Deep Q-Learning Applied to Algorithmic Trading

Deep Q-Learning Applied to Algorithmic Trading

In the book "A Random Walk Down Wall Street", the author Burton G. Malkiel claimed that: “a blindfolded monkey throwing darts at a newspaper's financial pages could select a portfolio that would do just as well as one carefully selected by experts.”.

The act of taking actions and claiming a reward where the outcome is desirable, is a Pavlovian method of training that reinforces that action. Reinforcement Learning (RL), refers to such a process applied through machine learning, where an agent learns actions in an environment to maximize its value. The agent learns from the outcomes of its actions, without being explicitly programmed with task-specific rules.

The goal of any RL algorithm is to find a value-maximizing policy (π):

Where γ (0 ≤ γ ≤ 1) is the discount factor controlling the agent's future rewards, t is the timestep, and R is the return at each step. The policy in RL represents the probability of taking action a in state s.

The algorithm we will adopt is Q-Learning, a Model-Free RL algorithm that aims to solve the task by interacting with an environment, and indirectly learn the policy through the Q-Value of an action for a discrete state, rather than the policy itself. It's useful in our case as it doesn’t require modeling the environment—in our case, the dizzingly complex capital markets.

Estimating the Q-Value and finding the optimal policy is done through a Bellman action-value equation:


  • r: Reward received after transitioning from state s to st+1.
  • γ: Discount factor for future rewards (0≤γ≤1).
  • st+1: Next state after taking action a in state s.
  • at+1: Next possible actions in the next state.

These Q-values are stored in Q-Tables, updated iteratively, and used by the agent as a lookup to find all possible actions' Q-values from the current state, selecting the action with the highest Q-value. This approach works well in finite spaces but struggles in stochastic environments with limitless combinations, a problem we will solve using bootstrapping process, and a neural network acting as an approximator.

The agent designed in this article has been inspired by the paper of Théate, Thibaut and Ernst, Damien (2021).

Environment and Notebook Preparations

We will be using Tensorflow's TA-Agents framework. Start by importing all necessary libraries we will need:

import numpy as np
import math
import shutil
import yfinance as yf
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels as sm
from import add_constant
from statsmodels.regression.linear_model import OLS
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates

from datetime import datetime

from scipy.stats import skew, kurtosis
from ta.utils import dropna
from ta.trend import MACD, EMAIndicator
from ta.volatility import AverageTrueRange

import tensorflow as tf
from tf_agents.train import learner
from tf_agents.specs import array_spec, tensor_spec
from tf_agents.trajectories import time_step as ts
from tf_agents.utils import common
from tf_agents.agents.dqn import dqn_agent
from tf_agents.drivers import py_driver
from tf_agents.environments import py_environment, tf_py_environment, utils
from tf_agents.networks import sequential
from tf_agents.policies import py_tf_eager_policy, policy_saver, random_tf_policy
from tf_agents.train.utils import strategy_utils

import reverb
from tf_agents.replay_buffers import reverb_replay_buffer, reverb_utils

from tqdm import tqdm        

Training an agent is time and resource heavy, for this we will configure a GPU strategy:

gpus = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU')
        for gpu in gpus:
            tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpu, True)
        strategy = strategy_utils.get_strategy(tpu=False, use_gpu=True)
        print(f"CPU or GPU: {gpus}")        

Market Data

Like most, we will pull our market data from yfinance:

# Indices and tickers
RATES_INDEX = "^FVX"        # 5 Year Treasury Note Yield
VOLATILITY_INDEX = "^VIX"   # CBOE Volatility Index
SMALLCAP_INDEX = "^RUT"     # Russell 2000 Index
GOLD_FUTURES = "GC=F"         # Gold futures
OIL_FUTURES = "CL=F"        # Crude Oil Futures
MARKET = "^SPX"             # S&P 500 Index

def get_tickerdata(tickers_symbols, start=START_DATE, end=END_DATE, interval=INTERVAL, data_dir=DATA_DIR):
    tickers = {}
    earliest_end= datetime.strptime(end,'%Y-%m-%d')
    latest_start = datetime.strptime(start,'%Y-%m-%d')
    os.makedirs(DATA_DIR, exist_ok=True)
    for symbol in tickers_symbols:
        cached_file_path = f"{data_dir}/{symbol}-{start}-{end}-{interval}.csv"

            if os.path.exists(cached_file_path):
                df = pd.read_parquet(cached_file_path)
                df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index)
                assert len(df) > 0
                df =
                assert len(df) > 0
                df.to_parquet(cached_file_path, index=True, compression="snappy")
            min_date = df.index.min()
            max_date = df.index.max()
            nan_count = df["Close"].isnull().sum()
            skewness = round(skew(df["Close"].dropna()), 2)
            kurt = round(kurtosis(df["Close"].dropna()), 2)
            outliers_count = (df["Close"] > df["Close"].mean() + (3 * df["Close"].std())).sum()
                f"{symbol} => min_date: {min_date}, max_date: {max_date}, kurt:{kurt}, skewness:{skewness}, outliers_count:{outliers_count},  nan_count: {nan_count}"
            tickers[symbol] = df

            if min_date > latest_start:
                latest_start = min_date
            if max_date < earliest_end:
                earliest_end = max_date
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error with {symbol}: {e}")

    return tickers, latest_start, earliest_end

tickers, latest_start, earliest_end = get_tickerdata(TICKER_SYMBOLS)
stock_df = tickers[TARGET].copy()

Observations and State Space

The original paper uses the standard HLOC (High, Low, Open, Close) and Volume as observations for the agent's environment state which they engineer into:

  • Price Returns: Standard percentage returns betwee time step t and previous time step -1
  • Price Delta: Which is the high minus low of the current timestep.

They also do a min-max standardization of the state space. Given one of our reward signals is our portfolio's returns, we keep the Close unchanged in "Price Raw" to allow us to calculate this, which is not returned with the state space.

We will expand this space with additional technical and macroeconomic indicators for a richer feature set:

HLOC_FEATURES = ["Close", "High", "Low", "Open", "Volume"]
FEATURES = ['Price Returns', 'Price Delta', 'Close Position', 'Volume']
TARGET_FEATURE = "Price Raw"        

Technical Analysis

These are technical analysis features to be leveraged by our networks, and presented in our previous articles.

The MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) is computed using 12-day and 26-day EMAs, and its difference from the 9-day signal line forms the MACD Histogram. To measure volatility, the ATR (Average True Range) is calculated over a 14-day period.

