Deep Thoughts - A New Simple Vision of Atom -Part 2 - THE ATOM OF LIFE WITH INNER DYNAMIC SPACE
Deep Thoughts - A New Simple Vision of Atom - Part 2
In Part-1 we saw how a Quantum Particle, driven by PRINCIPLE and a non-equilibrium RATIO DESIGN, with 1/4th spin manifests matter or H-atom with ½ spin and how and why H-atoms form into molecules and even fuse to form a Helium Atoms See Fig. What drives the process is the Gravity and Time directed to Singularity Point or Center Point.
We also saw that the Helium atom fills the three-dimensional space and is a highly stable system in space capable of winding or unwinding on the Spin Axis. The Helium atoms are known as inert atoms. They have Spin 1. They do not form mechanical bonds easily. They only respond to heat-induced winding and unwinding.
Note - Three Dimensional Space constitutes 8 geodesic component spaces. See Fig. The Helium atom and charges within it, in its compressed state around its center point nearly fills the 8 geodesic components and forms an INNER SPACE
The helium atom is spun from four Quantum particles or Strings of various Strength. They compress to form Matter State and exist pulsating around a center point in a Space at the Center. See String Picture below.
Very Important Point - In the Quantum Matter State of Helium, because of the Non-Equilibrium Ratio Design, it develops a HOLE [Inner Space] in the center. The Spin axis of the atom passes through this Hole. The helium atoms wind and unwind in three steps on the Spin Axis passing through this Central Hole or Inner Space. Helium atoms are like a TORUS.
The Quantum Entangled Inert Atoms
Gravity is the Central force that binds. Gravity and Time direction mean everything directing to fuse into a Singularity. We saw that the Dominant Particle determines the overall spin of the atom. We can visualize two types of Helium atoms one with a Right Spin and the other with a Left Spin. We can also visualize a Molecule of Helium Atom bound by Weak Nuclear Force.
We may not be able to distinguish the right spin and left spinning helium atom. However, its signature exists in Life and as male and female pairs, positive and negative people, spin up and spin down, fire and water, sunny and rainy, Day and Night, and so on.
The two helium atoms are separate and yet are Quantum Entangled and Connected on the Horizontal axis see Fig. This connectivity can be explained by the Weak Nuclear Force acting through the center.
In normal, condition the Helium Atom, simply Quantum Dances in resonance with the environment in which it exists. When I say environment it includes the immediate and distant environment of the whole system of which it is a part. One has to recall the concept of everything being connected to one Center Point in Newtonian World View and also the God Perception in religions.
Important Point - One must recall here that in Newton’s and Einstein’s World View are built on Point Matter or Mass. Newtons’ First Law implies that everything is linked to a Center Point with immense mass/energy. The Center Point moves, and everything else moves around it in Resonance. The one closer to the center moves slowly and the one away from it moves faster.
In Newtonian Vision, the Center Point is a Point Mass or Atom or a Physical Entity, that exerts Gravity. This changed with Einstein and was replaced with the Quantum Particle of Light that is beyond Gravity. Thus, physicists ended up visualizing a SEED ATOM and SEED PARTICLE and Singularity in Balck Hole.
Physicists strive to see the Universe in an Atom. They have ended in GOD PARTICLE at the Center, that Dances, giving Energy and Mass to all other Particles and works eternally beating Gravity and Time or the Second Law of Thermodynamics. However, they still have not comprehended how the Quantum Particle Dances and sustains the Whole System eternally. They have failed to comprehend the Origin and eternal Existence of the Universe from SEED Atom and Particle from a Black Hole.
The Helium atom, much like a Particle can show Quantum Pulsating Existence, which involves Re-Organization from time to time. This Re-Orgnizaiton is centralized at a point in the Hole. This hole and its center are connected to the whole through the Weak Nuclear Force.
The Quantum Pulse is a four-step process that manifests as an action and reaction process that involves Re-Organization. This is explained in Part-1. Because of its importance let me copy and paste it here.
