Delete Starting Even Numbers || Python || challenge
Let’s try a tricky challenge involving removing elements from a list. This function will repeatedly remove the first element of a list until it finds an odd number or runs out of elements. It will accept a list of numbers as an input parameter and return the modified list where any even numbers at the beginning of the list are removed. To do this, we will need the following steps:
The challenge:
Write a function called delete_starting_evens() that has a parameter named lst.
The function should remove elements from the front of lst until the front of the list is not even. The function should then return lst.
For example if lst started as [4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15], then delete_starting_evens(lst) should return [11, 12, 15].
Make sure your function works even if every element in the list is even!
The solution:
[11, 12, 15]