Additionally, three EMAs (12-day, 26-day, and 200-day) are generated to identify short, medium, and long-term trends in the stock's closing prices.

macd = MACD(close=stock_df["Close"], window_slow=26, window_fast=12, window_sign=9, fillna=True)
stock_df['MACD'] = macd.macd()
stock_df['MACD_HIST'] = macd.macd_diff()
stock_df['MACD_SIG'] = macd.macd_signal()

atr = AverageTrueRange(stock_df["High"], stock_df["Low"], stock_df["Close"], window = 14, fillna = True)
stock_df['ATR'] = atr.average_true_range()

ema = EMAIndicator(stock_df["Close"], window = 12, fillna = True)
stock_df['EMA_SHORT'] = ema.ema_indicator()
ema = EMAIndicator(stock_df["Close"], window = 26, fillna = True)
stock_df['EMA_MID'] = ema.ema_indicator()
ema = EMAIndicator(stock_df["Close"], window = 200, fillna = True)
stock_df['EMA_LONG'] = ema.ema_indicator()


Macro Signals

These are macro features, whose change will be observed by our networks. From our previous articles:

  • 5 Year Treasury Note Yield is a proxy for rates, but also investors risk appetite.
  • the CBOE Volatility Index, which serves as a signal for market fear.
  • The Russell 2000 Index, which is a proxy for speculation and growth appetite (or you can use the tech-heavy Nasdaq).
  • Gold futures, a proxy for the investors confidence in the market.
  • Crude Oil Futures, a global macro signal that affects most industries.
  • The S&P 500 Index, a signal for the US market sentiment.

We will use the returns of each signal in our state space.

stock_df[VOLATILITY_INDEX] = tickers[VOLATILITY_INDEX]["Close"].pct_change().fillna(0)
stock_df[RATES_INDEX] = tickers[RATES_INDEX]["Close"].pct_change().fillna(0)
stock_df[SMALLCAP_INDEX] = tickers[SMALLCAP_INDEX]["Close"].pct_change().fillna(0)
stock_df[GOLD_FUTURES] = tickers[GOLD_FUTURES]["Close"].pct_change().fillna(0)
stock_df[OIL_FUTURES] = tickers[OIL_FUTURES]["Close"].pct_change().fillna(0)
stock_df[MARKET] = tickers[MARKET]["Close"].pct_change().fillna(0)


In all, these result in the augmented state space:

The Problem Definition

A warning here, this section will have a set of formal notations to define the environmnet and actions - you can skip to the next if you want the code and the results.

With Q-Training, we shall teach a pavlovian-agent to trade. Our objective is to make sequential interactions (trajectories) that lead to the highest reward, this means we estimate the expected value across all trajectories:

At each timestep t:

  1. Observe the environments state st and map history with f(.)
  2. Observations ot from history ht, have previous actions a_t-1, previous observations o_t-1 and their returns r_t-1. For our experiment, we'll encode these into features for a network.
  3. Execute action a_t, which can be: hold, long, short
  4. Get returns r_t discounted at γt. γ is the discounting factor to prevent the agent from doing only tactical choices for returns in the present (missing better future returns).

The π(at|ht) creates an action on a Quantity Q, at = Qt. Where a positive Q is the long, the negative Q signals a short and when its 0 no action is taken. For this article we will use the definition of policy π(at|ht) and Q-Value Q(at,st) interchangeably, as Q will define quantities bought.

Actions and Rewards

A core concept in RL is rewards engineering. Let's look at our action space A at time t:

The action Long,t is set to maximize returns on a buy, given our liquidity vc_t (the value v of our portfolio with cash remaining c) and purchasing long at price p shares (transaction costs C) if we are not already long:

The action Short,t aims to convert an acceptable number of shares to returns (shorting is the borrowing of shares, therefore our v_c will be initially negative).

Note the -2n is an indication to sell twice, meaning not only close the long position but open a short position for the n shares, since shorting is a negative trajectory, we need to negate the amount we can buy to get the correct representation in our holdings. If we had no shares to start, then -2(0) will not have an effect save for the short amount.

Shorts are risky, and we need to give boundaries to the agent, as a short can incur infinite loss. Given that our portfolio cannot fall into negative amounts, we need to model constraints.

  1. Cash value vc_t needs to be large enough to return to neutral n_t=0.
  2. To return to 0, we need to adjust for costs C which are caused by market volatility epsilon ϵ (think slippages, spreads, etc..).
  3. We redefine the action space permissable to ensure we can always return to neutral.

We need to respect this:

The action space A is redefined as a set of acceptable values for N_t between boundaries N- for shorts and N+ for longs:

Where the top boundary N+ is:

And the lower boundary N- is (for both coming out of a long where delta t is positive, or reversing a short and incurring twice the costs with delta t in the negative):

with delta t being the in change of portfolio value in time:

Agent's Objective

In the paper, they utilize the percentage returns as a rewards signal, clipped between -1 and 1, and adjusted by a discount factor γ:

In experiments 4 to 6 we will switch the rewards function to use an annualized Sharpe (from N time window, up to 252 trading days), and teach the agent's to generate an optimal ratio:

or the returns of the portfolio (R average), minus the risk free rate (Rf, at the time of writing, 4.5%) divided by the volatility (σ) of the portfolio across an N time-window.

Trading Environment

Using TensorFlow's PyEnvironment, we will give the agent the environment that implements the above rules:

class TradingEnv(py_environment.PyEnvironment):
    A custom trading environment for reinforcement learning, compatible with tf_agents.

    This environment simulates a simple trading scenario where an agent can take one of three actions:
    - Long (buy), Short (sell), or Hold a financial instrument, aiming to maximize profit through trading decisions.

    - data: DataFrame containing the stock market data.
    - data_dim: Dimension of the data to be used for each observation.
    - money: Initial capital to start trading.
    - state_length: Number of past observations to consider for the state.
    - transaction_cost: Costs associated with trading actions.

    def __init__(self, data, features = FEATURES, money=CAPITAL, state_length=STATE_LEN, transaction_cost=0, market_costs=TRADE_COSTS_PERCENT, reward_discount=DISCOUNT):
        super(TradingEnv, self).__init__()

        assert data is not None

        self.features = features
        self.data_dim = len(self.features)
        self.state_length = state_length
        self.current_step = self.state_length
        self.reward_discount = reward_discount

        self.balance = money
        self.initial_balance = money
        self.transaction_cost = transaction_cost
        self.epsilon = max(market_costs, np.finfo(float).eps) # there is always volatility costs
        self.total_shares = 0

        self._episode_ended = False
        self._batch_size = 1
        self._action_spec = array_spec.BoundedArraySpec(
            shape=(), dtype=np.int32, minimum=ACT_SHORT, maximum=ACT_LONG, name='action')
        self._observation_spec = array_spec.BoundedArraySpec(
            shape=(self.state_length * self.data_dim, ), dtype=np.float32, name='observation') = self.preprocess_data(data.copy())

    def batched(self):
        return False #True

    def batch_size(self):
        return None #self._batch_size

    def batch_size(self, size):
        self._batch_size = size

    def preprocess_data(self, df):
        price_raw = df['Close'].copy()