The Quantum Dance is a Four-Step process. The following figures speak it. The first figure is a Newtonian worldview where force is visualized to act in a straight line. The second is from Einstein’s curved vision. The reader should visualize or imagine it as compression and expansion in three-dimensional space – A PULSE
A Very Important Point to note is that the first two-part are driven by the instinct to seek equilibrium at the center. The Ratio-Design and Quantum Nature of Energy Transfer that Max Planck Introduced means the particle or system cannot stay at the center point but goes to the Third Critical Point. Here it breaks down and goes into a fourth Reorganization Phase. This leads to the Quantum Dance.
It means in the third phase, the particle inherently shows a resistance. However, the Quantum Nature of Energy Transfer breaks this resistance and takes it to the third Critical Point, where Re-Organization and Restoration Occur.
In a Particle, existing in three-dimensional space there is no resistance to the particle thus it Dances with Maximum Speed and moves in a Spiral manner to meet its Quantum Entangled Pair. The Physical World and its Gravity Gravity force do not affect it. Their collision forms the Matter or H-atom
However, in an atom, a level of resistance comes into effect. This explains two forms of mass, the INERTIAL and GRAVITATIONAL MASS of the Newtonian world.
In the Helium atom, charges fill the three-Dimensional space and there is Resistance to all three Dimensions. It has Spin 1. The helium atom responds only to Heat-Induced Winding and Unwinding. It means it responds only to the Fourth Dimension or Dimension of Time. The Dimension of Time passes through the Central Space. It can have two Possible Directions Spin UP or Spin Down.
Conscious and Intelligent Space
Everything in the Universe is connected and exists as One. A Helium atom Quantum Dances, in Resonance with Whole System [Universe] that is Pulsating. The Pulse begins with the Dominant Particle in the Dominant Hydrogen atom in the Helium Atom. This by Design Triggers the Dance in other particles forming the whole System. This is a process of Re-Organization against the external forces acting on it from the environment that could eventually be linked to TIME DIRECTION in the whole system.
The Inner Space of the Helium Atom can be visualized as the CONSCIOUS and INTELLIGENT SPACE. The dance begins with the dominant particle and spreads like a wave in the inner space of the system and Recotiates in the Inner Space. The energy is now leaked on the Spin Axis and spread to the OUTER SPACE [Environment]. It also comes out through the Horizontal Axis. The energy leaked on the Spin Axis forms the Gravity and Energy leaked on the Horizontal axis forms the weak Nuclear Force.
Since we have 4 particles in the Helium atom, we can visualize FOUR WAVES of ¼ spin it can be grouped into two atomic level waves of ½ spin. Together they form “Spin One wave”. These waves help the system find New Balance.
We must note that it involves two steps
1] Receiving the energy and Information from the external world of which it is Part.
2] Communication within the system Reorgnizaiton and processing of Information and Sending Information back to the World through the Spin Axis and Horizontal axis.
Four Levels of Action and Reaction in Helium Atom
Previously we saw four levels of Quantum Action and Reaction leading to Re-Organization in a Light particle
Helium Atom is part of the One Quantum Universe and the Nature that Quantum Dances. It has to Dance in Resonance with Nature and the Universe of which it is part.
When Helium Atom is stressed to the First Critical Point, it Quantum Dances. A wave is created within the two hydrogen atoms opening and communicating within the System and processing Information in the Inner Hole. A New Wave Generates and it Moves Out. The process helps the system Re-Organize in relation to the External Environment.
Two Spaces
We see here two spaces INNER and OUTER. The question is which is the Dominant, which acts first. Gaia Hypothesis says Life Molds the Environment. We will explore this aspect scientifically, philosophically, and Spiritually later.
