small and finally the constraints evolution must work with to create brains in the first place.
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