        # Engineer features from HLOC
        df['Price Returns'] = df['Close'].pct_change().fillna(0)
        df['Price Delta'] = (df['High'] - df['Low'])
        df['Close Position'] = abs(df['Close'] - df['Low']) / df['Price Delta'].replace(0, 0.5)
        for col in [col for col in self.features]:
            col_min, col_max = df[col].min(), df[col].max()
            if col_min != col_max:
                df[col] = (df[col] - col_min) / (col_max - col_min)
                df[col] = 0.
        df = df.ffill().bfill()

        df[TARGET_FEATURE] = price_raw
        df['Sharpe'] = 0
        df['Position'] = 0
        df['Action'] = ACT_HOLD
        df['Holdings'] = 0.0
        df['Cash'] = float(self.balance)
        df['Money'] = df['Holdings'] + df['Cash']
        df['Reward'] = 0.0

        assert not df.isna().any().any()

        return df

    def action_spec(self):
        """Provides the specification of the action space."""
        return self._action_spec

    def observation_spec(self):
        """Provides the specification of the observation space."""
        return self._observation_spec

    def _reset(self):
        """Resets the environment state and prepares for a new episode."""
        self.balance = self.initial_balance
        self.current_step = self.state_length
        self._episode_ended = False
        self.total_shares = 0['Reward'] = 0.['Sharpe'] = 0.['Position'] = 0['Action'] = ACT_HOLD['Holdings'] = 0.['Cash']  = float(self.balance)['Money'] =[0]['Holdings'] +[0]['Cash']['Returns'] = 0.

        return ts.restart(self._next_observation())

    def _next_observation(self):
        """Generates the next observation based on the current step and history length."""
        start_idx = max(0, self.current_step - self.state_length + 1)
        end_idx = self.current_step + 1
        obs =[self.features].iloc[start_idx:end_idx]

        # flatten because:
        obs_values = obs.values.flatten().astype(np.float32)
        return obs_values

    def _step(self, action):
        """Executes a trading action and updates the environment's state."""
        if self._episode_ended:
            return self.reset()

        self.current_step += 1
        current_price =[self.current_step][TARGET_FEATURE]

        assert not[self.current_step].isna().any().any()

        if action == ACT_LONG:
        elif action == ACT_SHORT:
            prev_current_price =[self.current_step - 1][TARGET_FEATURE]
            self._process_short_position(current_price, prev_current_price)
        elif action == ACT_HOLD:
          raise Exception(f"Invalid Actions: {action}")

        done = self.current_step >= len( - 1
        reward = self._calculate_sharpe_reward_signal()
        # reward =['Returns'][self.current_step][[self.current_step], "Reward"] = reward
        if done:
            self._episode_ended = True
            return ts.termination(self._next_observation(), reward)
            return ts.transition(self._next_observation(), reward, discount=self.reward_discount)

    def _get_lower_bound(self, cash, total_shares, price):
        Compute the lower bound of the action space, particularly for short selling,
        based on current cash, the number of shares, and the current price.
        delta = -cash - total_shares * price * (1 + self.epsilon) * (1 + self.transaction_cost)

        if delta < 0:
            lowerBound = delta / (price * (2 * (1 + self.transaction_cost) + (1 + self.epsilon) * (1 + self.transaction_cost)))
            lowerBound = delta / (price * (1 + self.epsilon) * (1 + self.transaction_cost))

        if np.isinf(lowerBound):
            assert False
        return lowerBound

    def _process_hold_position(self):
        step_idx =[self.current_step][step_idx, "Cash"] =[self.current_step - 1]["Cash"][step_idx, "Holdings"] =[self.current_step - 1]["Holdings"][step_idx, "Position"] =[self.current_step - 1]["Position"][step_idx, "Action"] = ACT_HOLD

    def _process_long_position(self, current_price):
        step_idx =[self.current_step][step_idx, 'Position'] = 1[step_idx, 'Action'] = ACT_LONG

        if[self.current_step - 1]['Position'] == 1:
            # more long
  [step_idx, 'Cash'] =[self.current_step - 1]['Cash']
  [step_idx, 'Holdings'] = self.total_shares * current_price
  [step_idx, "Action"] = ACT_HOLD
        elif[self.current_step - 1]['Position'] == 0:
            # new long
            self.total_shares = math.floor([self.current_step - 1]['Cash'] / (current_price * (1 + self.transaction_cost)))
  [step_idx, 'Cash'] =[self.current_step - 1]['Cash'] - self.total_shares * current_price * (1 + self.transaction_cost)
  [step_idx, 'Holdings'] = self.total_shares * current_price
            # short to long
  [step_idx, 'Cash'] =[self.current_step - 1]['Cash'] - self.total_shares * current_price * (1 + self.transaction_cost)
            self.total_shares = math.floor([self.current_step]['Cash'] / (current_price * (1 + self.transaction_cost)))
  [step_idx, 'Cash'] =[self.current_step]['Cash'] - self.total_shares * current_price * (1 + self.transaction_cost)
  [step_idx, 'Holdings'] = self.total_shares * current_price

    def _process_short_position(self, current_price, prev_price):
        Adjusts the logic for processing short positions to include lower bound calculations.
        step_idx =[self.current_step][step_idx, 'Position'] = -1[step_idx, "Action"] = ACT_SHORT
        if[self.current_step - 1]['Position'] == -1:
            # Short more
            low = self._get_lower_bound([self.current_step - 1]['Cash'], -self.total_shares, prev_price)
            if low <= 0:
      [step_idx, 'Cash'] =[self.current_step - 1]["Cash"]
      [step_idx, 'Holdings'] = -self.total_shares * current_price
      [step_idx, "Action"] = ACT_HOLD
                total_sharesToBuy = min(math.floor(low), self.total_shares)
                self.total_shares -= total_sharesToBuy
      [step_idx, 'Cash'] =[self.current_step - 1]["Cash"] - total_sharesToBuy * current_price * (1 + self.transaction_cost)
      [step_idx, 'Holdings'] = -self.total_shares * current_price
        elif[self.current_step - 1]['Position'] == 0:
            # new short
            self.total_shares = math.floor([self.current_step - 1]["Cash"] / (current_price * (1 + self.transaction_cost)))
  [step_idx, 'Cash'] =[self.current_step - 1]["Cash"] + self.total_shares * current_price * (1 - self.transaction_cost)
  [step_idx, 'Holdings'] = -self.total_shares * current_price
            # long to short
  [step_idx, 'Cash'] =[self.current_step - 1]["Cash"] + self.total_shares * current_price * (1 - self.transaction_cost)
            self.total_shares = math.floor([self.current_step]["Cash"] / (current_price * (1 + self.transaction_cost)))
  [step_idx, 'Cash'] =[self.current_step]["Cash"] + self.total_shares * current_price * (1 - self.transaction_cost)
  [step_idx, 'Holdings'] = -self.total_shares * current_price

    def _update_financials(self):
        """Updates the financial metrics including cash, money, and returns."""
        step_idx =[self.current_step]
        self.balance =[self.current_step]['Cash'][step_idx,'Money'] =[self.current_step]['Holdings'] +[self.current_step]['Cash'][step_idx,'Returns'] = (([self.current_step]['Money'] -[self.current_step - 1]['Money'])) /[self.current_step - 1]['Money']

    def _calculate_reward_signal(self, reward_clip=REWARD_CLIP):
        Calculates the reward for the current step. In the paper they use the %returns.
        reward =[self.current_step]['Returns']
        return np.clip(reward, -reward_clip, reward_clip)

    def _calculate_sharpe_reward_signal(self, risk_free_rate=RISK_FREE_RATE, periods_per_year=TRADING_DAYS_YEAR, reward_clip=REWARD_CLIP):
        Calculates the annualized Sharpe ratio up to the CURRENT STEP.