The helium atom acts as a TORUS. Helium Atom opens up sucking energy [Infromation]. It also expels energy and information. Recall a Drill at work or Breathing process in Life. In short, it re-organizes internally against the Energy, Information, and forces acting and stressing it. It is aimed at RE-BALANCING the BALANCE against CHANGING TIME or Energy State of the environment of which it is part. We can visualize the first level of the Quantum Dance of Helium atoms as the BREATHING OF HELIUM ATOMS.
Every dance of Helium Atom is an Action and Reaction Process. It is associated with a loss of Energy and Information [The Second Law of Thermodynamics]. This loss is recorded and Stored in the Hole and its Axis. From Energy Point, it is Stored as Potential Energy. Which increases Gravity Force.
This leads to the SECOND CRITICAL POINT, where Parallel World or Right Winding and Left Winding Helium atoms within the vicinity to come together exchanging Energy and Information. A Spin Up and Spin Down helium atom fuse opens a central Core Axis, which sucks in energy to create mirror images of itself. Here we can visualize the Helium atom Creating New Helium Atoms in its Core out of the Energy it sucks from the environment. We can find a Parallel to it in Mitotic Division and Creation of New Cells out of the Old
The Third Critical Point
What we discussed above are DEEP THOUGHTS that the reader should show some patience to comprehend.
There is Third Step to it. The system that Pulsates and Divides creating its mirror images continues to lose some energy in the Horizontal Plane that connects it with its Parallel World Reality [male and femle] and the Axis between it. The lost energy gets stored as the Dark Mass and Dark Energy in the Whole System. It cannot be seen but it influences the Gravity. A GRAVITATIONAL COLLAPSE to SINGULARITY POINT in BLACK HOLE becomes inevitable to the system. They Same becomes applicable to Universe with Parallel World Reality, see the Previous figure.
The Quantum Dance of Right winding or Spinning Helium Atom is Quantum entangled with Left Spinning Helium atom on the Horizontal Level. Assuming, Quantum Nature of Action and Reaction, taking into consideration the Second Law of Thermodynamics and Time Direction, we can perceive. Qualitative Change in the individual and the whole system of which it is part. The energy lost is locked in the Central axis in the Middle.
The qualitative change of the whole system is best understood from the life Cycle. It is also reflected in the Universal Time Cycle best described in Indian Spiritual Philosophy as the “Yuga Cycle”.
Comprehending the Gravitational Collapse Into Singularity Point in a Black Hole and its Origin from it to exist eternally in Cycles of Time is the One of the GREATEST PARADOX that the Modern 20th Century Scientific World is facing.
In Short, Comprehending the BIG BANG ORIGIN and its eternal existence has become Critical for Physicists. They Reach a Dead End in Black Hole. Black Hole is known to break Space-Time, Matter and Even Energy, leaving the Question “WHAT BANGED at BIG BANG ?”.
Note - We did explain the other Great Paradox of Science, that is Wave-Particle Duality in Part -1 of this series.
Big Bang Paradox – A New Vision of a Conscious Universe
Max Planck’s Work speaks of UNIQUE ENERGY IDENTITY to particles, atoms, and systems in Nature. Einstein’s works Show UNIQUE SPACE-TIME IDENTITY to an OBSERVER.
These two intellectual giants of the last century, unable to comprehend the Simple Truth of Nature, ended up bringing Life Mind, and God back to Science. Max Planck said, “A Conscious and Intelligent Mind is the Matrix of Matter”. Einstein went on to say “I want to know God’s Mind [thoughts] – The Rest are Details”.
Fallowing them, ATOMIC PHYSICIST discovered a GOD PARTICLE at the Center of an Atom that gives mass and energy or Life to atoms and sustains them eternally from within.
Physicists have claimed to have deciphered the God Particle. But they still fall short of knowing the Secret of the Universe. They fail to answer
1] Why a Quantum Particle Dances and How it manifests matter and Life.
2] How Atom Exists eternally without collapsing to the center. In other words how it beats the Second law of Thermodynamics.
3] Their Quest leads them to Black Hole, Singularity, and Origin from SEED ATOM and SEED PARTICLE. They have failed to perceive this Origin. They also have failed to Perceive Creativity and Creation from Black Hole and Singularity Point.
Though both Max Planck and Einstein brought attention to Life, Consciousness, and Mind, physicists have failed to look deep into Nature and Life. They engage themselves behind the blackboards, trying to equate, balance, and bottle Nature into certain mathematical balanced equations.
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Consciousness and Intelligence is a words that existed before modern science/physics came into existence. Initially, physicists kept these words as anathema to the scientific world. However, following Max Planck and Einstein, Consciousness and Intelligence have become the most important field of Research.
Much of the west thinks Consciousness is related to the mind. This is a false thought. Consciousness is more deeply rooted. It exists in the Realm of the Heart and the Space behind it. The Internal Space is the Conscious and Intelligent Space. It is the Creative Space. The Creation Comes forth from it.
Modern Physcsist who seek to see the Universe in an Atom, miserably fail to comprehend Consciousness, Intelligence, and Creativity from the atomic level.
Creativity in Atoms – The Conscious and Intelligent Space
The Seed of Life and the Balance With 8 PANS
1] Scientific philosophy, speaks of CENTER POINT to the Universe, around which all points and the system exists. The CENTER POINT pulsates and moves, so all the points around it move in RESONANCE. Newton visualized an Atom or the smallest physical matter with a Huge Mass at the CENTER, which has the property of Gravity. When it came to Einstein the Center Point became a Photon Particle or Light Particle, that Dances and Radiates Energy. Light is beyond Gravity and has no mass.
2] GRAVITY is Fundamental. Everything by instinct strives to fuse to a Center Point and Find Equilibrium. Equilibrium Is Death and it is Denied by Design. What exists is Near Equilibrium States.
3] A space develops within when two Hydrogen atoms Fuse to form a Helium atom. The helium atom has the maximum stability in three dimensional-space. It has amenable to heat-induced Winding and Unwinding. Its stability can be destroyed by heating or Cooling. Its center exists in the Hole, through which Time Axis Runs. Time Axis is the Spin Axis.
4] Gravity as the Fundmanral Force can only have One Spin direction, Right or Left, winding not both. We can visualize two Types of Helium Atoms one with Spin Up and another with Spin Down. We are visualizing a paired system that is INHERENTLY DESIGNED to resist both Winding and Unwinding stress up to a limit.
5] We noted that there is a Quest to seek equilibrium directed to the Center but it is DENIED BY DESIGN and QUANTUM NATURE OF ENERGY OR FORCE TRANSFER. Our Universe is a Quantum. There is BASIC PRINCIPLE and HOLOGRAPHIC DESIGN, it applies to the Particle, Atom, systems, and the whole Universe. Which means from Particle to the Whole Universe Quantum Dances.
6] Very Important Point - The concept of Time is of Great Debate. In science, Time has two possible directions, one directed to disorder and the other directed to order. When the Second Law of Thermodynamics is applied to a living system and the material system shows this opposition. The Second Law of Thermodynamics applied to Life is directed to Increasing Order and the same law applied material world directs to Increasing Disorder.
It is important to note here that, physics has two branches Linear Science and Non-Linear Science. The non-linear science best describes life, a community of Life, Nature, Climate, markets, and so on. Linear science comes from intellectuals' obsession with SYMMETRY and geometry. All development in science increasingly Points to Non-Linearity and Living Perception. If you stand back and Think and Observe, we note that there is nothing called a straight line, a perfect cycle. Triangle so on.
Time can be Equated to Energy. Energy is exchanged in Quantum Manner, this leads to Quantum Dance and Reorganization when the system is pushed to some Critical limits on the Inside and Outside.