        - risk_free_rate (float): The annual risk-free rate. It will be adjusted to match the period of the returns.
        - periods_per_year (int): Number of periods in a year (e.g., 252 for daily, 12 for monthly).

        - float: The annualized Sharpe ratio as reward.
        observed_returns =['Returns'].iloc[:self.current_step + 1]
        period_risk_free_rate = risk_free_rate / periods_per_year
        excess_returns = observed_returns - period_risk_free_rate

        rets = np.mean(excess_returns)
        std_rets = np.std(excess_returns)

        sr = rets / std_rets if std_rets > 0 else 0
        annual_sr = sr * np.sqrt(periods_per_year)[[self.current_step], 'Sharpe'] = annual_sr

        return np.clip(annual_sr, -reward_clip, reward_clip)

    def get_trade_data(self):['cReturns'] = np.cumprod(1 +['Returns']) - 1
        return[:self.current_step + 1]

    def render(self, mode='human'):
        print(f'Step: {self.current_step}, Balance: {self.balance}, Holdings: {self.total_shares}')
        print(f"trade stats: {self.get_trade_stats()}")        

We run some tests to validate tthe setup, and its compliant with the TA-Agents framework:

train_data = stock_df[stock_df.index < pd.to_datetime(SPLIT_DATE)].copy()
test_data = stock_df[stock_df.index >= pd.to_datetime(SPLIT_DATE)].copy()

train_env = TradingEnv(train_data)
utils.validate_py_environment(train_env, episodes=TRAIN_EPISODES // 5)
test_env = TradingEnv(test_data)
utils.validate_py_environment(train_env, episodes=TRAIN_EPISODES // 5)

print(f"TimeStep Specs: {train_env.time_step_spec()}")
print(f"Action Specs: {train_env.action_spec()}")
print(f"Reward Specs: {train_env.time_step_spec().reward}")

Double Deep Q-Network Architecure


We will implement a Double Deep Q-Network (DDQN) architecture. Double, as it enhances the standard DQN by addressing the overestimation of Q-values, which can cause unstable and erratic learning. Like DQN, DDQN approximates the action-value function, Q∗(at∣st), using a neural network. This allows the model to handle the large size of Q-tables that will form in complex environments by approximating.

In DDQN, we employ two Q-networks: the online Q-network and the target Q-network. The online Q-network is responsible for selecting actions based on the next state, while the target Q-network evaluates the Q-value of the selected action. The decoupling of these two processes reduces overestimation. The target network is updated less frequently than the online network, providing more stable value estimates and improving the stability of the training process.

The core difference between DQN and DDQN lies in how the action and its value are determined. In DQN, the same network is used to both select the action and evaluate its Q-value using the following formula:

This approach can overestimate the value of certain actions. However, in DDQN, action selection and action evaluation are separated. The online network selects the action using argmax, and the target network evaluates the value of the selected action:

The networks then minimize the loss, or any equivalent loss function:

Like the standard DQN, we will use a Replay Memory to store past experiences in a fixed-size circular buffer. This memory is essential for breaking the correlation between consecutive experiences, as random sampling from it during training ensures that updates are not biased toward recent experiences. Both networks are trained using the loss between the predicted Q-values and the target values calculated using these stored experiences - creating a stable learning process.

The Reinforce Learning Flow

A picture says a thousand words; the flow chart below will guide us on the whole training and updating the target model:

The steps are:

  1. Initialize Online Q-Network: This network is used to select actions and is updated frequently during training.
  2. Initialize Target Q-Network: This network provides a more stable evaluation of Q-values and is updated less frequently (by copying the weights of the online network every on a set of iterations).
  3. The agent observes the current state ( S_t ) from the environment. This state will be used to decide the next action to take.
  4. The agent selects an action based on the current state ( S_t ), using an epsilon-greedy policy with probability ϵ, the agent selects a random action (exploration). It's inverse 1−ϵ, the agent selects the action that maximizes the Q-value predicted by the online network for the current state ( S_t ).
  5. Take Action and Observe Next State after taking the selected action ( A_t ), the agent receives a reward ( R_{t+1} ) and transitions to the next state ( S_{t+1} ). The tuple ( (S_t, A_t, R_{t+1}, S_{t+1}) ) is stored in the Replay Memory.
  6. Sample a Mini-Batch from Replay Memory to break the correlation between consecutive experiences. Each experience tuple includes ( (S_t, A_t, R_{t+1}, S_{t+1}) ).
  7. Select Action in Next State (argmax with Online Network) for each experience in the mini-batch, the online network is used to select the action that has the highest Q-value in the next state ( S_{t+1} ). 1.Evaluate Q-Value (max with Target Network) once the action ( A_{\text{max}} ) is selected by the online network, the target network evaluates the Q-value of the selected action in the next state ( S_{t+1} ):
  8. Calculate Loss and Update Online Network the online network is trained by minimizing the loss, which is the difference between the predicted Q-value (for action ( A_t ) in state ( S_t )) and the target Q-value. The weights of the online network are updated using gradient descent to minimize this loss.
  9. Update Target Network (Periodically) After every few iterations, the weights of the target network are updated by copying the weights of the online network.

The python code below creates the network for us:

def create_q_network(env, fc_layer_params=LAYERS, dropout_rate=DROPOUT, l2_reg=L2FACTOR):
    Creates a Q-Network with dropout and batch normalization.
    - env: The environment instance.
    - fc_layer_params: Tuple of integers representing the number of units in each dense layer.
    - dropout_rate: Dropout rate for dropout layers.
    - l2_reg: L2 regularization factor.

    - q_net: The Q-Network model.
    env = tf_py_environment.TFPyEnvironment(env)
    action_tensor_spec = tensor_spec.from_spec(env.action_spec())
    num_actions = action_tensor_spec.maximum - action_tensor_spec.minimum + 1

    layers = []
    for num_units in fc_layer_params:
                                kernel_initializer=tf.keras.initializers.VarianceScaling(scale=2.0, mode='fan_in', distribution='truncated_normal'),
        # Internal Covariate Shift Reductio by normalizing layer inputs, this improves gradient flow.

    q_values_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(

    q_net = sequential.Sequential(layers + [q_values_layer])

    return q_net

def create_agent(q_net, env,
                 weight_decay = ADAM_WEIGHTS,
    Creates a DDQN agent for a given environment with specified configurations.

    - q_net (tf_agents.networks.Network): The primary Q-network for the agent.
    - env (tf_agents.environments.PyEnvironment or tf_agents.environments.TFPyEnvironment):
      The environment the agent will interact with. A TFPyEnvironment wrapper is applied
      if not already wrapped.
    - t_q_net (tf_agents.networks.Network, optional): The target Q-network for the agent.
      If None, no target network is used.
    - optimizer (tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer, optional): The optimizer to use for training the agent.
      If None, an Adam optimizer with exponential decay learning rate is used.
    - eps (float): The epsilon value for epsilon-greedy exploration.
    - learning_rate (float): The initial learning rate for the exponential decay learning rate schedule.
      Ignored if an optimizer is provided.
    - gradient_clipping (float): The value for gradient clipping. If 1., no clipping is applied.