5] We saw in Part-1 Quantum Dance in Light particle with 1/4th spin. The dance is directed not only to its center but is relative to its Quantum Entangled Pair. The matter [ H-atom] forms from the union with Quantum entangled Pair. H-atom is Centralized with ½ spin and is Quantum Entangled with Pair, with which its form a Molecules of Atom and can fuse to form Helium Atom. The particle and the atom relate to its Quantum Enatagled Pair through its center on the Horizontal Plane.
6] In a Helium atom the center point is CENTRALIZED in a HOLE that it Develops by Design. It has Spin 1, with right and left options. The Right and Left wound Helium Atoms are Quantum Entangled. The Helium Atom Quantum Dances or Pulsates Around Central Hole. Quantum Dance of Helium is centralized in a Hole or Space, which is Conscious of even minute winding and Unwinding Force being exerted on it from the External Space. It is aware of Time, its direction, and Changes in it.
The Creative aspects of Helium Atom
Creativity and Evolution is a Critical aspects of Life and Nature. Creativity speaks Consciousness and Intelligence at work. Yet these are the least attended aspects of Science. Physicists seek everything at the atomic level. This means we need to know Creativity, Creation, Birth, Death, Consciousness, and intelligence from the Atomic level. We explore this aspect here.
The non-equilibrium Ratio Design means there is no ABSOLUTE EQUILIBRIUM. However, there is a Near Equilibrium State in which the system strives to exist but cannot because of the Quantum Nature of Energy Transfer.
Important Point - We noted that In the four-step Quantum Dance, beyond the Second Critical Point, there is a RESISTIVE PHASE. Helium atom can Show Creativity in this phase to survive the force acting on it taking it away from Near Equilibrium State to collapse and Re-Organization.
When the helium atom is stressed the two Hydrogen Atoms forming the Helium unwind. Near or at the Second Critical Point, the Helium atom can show Creativity to survive against a force acting on it disrupting its Near Equilibrium State. It can add non – Inert matter to it to resist the force acting on the Inner Hole of the System See Fig.
A helium atom surviving around the Second Critical Point by adding on non-inert atoms is like a Trader Balancing the Balance before Weighing. The only difference is that the Balance has 8 Pans.
The NUMBER 8 comes when we consider the Quantum Entangled Pair for Helium atoms. This re-balancing is a continuous activity because Time Never Stops. Time is Energy and the energy of the system keeps Changing. This aspect of Time we will discuss later in a New Article.
The Universe, the Earth, and Nature is Pulsating and it has Time Direction. Everything else has to Resonate with it. One can comprehend this fact from the common-sense reality that every atom, every living system responds to heat-induced Changes.
When you stand to observe, Day and Night Cycle and Climatic Cycle, we note some Desing Fact that makes the Earth a Conscious and Intelligent Force, which can turn the heating phase into the cooling phase and vice-versa. Climate Change is the most evident Heating and Cooling Cycle. The Climatic Change that helps to keep the Temperature and Heat of the System within some limit becomes Critical for the Biosphere. This problem we all know has aggravated to the critical limit as GLOBAL WARMING and CLIMATE CHANGE threatening the existence of the Bio-Sphere, that includes we, Humans. I have written about it in my blog. Link -
We must note that external force manifests as Winding One; Right or Left. One can visualize two types of helium atoms one Right Winding and the other Left Winding. When a Right winding Helium Atom has stressed it develops 2 pairs of Add On’s to Resist and balance the system, in the PARALLEL WORLD another left-winding Helium develop 2 pairs of Add On’s. Here we see the SEED of LIFE and the DNA formation and the beginning of the LIVING KINGDOM, the Existence of Male and Female [Parallel Worlds]
IMPORTANT NOTE – Parallel World is a Reality. Physicists have discovered it in the last quarter of the last century. What they fail to Comprehend is the Singularity Phase. Today physicists say we are in a Black Hole and they perceive that this Black Hole is tending to Great Disorder and destruction in Singularity. They see Darkness and Death at the end of their Quest for the Truth of Life, Nature, and the Universe. They are failing to see the WHITE HOLE and the LIFEPATH. In short, Physicists fail to perceive TIME CONQUERING and TIME INITIALIZATION in the Universal System.
Noble Laureate and the Father of Gaia Hypothesis perceived 5/6th of human population and Biosphere Dying out by 2100 because of increasing heat in the environment. Acknowledged Physicist Late Prof. Stephen Hawking, called out to Desert Earth and Populate Other Planets. Physicists see Dead End to Physics and Climatologists see huge Catastrophes and possible destruction and Misery to Humanity.
All Great Intellectuals, scientific and otherwise have called to look deep into Nature and Life. In short, they have called to look to the Mind, and its thinking and go beyond it to know Truth. Max Planck thus culminated in saying “Conscious and intelligent Mind is Matrix of Matter” and Einstein called out to Seek God and Know His mind. Voltaire said, “If there is no God we should Invent One”.
The New World View – The Living Vision
The Newtonian worldview is based on the matter that has mass. It is based on Point Matter [Atoms] or Physical Reality. When Einstein emerged world view shifted from the physical to Spiritual or Energetic. Einstein first Showed that there is a Spiritual Backbone to the atom and the Physical Reality we see. When he developed His relativistic World View and Gravity Theory, it became inevitable we know the CENTER POINT. The Center Point now became Photon and Light Particle that Quantum Dances giving out energy. The extension of his Theory led to what is called Black Hole, Singularity, and Big Bang Origin from a SEED ATOM and SEED PARTICLE.
A Quantum Pulsating Universe, that is influenced by Time, Creativity, and Add On’s can resist the force pushing the system away from Equilibrium. But it cannot Stop the Time. The Quantum Nature of Energy Transfer the Quantum Dance becomes critical. Thus, understanding Time and Time Reversal Becomes Critical. It becomes critical both from the Eastern living Vision of the Universe and the Western Material Vision.
IMPORTANT POINT - Birth and Death are inevitable to everything. How Death gives way to Birth and How Birth gives way to Life becomes the Fundamental Question of Science, Philosophers, and Scientists.
The World View of the West that is Material Centered ends in Blackhole and Singularity and Death, with NO CAUSE for the existence of the Universe. This is an absurd end to the scientific Quest. In contrast, the Living Vision of the East gives hope.
Living systems have the Capacity to Survive Time and Death. They survive Time and Death before the death occurs through a process of Reproduction, where consciousness, intelligence, and Information plays an important role.
We saw the Helium Atom as the SEED of LIFE. Every pulse of this atom is associated with some loss of energy. The lost energy is trapped in the HOLE of the helium atom and exists as MEMORY.
The energy in the Hole of Helium Atom or Seed of Life is held as Potential Energy. It is the foundation of Dark Energy and Dark Matter concepts that exist beyond the Comprehension of Physicists. It Influences Gravity, which means it directs to bringing together the Helium Atom.
The Hole in the Inert Helium Atom can be visualized as CONSCIOUS and INTELLIGENT SPACE. It is the Creative Force. It is the Space in which all MEMORY and INFORMATION IS STORED. For a living species, there are Two Such Spaces. One is Male and the other Female [Parallel World]. These spaces are attracted in the Horizontal Plane and they strive to Fuse. In short Male and Females thus are Quantum Entangled and they get attracted to each other and programmed to survive Time and Death, by conceiving and Birthing New World.
The Meiotic Division of the Information and its Union forms a New Set of Information in the womb. This information then unfolds as a Template to Create mirror images and differentiate the Whole Organism, which in time breaks the Womb to start a New Life.
A living system is conscious and intelligent. It shows Creativity and has the Capacity to survive Gravity, Time, and Death. An important observation about the Living system is that it grows against gravity. All physicists need to do to know this truth is to open the windows of the lab and look at the grass grow. The Second Law of Thermodynamics applied to the living system and material system shows this opposition. The material world tends to GREAT DISORDER in time, but Life tends to GREAT ORDER.