    - agent (tf_agents.agents.DqnAgent): The initialized and configured DDQN agent.
    if optimizer is None:
      optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.AdamW(
    env = tf_py_environment.TFPyEnvironment(env)
    agent = dqn_agent.DqnAgent(

    return agent

with strategy.scope():
  q_net = create_q_network(train_env)
  t_q_net = create_q_network(train_env)
  agent = create_agent(q_net, train_env, t_q_net=t_q_net)        

Trading Operations

Using TensorFlow agents' framework, training our pavlovian trader should be easier than building the architecture ourselves.

The trading simulator class will prepare all the variables required. In this case it will initialize the reply memory using DeepMind's Reverb, and create a collector policy for the agent. Unlike the evaluation policy (π(at|ht)) which is use to predict the target Q value, the collector will explore and collect data with actions and their resulting value for the memory, memories are saved as trajectories (τ) in tensorflow which is a collection of the current observed state (ot), the action taken (at), the reward received (r_t+1) and the following observed state (o_t+1) formalized as r=(o_t-1, a_t-1, rt, ot, dt), where dt is a flag for the end state if this was the last observation.

To give learning opportunity to our agent, we will use a high epsilon to have it explore a lot, and slowly decay it using the formula below:


  • ϵ_decayed is the decayed epsilon value at the current step,
  • ϵ_initial is the initial epsilon value at the start of training, we set it to 1, meaning it only explores at start.
  • ϵ_final is the end value we want that the agent exploits is environment, preferably when deployed.
  • step is the current step or iteration in the training process, and decay_steps is a parameter that controls the rate, in our case 1000. As the steps approach the end, the decay will get smaller and smaller.

Now we will create the simulator to integrate all of the above:

class TradingSimulator:
    A simulator class to train and evaluate a DDQN agent on a trading environment using TF-Agents and Reverb.

        env: A Python environment for training the agent.
        eval_env: A Python environment for evaluating the agent.
        agent: The DDQN agent to be trained.
        episodes (int): Total number of episodes for training.
        batch_size (int): Size of the batches used in replay buffer.
        collect_steps (int): Number of steps to collect in each training step.
        log_interval (int): Frequency of logging during training.
        eval_interval (int): Frequency of evaluation during training.
        global_step (int): A global step tracker.

    def __init__(self,
                 episodes=TRAIN_EPISODES, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE,
        assert env is not None and eval_env is not None and agent is not None

        self.py_env = env
        self.env = tf_py_environment.TFPyEnvironment(self.py_env)
        self.py_eval_env = eval_env
        self.eval_env = tf_py_environment.TFPyEnvironment(self.py_eval_env)
        self.agent = agent
        self.episodes = episodes
        self.log_interval = log_interval
        self.eval_interval = eval_interval
        self.global_step = global_step if global_step is not None else tf.compat.v1.train.get_or_create_global_step()
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.collect_steps = collect_steps
        self.replay_max = int(collect_steps * 1.5)
        self.policy = self.agent.policy
        self.collect_policy = self.agent.collect_policy

        self.replay_buffer_signature = tensor_spec.add_outer_dim(

    def init_memory(self, table_name='uniform_table'):
        Initialize the replay memory using Reverb, setting up a replay table and dataset.

            table_name (str): Name of the replay table for Reverb.

            A dataset and an iterator for sampling replay data.
        self.table = reverb.Table(
        self.reverb_server = reverb.Server([self.table])
        self.replay_buffer = reverb_replay_buffer.ReverbReplayBuffer(

        self.rb_observer = reverb_utils.ReverbAddTrajectoryObserver(self.replay_buffer.py_client, table_name, sequence_length=2)
        self.dataset = self.replay_buffer.as_dataset(
        return self.dataset, iter(self.dataset)

    def clear_model_directories(self, directories=[MODELS_PATH, LOGS_PATH]):
        Clear model directories by deleting all files and directories except zipped files.

            directories (list): List of directories to be cleared.
            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directories, topdown=False):
                for name in files:
                    file_path = os.path.join(root, name)
                    if not file_path.endswith('.zip'):
                for name in dirs:
                    dir_path = os.path.join(root, name)
            print(f"Cleared all temporary files and directories in {directories}")
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error clearing directories: {e}")

    def get_q_values(self, time_step):
        Get the Q-values and target Q-values from the DDQN networks at the given time step.

            time_step: The time step for which Q-values need to be calculated.

            Tuple of numpy arrays representing the online and target Q-values.
        batched_time_step = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda t: tf.expand_dims(t, 0), time_step)
        q_values, _ = self.agent._q_network(batched_time_step.observation, batched_time_step.step_type)
        best_action = tf.argmax(q_values, axis=-1)
        target_q_values, _ = self.agent._target_q_network(batched_time_step.observation, batched_time_step.step_type)
        target_q_values = tf.gather(target_q_values, best_action, axis=-1, batch_dims=1)
        return q_values.numpy(), target_q_values.numpy()

    def train(self,
        Train the DDQN agent with the specified hyperparameters.

            checkpoint_path (str): Path for saving checkpoints.
            initial_epsilon (float): Initial epsilon value for epsilon-greedy policy.
            final_epsilon (float): Final epsilon value for epsilon-greedy policy.
            decay_steps (int): Steps for epsilon decay.
            strategy: Distributed strategy for parallel execution.
            only_purge_buffer (bool): Flag to only purge buffer and not train.

            Tuple of rewards, losses, Q-values, and target Q-values collected during training.
        train_checkpointer = None
        if checkpoint_path is not None:
            checkpoint_dir = os.path.join(checkpoint_path, 'checkpoint')
            train_checkpointer = common.Checkpointer(
            print(f'Checkpoint restored: Step {self.global_step.numpy()}')
            root_dir = os.path.join(checkpoint_path, 'learner')
            temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
            root_dir =
        agent_learner = learner.Learner(
            experience_dataset_fn=lambda: self.dataset,
            checkpoint_interval=self.eval_interval if self.eval_interval is not None else 1000,
            summary_interval=self.log_interval if self.log_interval is not None else 1000,
            summary_root_dir=LOGS_PATH if self.log_interval is not None else None
        collect_driver = py_driver.PyDriver(
            py_tf_eager_policy.PyTFEagerPolicy(self.collect_policy, use_tf_function=True),
        losses, rewards, q_values_list, target_q_values_list = [], [], [], []
        time_step = self.py_env.reset()
        print(f"Training from step: {self.global_step.numpy()} to step: {self.episodes}")

        while self.global_step.numpy() < self.episodes:
            time_step = self.py_env.reset() if time_step.is_last() else time_step
            time_step, _ =
            # Anneal the agents epsilon.
            self.collect_policy._epsilon = (
                final_epsilon + (initial_epsilon - final_epsilon) * tf.math.exp(-1.0 * tf.cast(self.global_step.numpy(), tf.float32) / decay_steps)

            if self.log_interval and self.global_step.numpy() % self.log_interval == 0:
                print(f'Step = {self.global_step.numpy()} of {self.episodes}: Loss = {agent_learner.loss().loss.numpy()}')
                q_values, t_q_values = self.get_q_values(time_step)

            if (self.eval_interval and
                    (self.global_step.numpy() % self.eval_interval == 0
                        or self.global_step.numpy() == self.episodes - 1)):
                total_rewards, avg_rewards = self.eval_metrics(strategy)
                print(f'Step = {self.global_step.numpy()} | Avg Reward = {np.mean(avg_rewards)} | Total = {total_rewards[-1]}')
                if train_checkpointer is not None:
        if checkpoint_path is not None:
            policy_dir = os.path.join(checkpoint_path, 'policy')
            except Exception as e:
                print(f"Error saving policy, using checkpoint instead: {e}")
            print("Training complete and policy saved.")
            print("Temp Training files cleared.")

        return rewards, losses, q_values_list, target_q_values_list

    def eval_metrics(self, strategy):
        Evaluate the trained agent using the evaluation environment.

            strategy: Distributed strategy for parallel execution.

            Tuple of total episode returns and average episode rewards.
        assert self.policy is not None, f"No policy, you need to train first."
        total_returns_list, episode_avg_rewards_list = [], []

        with strategy.scope():
            time_step = self.eval_env.reset()
            episode_rewards = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32, size=0, dynamic_size=True)
            i = 0
            while not time_step.is_last():
                action_step = self.policy.action(time_step)
                time_step = self.eval_env.step(action_step.action)
                episode_rewards = episode_rewards.write(i, time_step.reward)
                i += 1

            episode_rewards = episode_rewards.stack()
            total_episode_return = tf.reduce_sum(episode_rewards)
            episode_avg_return = tf.reduce_mean(episode_rewards)


        return np.array(total_returns_list), np.array(episode_avg_rewards_list)

    def zip_directories(self, directories=MODELS_PATH, output_filename=f'{MODELS_PATH}/model_files'):
        Archive the specified directories into a zip file.

            directories (str): Directory to be archived.
            output_filename (str): Name of the output archive file.
        archive_path = shutil.make_archive(output_filename, 'zip', root_dir='.', base_dir=directories)
        print(f"Archived {directories} into {archive_path}")

    def load_and_eval_policy(self, policy_path):
        Load and evaluate a saved policy from the specified path.

            policy_path (str): Directory path of the saved policy.

            Tuple of the loaded policy, total rewards, and average return.
        policy_dir = os.path.join(policy_path, 'policy')
            self.policy = tf.saved_model.load(policy_dir)
        except Exception as e:
            checkpoint_dir = os.path.join(policy_path, 'checkpoint')
            train_checkpointer = common.Checkpointer(
            status = train_checkpointer.initialize_or_restore()
            print(f'Checkpoint restored: {status}')
        total_rewards, avg_return = self.eval_metrics(strategy)
        print(f'Average Return = {np.mean(avg_return)}, Total Return = {np.mean(total_rewards)}')

        return self.policy, total_rewards, avg_return

    def plot_performance(self, average_rewards, losses, q_values, target_q_values):
        Plot the performance metrics including rewards, losses, and Q-values over training iterations.

            average_rewards (list): Average rewards collected during training.
            losses (list): Loss values collected during training.
            q_values (list): Q-values collected during training.
            target_q_values (list): Target Q-values collected during training.
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(24, 6))
        episodes_index = np.arange(len(average_rewards)) * self.eval_interval
        q_values = np.array([np.mean(q_val) if q_val.ndim > 1 else q_val for q_val in q_values]).flatten()
        target_q_values = np.array([np.mean(tq_val) if tq_val.ndim > 1 else tq_val for tq_val in target_q_values]).flatten()

        axs[0].plot(episodes_index, average_rewards, label='Average Rewards', color="yellow")
        axs[0].legend(loc="upper right")
        axs[0].set_title('Average Rewards over Iterations')
        axs[1].plot(episodes_index, losses, label='Loss', color="red")
        axs[1].legend(loc="upper right")
        axs[1].set_title('Loss over Iterations')

        min_q_len = min(len(q_values), len(target_q_values))
        q_episodes_index = np.arange(min_q_len) * self.log_interval
        axs[2].plot(q_episodes_index, q_values[:min_q_len], label='Online Q-Values', color="green")
        axs[2].plot(q_episodes_index, target_q_values[:min_q_len], label='Target Q-Values', color="blue")
        axs[2].legend(loc="upper right")
        axs[2].set_title('Networks Q-Values over Iterations')
        fig.suptitle('DDQN Performance', fontsize=16)

        plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 1, 0.96])

    def plot_eval_trades(self, storage_dir=LOGS_PATH, file_name='backtest'):
        Plot the backtest results of the agent's trading performance.

            storage_dir (str): Directory path to save the backtest plot.
            file_name (str): Name of the file for the saved plot.

            The backtest plot, showing Buy/Sell signals, cumulative returns, and rewards.
        trades_df = self.py_eval_env.get_trade_data()
        assert len(trades_df) > 1, "No trades in evaluation environment. You need to call eval_metrics."

        print(f"Cumulative Ret from the strategy: {trades_df['cReturns'].iloc[-1]*100.:.02f}%")
        buy_signals = trades_df[trades_df['Action'] == ACT_LONG]
        sell_signals = trades_df[trades_df['Action'] == ACT_SHORT]

        _, axes = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(18, 11), gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': [4, 2, 2]})

        axes[0].plot(trades_df['Close'], label=f'Close', color='blue', alpha=0.6, linestyle='--')
        axes[0].scatter(buy_signals.index, buy_signals['Close'], color='green', marker='^', label='Buy')
        axes[0].scatter(sell_signals.index, sell_signals['Close'], color='red', marker='v', label='Sell')
        axes[1].plot(trades_df['cReturns'], label='Cumulative rets', color='purple')
        axes[1].set_title('Cumulative rets')
        axes[1].set_ylabel('Cumulative rets')
        axes[2].plot(trades_df['Reward'], label='Rewards', color='green')
        axes[2].set_title('Rewards or Penalties')
        axes[2].set_ylabel('Rewards or Penalties')
            if not os.path.exists(storage_dir):
            file_path = os.path.join(storage_dir, f'{file_name}.png')
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Couldn't save plot {e}")        

Run it:

sim = TradingSimulator(
rewards, losses, q_values, target_q_values = sim.train(strategy=strategy)

sim.plot_performance(rewards, losses, q_values, target_q_values)        

which will populate all required metrics in our environment after ~5-10mins of training, and will plot the required charts. The chart below is from experiment 6, which yielded a poor sharpe ratio.

Looking at the plots, it is evident that several issues might have contributed to the negative Sharpe ratio:

  • In "Average Rewards" the reward decreases significantly after around 200 episodes, reaching a low point close to -1. This sharp decline suggests that the agent is not consistently learning beneficial actions. The dramatic drop indicates that the policy might be overfitting or failing to generalize across different states. The reward structure might not incentivize the correct behavior, or the learning rate could be too high, causing instability.