The Earth that inhabits life seems to take a central position, not a geometrical center but an off-centered center just like the Heart of a living being. Every Living system from a single-celled organism to the complex living system such as mammals, instinctively oppose Gravity and Time directed to Collapse to a Singularity Point. The only exception we can think of is ADULT HUMAN BEINGS.
The adult Human being lives a mind-centered Life. He exists disconnected from his Consciousness, intelligence, and Life Force within. He leads a life that is aligned with the material world and its force. This means Comprehending the Origin of the Black Hole and the Singularity point becomes inevitable.
No wonder, Max Planck and Einstein brought back Mind and God-Mind to Physics. The scenario calls us to introspect on our mind and its thoughts and looks for Supreme Mind that is not self and material centered and thus can resist the Gravitational Collapse and TRANSFORM GRAVITY and TIME Force-directed to SINGULARITY and DEATH into LIFE. In short, we need to Comprehend a SUPREME HUMAN or GOD at the CENTER, Creating and Sustaining the system eternally. In Him, we must SEEK the SEED ATOM and SEED PARTICLE.
I an atheist in search of Truth by Grace happened to meet such a person in Jesus Christ. Consciousness, Intelligence, and Information from two parallel worlds came together in Jesus as a UNIQUE EVENT. When in full awareness Jesus became Sacrifice He Unfolded Creator Consciousness, Intelligence, and information as New Template for Creation and Restoration with free will to all souls–The rest is details
There is nothing in physics that denies a huge amount of energy being Compacted into an Atom and Particle. Max Planck’s works show UNIQUE ENERGY IDENTITY to particle, atom, and system. Einstein’s Work shows UNIQUE SPACE-TIME IDENTITY to an OBSERVER.
This calls us to comprehend why an Adult Human Mind becomes disconnected from the Consciousness, Intelligence, and Life Force within and becomes material-centered. In what way Humans are different from single-celled organisms, plants animals.
As it stands Physicist would seek an explanation for it from Atomic Level. This is explored in the link below. I hope to write it briefly in the Part-3 and 4
A humble appeal
I am not a Physcssit or Mathematician, but I have pursued the Fundamental Questions in a Quest to Understand Nature, Life, and God. In a world where people go behind money and material gains, I went behind Knowledge and Wisdom. What you read came from 40 years of sacrificial life, staying with my consciousness and yielding to the call from within.
The DEEP THOUGHTS shared, need the participation of the young minds from Temples of Science and Spirituality before it synchronizes and reveals the Great Knowledge that we lost.
I took to research from consciousness hoping to contribute something to Humanity. After seven years of hard work, I had to walk out of my research career to stay with my consciousness, instead of surrendering it to evil minds.
Much of these DEEP Thoughts were done as a freelancer, fulfilling my responsibility to my parents, developing the family agricultural land, and taking responsibility for a combined family from an interior village.
It is a thankless world where evil, hypocrites thrive. I am past sixty, virtually flushed out as an idiot who gave up a lucrative career, no more useful and unfit. I live in a rented house, with an uncertain future. I am not sure how long I can Pursue my struggle to awaken the World.
There is no regret in walking the Conscious path, no pain of being looked down on as a failure in life and left out. However, I do have immense pain, thinking of 40 years of my work, which I feel has immense importance, finding no attention and not coming to help humanity to evolve to survive the disasters coming.
Earth and our future are at a critical point. Science and religions have to evolve and unite to survive. I appeal to all readers, at this critical point to help me spread these DEEP THOUGHTS such that one can awaken the world, especially the intellectuals working in Temples of Science, Religions, and the Political Realm.
I have limitations to use modern-day media technologies or buying them to reach the world. I need help. I seek it in the greater interest of Humanity and Earth.
Please read and forward.
Thanking You