  • In "Loss over Iterations" the increase in loss at certain points might suggest the agent is struggling to converge on an optimal policy. This instability in the loss could point to issues such as an improper discount factor, learning rate, or insufficient exploration.

  • The "Networks Q-Values over Iterations" shows that both online and target Q-values fluctuate significantly. Ideally, the online Q-values should track the target Q-values more smoothly. This kind of fluctuation suggests that the Q-value estimates are unstable, which can lead to poor action selection by the agent. Possible reasons could include:The target network not updating frequently enough.

You'll understand more in the following Experiments sections.

A note on the paper's code, the researchers use a 'trick' to aid the networks to converge faster - this is they return both the action and the states, and, the inverse of the action and the states. They can do this because the agent we both are building really cares about long and short positions.

Given we are using the TF-Agents framework to allow us to focus more on the network, algo, and features - we miss this opportunity as the Learner class abstracts the access to the networks, therefore only the returned state (and not inverse states) are use to train the networks.

next we get the portfolio metrics:

def get_trade_metrics(df, risk_free_rate=RISK_FREE_RATE, market_index=None):
    Calculate various performance metrics for the trading strategy based on the given trade data.

        df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing trading data with at least 'Returns' and 'Position' columns.
        risk_free_rate (float): Risk-free rate used for Sharpe and Sortino ratios.
        market_index (pd.DataFrame, optional): Market index DataFrame to calculate Beta, with a 'Close' column.

        pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame with calculated metrics including:
            - Cumulative Returns
            - Annualized Returns
            - Maximum Return
            - Maximum Loss
            - Variance
            - Standard Deviation
            - Maximum Drawdown
            - Drawdown Length
            - Sharpe Ratio
            - Sortino Ratio
            - Number of Trades
            - Trades per Interval
            - Number of Intervals
            - Returns Skewness
            - Returns Kurtosis
            - Beta
            - Information Ratio
            - Trade Churn
            - Profitability Ratio [%]
    def calc_annualized_sharpe(rets, risk_free_rate=RISK_FREE_RATE):
        mean_rets = rets.mean()
        std_rets = rets.std()
        sharpe_ratio = 0.
        if std_rets != 0:
            sharpe_ratio = (mean_rets - (risk_free_rate / TRADING_DAYS_YEAR)) / std_rets
            sharpe_ratio *= np.sqrt(TRADING_DAYS_YEAR)
        return sharpe_ratio

    def calc_annualized_sortino(returns, risk_free_rate):
        downside_risk = np.sqrt(((returns[returns < 0])**2).mean()) * np.sqrt(TRADING_DAYS_YEAR)
        return (returns.mean() * TRADING_DAYS_YEAR - risk_free_rate) / downside_risk

    variance = df['Returns'].var()
    sharpe = calc_annualized_sharpe(df['Returns'],  risk_free_rate=risk_free_rate)
    sortino = calc_annualized_sortino(df['Returns'],  risk_free_rate=risk_free_rate)

    df['Drawdown'] = (1 + df['Returns']).cumprod().div((1 + df['Returns']).cumprod().cummax()) - 1
    max_drawdown = df['Drawdown'].min()
    drawdown_length = (df['Drawdown'] < 0).astype(int).groupby(df['Drawdown'].eq(0).cumsum()).cumsum().max()

    trades = (df['Position'].diff().ne(0) & df['Position'].ne(0)).sum()

    beta = None
    if market_index is not None:
        market_index['Returns'] = pd.to_numeric(market_index['Close'].pct_change().fillna(0), errors='coerce').fillna(0)
        y = pd.to_numeric(df['Returns'], errors='coerce').fillna(0)
        X = add_constant(market_index['Returns'].reset_index(drop=True))
        y = y.iloc[:len(X)].reset_index(drop=True)
        X = X.iloc[:len(y)].reset_index(drop=True)
        model = OLS(y, X).fit()
        beta = model.params[1]

    active_return = df['Returns'] - (risk_free_rate / TRADING_DAYS_YEAR)
    tracking_error = active_return.std()
    information_ratio = (active_return.mean() / tracking_error) * np.sqrt(TRADING_DAYS_YEAR)
    trade_churn = trades / len(df)
    cumulative_return = (np.cumprod(1 + df['Returns']) - 1).iloc[-1] if not df['Returns'].empty else 0
    annualized_return = (1 + cumulative_return)**(TRADING_DAYS_YEAR / len(df)) - 1 if len(df) > 0 else 0
    winning_trades = df[df['Returns'] > 0]['Returns']
    profitability_ratio = (winning_trades.sum() / len(df)) * 100

    stats_df = pd.DataFrame({
        "Cumulative Returns": [cumulative_return],
        "Annualized Returns": [annualized_return],
        "Maximum Return": [df['Returns'].max()],
        "Maximum Loss": [df['Returns'].min()],
        "Variance": [variance],
        "Standard Deviation": [np.sqrt(variance)],
        "Maximum Drawdown": [max_drawdown],
        "Drawdown Length": [drawdown_length],
        "Sharpe Ratio": [sharpe],
        "Sortino Ratio": [sortino],
        "Number of Trades": [trades],
        "Trades per Interval": [trades / len(df)],
        "Number of Intervals": [len(df)],
        "Returns": [df['Returns'].to_numpy()],
        "Returns Skewness": [skew(df['Returns'].to_numpy())],
        "Returns Kurtosis": [kurtosis(df['Returns'].to_numpy())],
        "Beta": [beta],
        "Information Ratio": [information_ratio],
        "Trade Churn": [trade_churn],
        "Profitability Ratio [%]": [profitability_ratio],

    return stats_df

metrics = get_trade_metrics(test_env.get_trade_data(), market_index=tickers[MARKET])

And we plot the timeline to see what the agent did and when


Manual Policy Inference

Here we explore how to call the the policy network without the agent or environment, say you want to run you learned network.

We will get the last state space, which returned a short signal (you can visualize this on the plot above). We get the space, flatten it as this is how TF-Agents can access it, and then expand the dimensions to place it in a batch.

The batch is passed to the online network, which returns the Q-Values.

trade_data = test_env.get_trade_data()
print(trade_data[trade_data['Action'].isin([ACT_LONG, ACT_SHORT])]['Action'].tail(5))

last_trade_step = trade_data[trade_data['Action'].isin([ACT_LONG, ACT_SHORT])].iloc[-1].name
start_idx = max(0, last_trade_step - test_env.state_length + 1)
end_idx = last_trade_step + 1

last_trade_state = trade_data.iloc[start_idx:end_idx][test_env.features].values.flatten().astype(np.float32)
batched_observation = np.expand_dims(last_trade_state, axis=0)
q_values, _ = agent._q_network(batched_observation)

predicted_action = np.argmax(q_values, axis=1)[0]
print(f"Predicted Action: {predicted_action} => Returns: {trade_data.loc[last_trade_step, 'Returns']} and Rewards: {trade_data.loc[last_trade_step, 'Reward']}")
494    0
495    1
496    0
498    1
500    0
Name: Action, dtype: int64
tf.Tensor([[ 0.675662 -0.640489]], shape=(1, 2), dtype=float32)
Predicted Action: 0 => Returns: -0.001299471736657158 and Rewards: 0.14807098172760885        

in our case, the agent estimated that a short action would return the most value.

In this last experiment, it gave us negative returns but at a positive reward! This was the result of the Sharpe ratio as a reward signal.

Validation Runs

Given an RL algorithm is inherintly stochastic, we want to get an approximation with variance of its performance across all metrics.

def validate_agent(trading_simulator, test_env, strategy=None, num_runs=VALIDATION_ITERS, market_index=None):
    Validate the RL algorithm by running training and evaluation multiple times, and calculating trade metrics.

    - trading_simulator: Instance of the TradingSimulator class.
    - test_env: The environment used for evaluation after training.
    - strategy: TensorFlow strategy for distributed training, if applicable.
    - num_runs: Number of times to run the DDQN training and evaluation.
    - market_index: Market index data (e.g., S&P 500) to calculate beta and other metrics.

    - metrics_df: A DataFrame containing the mean and standard deviation of aggregated metrics and trading statistics.
    all_eval_rewards, all_eval_returns, all_trade_metrics = [], [], []

    for run in tqdm(range(num_runs), desc="Validating Algo..."):
        total_returns, avg_rewards = trading_simulator.eval_metrics(strategy)
        trade_data = test_env.get_trade_data()
        run_trade_metrics = get_trade_metrics(trade_data, market_index=market_index)
    core_metrics_summary = pd.DataFrame({
        'Metric': ['Eval Rewards', 'Eval Total Return'],
        'Mean': [np.mean(all_eval_rewards), np.mean(all_eval_returns)],
        '-/+ Std': [np.std(all_eval_rewards), np.std(all_eval_returns)]

    # Aggregate trading metrics across all runs
    trade_metrics_mean = pd.concat(all_trade_metrics, axis=1).mean(axis=1).to_frame('Mean')
    trade_metrics_std = pd.concat(all_trade_metrics, axis=1).std(axis=1).to_frame('-/+ Std')
    trade_metrics_summary = trade_metrics_mean.join(trade_metrics_std).reset_index().rename(columns={'index': 'Metric'})

    # Combine core metrics and trading metrics into final DataFrame
    combined_metrics = pd.concat([core_metrics_summary, trade_metrics_summary], ignore_index=True)

    return combined_metrics

Running this code (in experiment 6):

val_trading_simulator = TradingSimulator(train_env,
                                     log_interval=None,  # Silence these for validation.
                                     eval_interval=None, # We validate after the full training.
metrics_df = validate_agent(val_trading_simulator,

Results in these metrics:

Experiment 1 to 3: Returns as Reward

Our research question being: can we get superior performance with the TF-Agents framework and a well engineered setup?

To give us a sense of what it can do, we repeat the training and validation for each experiment below across 10+ iterations, to get statistically significant metrics. Below are all the outcomes of these experiments along with their standard deviations.

The paper's code is now 5 years old and written in a python 3.7 PyTorch. The validation loop ran for 4 hours on my NVidia GeForce RTX 3050. With TF-Agents, it converged faster at 3 hours, but the outcome were not the same.

In all sections below, you can see the result of the experiment, the TDQN (Trading DQN) benchmark from the paper, and a simple Buy-and-hold B&H benchmark.

Experiment 1 - Baseline

Our performance was not far from the paper's but we have large deviations from the mean. Sadly the paper does not publish their standard deviations or number of experiments.

Experiment 2: Technical Analysis (TA) Signals

Using the Pandas-TA library, we augment our timeseries with the following signals:

  • Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) is useful to confirm the presence of a trend. In addition, it can spot divergences from price, which can signal potential reversals. The MACD is created with a 12 day fast moving average (MA), a 26 day slow moving average (MA), and the signal which is a 9 day exponential moving average (EMA) of their differences.
  • Average true range (ATR) will signal the agent price swings and their magnitude, this would hint at the environment's volatility. It's built by decomposing a 14 day moving average of price extremes.

The results where the same as experiment 1, meaning these engineered features did not add value.

Experiment 3: Macro Signals

In this experiment, we will give the agent insight on its macro environment through the following timeseries:

  • VIX - the volatility and fear index for the current period.
  • 10 Year Treasury Note Yield - as a proxy to inflation.
  • S&P 500 - For the market risk factor.

The mean results were worse, though with more confidence (less variance).

Experiments 4 to 6: Sharpe as a Reward

We will rerun the same experiments using Sharpe as our reward signal, where our experiment 1 will be experiment 4, 2 will be 5 and 3 will be 6. Below are our results compared side-by-side

The results were poor, the Sharpe Ratio was not a good reward signal. Then again, designing a good reward function is one of the most challenging tasks in RL. The previous trading environment plot in the this article, gives some insight on why:

  • Even if the portfolio returns were low or slightly negative, if the volatility (standard deviation of returns) was also low, the Sharpe ratio could still remain positive or less negative than expected. Essentially, our agent is being rewarded for stabilizing performance and avoiding high-risk, high-volatility trades.

  • The cumulative returns plot might be lagging behind the improvements in the Sharpe ratio. If the agent is slowly improving its risk-adjusted returns, the rewards may start improving ahead of the returns, as the agent is reducing volatility first before consistently generating positive returns.

  • Some large positive rewards could reflect periods where the agent managed to achieve a high Sharpe ratio on smaller moves or within short time windows, even if those periods didn't significantly impact the cumulative returns.


In this article, we have adapted the Deep Q-Network (DDQN) algorithm from Théate, Thibaut, and Ernst, Damien (2021), utilizing our custom signals and TensorFlow's Agents framework.

Our agent is capable of determining optimal trading positions (buy, sell, or hold) and does well when tasked to maximize portfolio returns in a simulated environment. However, our overall results have not outperformed the papers. This is likely due to the researchers' fine-tuning of both the networks and the environment for their specific use case, whereas the TF-Agents framework we used abstracted many of the lower-level details necessary for such precise optimization. But also our reward functions (.failed at volatility Control and being profitable), training process (we saw had instability, and failure in convergence) - which should have not been the case with a DDQN! As this is an algo specifically designed to clear these RL pitfalls.

In general, simple is good, the researches kept things simple, while our DDQN and frameworks didn't outperform.

Reinforcement learning, in all its forms, represents a fascinating and versatile branch of AI. The Q-Learning algorithm employed here is one of the most widely-used approaches in the field, and while it shows potential for financial applications, achieving superior results requires meticulous tuning of hyperparameters, environment configurations, and reward structures to suit the particularities of different markets.



Article and code available on Github

Kaggle notebook available here

Google Collab available here


All media used (in the form of code or images) are either solely owned by me, acquired through licensing, or part of the Public Domain and granted use through Creative Commons License.

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Henry Kang

AI Scientist |Ph.D.| CTO | Technical advisor


How about the diffusion model? I think it can be good simulation for AI Quant back testing.

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